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Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6
The Project Gutenberg eBook, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6
(of 6), by Havelock Ellis
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Title: Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 (of 6)
Author: Havelock Ellis
Release Date: October 8, 2004 [eBook #13615]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO−8859−1
VOLUME 6 (OF 6)***
E−text prepared by Juliet Sutherland and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Sex in Relation to Society
In the previous five volumes of these Studies , I have dealt mainly with the sexual impulse in relation to its
object, leaving out of account the external persons and the environmental influences which yet may
powerfully affect that impulse and its gratification. We cannot afford, however, to pass unnoticed this
relationship of the sexual impulse to third persons and to the community at large with all its anciently
established traditions. We have to consider sex in relation to society.
In so doing, it will be possible to discuss more summarily than in preceding volumes the manifold and
important problems that are presented to us. In considering the more special questions of sexual psychology
we entered a neglected field and it was necessary to expend an analytic care and precision which at many
points had never been expended before on these questions. But when we reach the relationships of sex to
society we have for the most part no such neglect to encounter. The subject of every chapter in the present
volume could easily form, and often has formed, the topic of a volume, and the literature of many of these
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6
subjects is already extremely voluminous. It must therefore be our main object here not to accumulate details
but to place each subject by turn, as clearly and succinctly as may be, in relation to those fundamental
principles of sexual psychology which−−so far as the data at present admit−−have been set forth in the
preceding volumes.
It may seem to some, indeed, that in this exposition I should have confined myself to the present, and not
included so wide a sweep of the course of human history and the traditions of the race. It may especially seem
that I have laid too great a stress on the influence of Christianity in moulding sexual ideals and establishing
sexual institutions. That, I am convinced, is an error. It is because it is so frequently made that the movements
of progress among us−−movements that can never at any period of social history cease−−are by many so
seriously misunderstood. We cannot escape from our traditions. There never has been, and never can be, any
"age of reason." The most ardent co−called "free−thinker," who casts aside as he imagines the authority of the
Christian past, is still held by that past. If its traditions are not absolutely in his blood, they are ingrained in the
texture of all the social institutions into which he was born and they affect even his modes of thinking. The
latest modifications of our institutions are inevitably influenced by the past form of those institutions. We
cannot realize where we are, nor whither we are moving, unless we know whence we came. We cannot
understand the significance of the changes around us, nor face them with cheerful confidence, unless we are
acquainted with the drift of the great movements that stir all civilization in never−ending cycles.
In discussing sexual questions which are very largely matters of social hygiene we shall thus still be
preserving the psychological point of view. Such a point of view in relation to these matters is not only
legitimate but necessary. Discussions of social hygiene that are purely medical or purely juridical or purely
moral or purely theological not only lead to conclusions that are often entirely opposed to each other but they
obviously fail to possess complete applicability to the complex human personality. The main task before us
must be to ascertain what best expresses, and what best satisfies, the totality of the impulses and ideas of
civilized men and women. So that while we must constantly bear in mind medical, legal, and moral
demands−−which all correspond in some respects to some individual or social need−−the main thing is to
satisfy the demands of the whole human person.
It is necessary to emphasize this point of view because it would seem that no error is more common among
writers on the hygienic and moral problems of sex than the neglect of the psychological standpoint. They may
take, for instance, the side of sexual restraint, or the side of sexual unrestraint, but they fail to realize that so
narrow a basis is inadequate for the needs of complex human beings. From the wider psychological standpoint
we recognize that we have to conciliate opposing impulses that are both alike founded on the human psychic
In the preceding volumes of these Studies I have sought to refrain from the expression of any personal opinion
and to maintain, so far as possible, a strictly objective attitude. In this endeavor, I trust, I have been successful
if I may judge from the fact that I have received the sympathy and approval of all kinds of people, not less of
the rationalistic free−thinker than of the orthodox believer, of those who accept, as well as of those who reject,
our most current standards of morality. This is as it should be, for whatever our criteria of the worth of
feelings and of conduct, it must always be of use to us to know what exactly are the feelings of people and
how those feelings tend to affect their conduct. In the present volume, however, where social traditions
necessarily come in for consideration and where we have to discuss the growth of those traditions in the past
and their probable evolution in the future, I am not sanguine that the objectivity of my attitude will be equally
clear to the reader. I have here to set down not only what people actually feel and do but what I think they are
tending to feel and do. That is a matter of estimation only, however widely and however cautiously it is
approached; it cannot be a matter of absolute demonstration. I trust that those who have followed me in the
past will bear with me still, even if it is impossible for them always to accept the conclusions I have myself
Carbis Bay, Cornwall, England.
