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The Juggler Method
Seduction Manual
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The Juggler Method
Conversational Jujitsu
Table of Index
1 Juggler’s Method.................................................. 3
1.1 Juggler’s 90 – 10 Rule........................................ 4
1.2 Structure..................................................... 5
1.3 SOI, State Change & Extraction................................ 6
1.4 Using SOI..................................................... 8
1.5 Before Extraction............................................. 9
1.6 Being High Maintenance....................................... 10
1.7 Eliciting values vs. 'I am the prize'........................ 11
1.8 Street Approaches............................................ 13
1.9 Seducer ON/OFF............................................... 13
2 Routines......................................................... 14
2.1 Movie Rating................................................. 14
2.2 Girlfriend Test.............................................. 15
3 Groups........................................................... 17
3.1 Group Theory................................................. 17
3.2 Pulling 1 Girl away from a Group of Girls.................... 19
3.3 Disarming Male Obstacles..................................... 20
3.4 Handling Situations.......................................... 20
3.5 Mixed Groups................................................. 20
3.6 Locking in your Target....................................... 21
3.7 Understand the group approach................................ 22
3.8 Entertaining a group......................................... 23
3.9 Miscellaneous Points......................................... 24
4 Conversational Jujitsu........................................... 24
4.1 Story Telling................................................ 24
4.1.1 Purpose of Story......................................... 26
4.1.2 Sample Edit.............................................. 26
4.2 Questions vs. Statements..................................... 27
4.3 Become a Better Talker....................................... 30
4.4 What to Say vs. How to Say................................... 31
4.4.1 Keeping a straight face.................................. 32
4.5 The dreaded ‘I don’t know’................................... 32
4.6 Rapport...................................................... 33
4.6.1 Rapport Building......................................... 34
4.7 Always Trade................................................. 35
4.8 Turning the Tables........................................... 36
4.9 Communicating that you are Qualifying them................... 38
4.10 Put a price on yourself.................................... 39
4.11 Hooks and Pauses........................................... 40
4.12 About Ejecting............................................. 42
4.13 Forcing IOIs............................................... 42
4.14 Don’t Fluff................................................ 43
4.15 Comebacks.................................................. 43
4.16 Silencing strong opinions/beliefs/feelings etc............. 44
4.17 On Transitioning between topics............................ 45
4.18 Do not ask open ended questions............................ 45
4.19 Handling Compliments....................................... 46
4.20 The Last Words on Compliments.............................. 47
4.21 Conversation Examples...................................... 48
4.21.1 Study Group............................................ 48
4.21.2 Take time and talk about yourself...................... 48
4.21.3 Compliment Openers..................................... 49
4.21.4 How are you 1.......................................... 49
4.21.5 How are you 2.......................................... 49
4.21.6 How are you 3.......................................... 50
4.21.7 Opinion Opener......................................... 50
Seduction Manual
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Compiled By The Guru
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The Juggler Method
Conversational Jujitsu
4.21.8 Eliciting Values....................................... 50
5 Phone Guidelines................................................. 51
5.1 Phone Techniques............................................. 53
5.1.1 Forgotten Name........................................... 53
5.1.2 Phone Technique.......................................... 53
5.1.3 Cell phone interruptions, how to handle.................. 54
5.1.4 Caller ID Block.......................................... 54
5.1.5 Handling busy responses.................................. 54
5.1.6 Phone Sarging Advice..................................... 55
5.1.7 Do not mention the bad number............................ 56
5.1.8 Responses to Cancelled Dates............................. 56
6 Miscellaneous.................................................... 56
6.1 Cold Approach................................................ 56
6.2 Unemotional vs. Emotional Revisited.......................... 57
6.3 Aggression and non verbal communication...................... 59
6.4 Body Language................................................ 59
6.5 Balance of Power............................................. 60
6.6 About Lying.................................................. 62
6.7 Overcoming the ‘Age Difference’ problem...................... 63
6.8 Make yourself needed......................................... 64
6.9 Serious vs. Funny............................................ 65
6.10 Talking about yourself..................................... 65
6.11 Confront him about his bad behavior........................ 66
6.12 Showing anger to woman..................................... 66
6.13 Do not waste time figuring out............................. 67
6.14 Don’t encourage people to laugh at you..................... 67
6.15 About Dancing.............................................. 68
6.16 General Observations....................................... 68
6.17 Always answer the HB’s Question............................ 69
6.18 Coffee Table............................................... 69
6.19 Control of Relationship.................................... 70
6.20 About Feelings............................................. 71
6.21 Calibration................................................ 71
6.22 Adding Restrictions........................................ 72
6.23 On getting into LTR........................................ 72
6.24 Talking about Sex.......................................... 72
6.25 Dealing with Jealousy...................................... 73
6.26 How to handle when someone demands......................... 74
6.27 Girl asking you question................................... 74
6.28 Target Witness use of Physical Force....................... 75
6.29 If she likes you........................................... 75
6.30 Where are you from?........................................ 76
6.31 Lesson to learn............................................ 76
6.32 Get her to EV you.......................................... 77
6.33 Always answer a HB’s question.............................. 77
6.34 PUA Psychology............................................. 78
6.35 Double Dates............................................... 79
6.36 Being Led Instead of Leading............................... 80
6.37 Kiss Close................................................. 80
6.38 Miscellaneous Posts........................................ 81
6.39 Miscellaneous Points....................................... 82
Seduction Manual
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Compiled By The Guru
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The Juggler Method
Conversational Jujitsu
1 Juggler’s Method
Open with anything. It can be opinion or a situation or introducing
yourself or even bleeding on people. In dynamic situation (store and
moving people) a situational opener tends to work well. But in clubs or
static situations I like to just introduce myself.