The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry−−How This is Effected−−The Mother the Child's Supreme
Parent−−Motherhood and the Woman Movement−−The Immense Importance of Motherhood−−Infant
Mortality and Its Causes−−The Chief Cause in the Mother−−The Need of Rest During
Pregnancy−−Frequency of Premature Birth−−The Function of the State−−Recent Advance in
Puericulture−−The Question of Coitus During Pregnancy−−The Need of Rest During Lactation−−The
Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child−−The Economic Question−−The Duty of the State−−Recent Progress in
the Protection of the Mother−−The Fallacy of State Nurseries.
Nurture Necessary as Well as Breed−−Precocious Manifestations of the Sexual Impulse−−Are they to be
Regarded as Normal?−−The Sexual Play of Children−−The Emotion of Love in Childhood−−Are Town
Children More Precocious Sexually Than Country Children?−−Children's Ideas Concerning the Origin of
Babies−−Need for Beginning the Sexual Education of Children in Early Years−−The Importance of Early
Training in Responsibility−−Evil of the Old Doctrine of Silence in Matters of Sex−−The Evil Magnified
When Applied to Girls−−The Mother the Natural and Best Teacher−−The Morbid Influence of Artificial
Mystery in Sex Matters−−Books on Sexual Enlightenment of the Young−−Nature of the Mother's
Task−−Sexual Education in the School−−The Value of Botany−−Zoölogy−−Sexual Education After
Puberty−−The Necessity of Counteracting Quack Literature−−Danger of Neglecting to Prepare for the First
Onset of Menstruation−−The Right Attitude Towards Woman's Sexual Life−−The Vital Necessity of the
Hygiene of Menstruation During Adolescence−−Such Hygiene Compatible with the Educational and Social
Equality of the Sexes−−The Invalidism of Women Mainly Due to Hygienic Neglect−−Good Influence of
Physical Training on Women and Bad Influence of Athletics−−The Evils of Emotional Suppression−−Need of
Teaching the Dignity of Sex−−Influence of These Factors on a Woman's Fate in Marriage−−Lectures and
Addresses on Sexual Hygiene−−The Doctor's Part in Sexual Education−−Pubertal Initiation Into the Ideal
World−−The Place of the Religious and Ethical Teacher−−The Initiation Rites of Savages Into Manhood and
Womanhood−−The Sexual Influence of Literature−−The Sexual Influence of Art.
The Greek Attitude Towards Nakedness−−How the Romans Modified That Attitude−−The Influence of
Christianity−−Nakedness in Mediæval Times−−Evolution of the Horror of Nakedness−−Concomitant Change
in the Conception of Nakedness−−Prudery−−The Romantic Movement−−Rise of a New Feeling in Regard to
Nakedness−−The Hygienic Aspect of Nakedness−−How Children May Be Accustomed to
Nakedness−−Nakedness Not Inimical to Modesty−−The Instinct of Physical Pride−−The Value of Nakedness
in Education−−The Æsthetic Value of Nakedness−−The Human Body as One of the Prime Tonics of
Life−−How Nakedness May Be Cultivated−−The Moral Value of Nakedness.
The Conception of Sexual Love−−The Attitude of Mediæval Asceticism−−St. Bernard and St. Odo of
Cluny−−The Ascetic Insistence on the Proximity of the Sexual and Excretory Centres−−Love as a Sacrament
of Nature−−The Idea of the Impurity of Sex in Primitive Religions Generally−−Theories of the Origin of This
Idea−−The Anti−Ascetic Element in the Bible and Early Christianity−−Clement of Alexandria−−St.