The key is not the opener. The opener does not matter much. The key is
how you handle the response. The method is amplifying and using
responses. You want to gain the skill to read and use a wider range of
responses – that’s fun flexible and makes real connections.
Using routines as openers or anywhere does not give you much
opportunity to use a wide range of responses. The very point of a
routine is to elicit a specific 'good' response - that's boring and
The method is not to worry so much about getting deep but to get wide
rapport (a feeling like you can talk about anything). Again the key is
including and amplifying a girl's response, no matter the response.
Talking about relationships are great. But keep in mind you must talk
about your relationship experience or this comes across as you are just
hitting on her.
Make an SOI. At all her high points (laughing, etc). This rewards her
for trying and sarging you back.
You do not arrange a meeting. You either instant date or both of you
admit you are really into each other. Then if you want to get together
later it is a matter of just taking care of the details. The real
business is in her agreeing that she is into you.
But really this is not a method. There are no stages or steps. There is
no transition. It should not be thought of as a tool to achieve a
result. It is a way. It is a place you should achieve and stay in and
bring others into. The things like SOI at her high points or gaining
the skill to use any of her reactions or any of the other parts of the
way are not tools to manipulate a result. They are ways to help her
fulfill her natural human want to be in that place.
Here is the Juggler way:
Think about what you would want an interaction with a girl to be like
if there was no need to get sex. Let's say that sex was a given. You
did not need to do anything tricky or run 'game' to score. How would
you like that interaction to be? Myself I want it to be fun, exciting,
relaxed, playful and sharing with each other willingly. Now think about
how you can make that happen. Would you use tricks or be sneaky to get
a girl to be that with you? No, that would be counter productive and/or
unnecessary work. You would instead lead her by being fun, relaxed,
sharing, or whatever you want the interaction to be like yourself and
learn to allow and encourage her to be that as well.
Seduction Manual
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Compiled By The Guru
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The Juggler Method
Conversational Jujitsu
It is just that most people have no idea how to allow and help someone
achieve this place. Now the big mental step. Sexuality is not that big
of a deal. Sure it has more important implications as far as chance of
pregnancy, disease and emotional connotations. But from a 'who has the
power' point of view it should be regarded the same way as having fun
or any of the things you want an interaction to be - it should have
nothing to do with power.
Style you are a great person. You have many of the skills for doing
this method. You are an amazing and cool person. Much of what you do
with women is so unnecessary. If you would just take the chance of
directly being the great you that you are then you would not need so
much of this extra stuff. I think you are afraid of your own greatness
and maybe dealing with some of the reactions you would get that comes
with letting that person out. Sometimes you seem so close to making
this shift. Ah, but anyway you are a good friend so I have time to
convince you.
What I am talking about is amazing. It can make a very intimate real
connection very quickly - with super hot babes or anyone else for that
matter. It has been shown to me to be very powerful in many, many
contexts. It is based on universal truths. And as you know, I can not
demonstrate the more intimate aspects to anyone's satisfaction because
of the LTR I am in. But don't confuse the message with the messenger. I
usually get out of interactions after hooking a girl because I know the
danger and power of the way and to keep my promise to my lovely
girlfriend. That is the weakness in my workshops but not in the way.
Sex and intimacy flow very easily out of this place. But I will have to
think, maybe there is a way to demonstrate this.
Anyway, it amazes me how good of friends we are and yet I still
haven't cleared all this up with you. I do actually think it is a
tribute to how much fun we have together that we never get around to
talking much 'shop'. It's either that or my inability to articulate it
all. However, it should all be clear once I finish my book.
1.1 Juggler’s 90 – 10 Rule
Keep in mind Juggler's 90-10 rule. That is, you must be prepared to
provide 90 percent of the conversation at the beginning of an
interaction with a woman until she is warmed up. If you go in and give
50%, expecting she will give 50% - like most conversations in the non-
PU world, you will be disappointed. She will give only 10%. That adds
up to 60%. Not enough and the conversation will stall and collapse.
On approach PUA should follow the 90-10 rule. That is you must be
prepared to supply 90% of the conversation because she will only give
you 10%. She is experiencing a dramatic state change and needs time to
warm up to the conversation.
Most guys fail to realize this and work from the frame that they should
supply 50% like a normal conversation. Of course, the girl only gives
10%. That adds up to 60% which is not the 100% which you need. The
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Compiled By The Guru
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