Augustine's Attitude−−The Recognition of the Sacredness of the Body by Tertullian, Rufinus and
Athanasius−−The Reformation−−The Sexual Instinct Regarded as Beastly−−The Human Sexual Instinct Not
Animal−like−−Lust and Love−−The Definition of Love−−Love and Names for Love Unknown in Some Parts
of the World−−Romantic Love of Late Development in the White Race−−The Mystery of Sexual
Desire−−Whether Love is a Delusion−−The Spiritual as Well as the Physical Structure of the World in Part
Built up on Sexual Love The Testimony of Men of Intellect to the Supremacy of Love.
Chastity Essential to the Dignity of Love−−The Eighteenth Century Revolt Against the Ideal of
Chastity−−Unnatural Forms of Chastity−−The Psychological Basis of Asceticism−−Asceticism and Chastity
as Savage Virtues−−The Significance of Tahiti−−Chastity Among Barbarous Peoples−−Chastity Among the
Early Christians−−Struggles of the Saints with the Flesh−−The Romance of Christian Chastity−−Its Decay in
Mediæval Times−− Aucassin et Nicolette and the New Romance of Chaste Love−−The Unchastity of the
Northern Barbarians−−The Penitentials−−Influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation−−The Revolt
Against Virginity as a Virtue−−The Modern Conception of Chastity as a Virtue−−The Influences That Favor
the Virtue of Chastity−−Chastity as a Discipline−−The Value of Chastity for the Artist−−Potency and
Impotence in Popular Estimation−−The Correct Definitions of Asceticism and Chastity.
The Influence of Tradition−−The Theological Conception of Lust−−Tendency of These Influences to Degrade
Sexual Morality−−Their Result in Creating the Problem of Sexual Abstinence−−The Protests Against Sexual
Abstinence−−Sexual Abstinence and Genius−−Sexual Abstinence in Women−−The Advocates of Sexual
Abstinence−−Intermediate Attitude−−Unsatisfactory Nature of the Whole Discussion−−Criticism of the
Conception of Sexual Abstinence−−Sexual Abstinence as Compared to Abstinence from Food−−No
Complete Analogy−−The Morality of Sexual Abstinence Entirely Negative−−Is It the Physician's Duty to
Advise Extra−Conjugal Sexual Intercourse?−−Opinions of Those Who Affirm or Deny This Duty−−The
Conclusion Against Such Advice−−The Physician Bound by the Social and Moral Ideas of His Age−−The
Physician as Reformer−−Sexual Abstinence and Sexual Hygiene−−Alcohol−−The Influence of Physical and
Mental Exercise−−The Inadequacy of Sexual Hygiene in This Field−−The Unreal Nature of the Conception of
Sexual Abstinence−−The Necessity of Replacing It by a More Positive Ideal.
I. _The Orgy:_−−The Religious Origin of the Orgy−−The Feast of Fools−−Recognition of the Orgy by the
Greeks and Romans−−The Orgy Among Savages−−The Drama−−The Object Subserved by the Orgy.
II. _The Origin and Development of Prostitution:_−−The Definition of Prostitution−−Prostitution Among
Savages−−The Conditions Under Which Professional Prostitution Arises−−Sacred Prostitution−−The Rite of
Mylitta−−The Practice of Prostitution to Obtain a Marriage Portion−−The Rise of Secular Prostitution in
Greece−−Prostitution in the East−−India, China, Japan, etc.−−Prostitution in Rome−−The Influence of
Christianity on Prostitution−−The Effort to Combat Prostitution−−The Mediæval Brothel−−The Appearance
of the Courtesan−−Tullia D'Aragona−−Veronica Franco−−Ninon de Lenclos−−Later Attempts to Eradicate
Prostitution−−The Regulation of Prostitution−−Its Futility Becoming Recognized.
III. _The Causes of Prostitution:_−−Prostitution as a Part of the Marriage System−−The Complex Causation
of Prostitution−−The Motives Assigned by Prostitutes−−(1) Economic Factor of Prostitution−−Poverty
Seldom the Chief Motive for Prostitution−−But Economic Pressure Exerts a Real Influence−−The Large
Proportion of Prostitutes Recruited from Domestic Service−−Significance of This Fact−−(2) The Biological
Factor of Prostitution−−The So−called Born−Prostitute−−Alleged Identity with the Born−Criminal−−The
Sexual Instinct in Prostitutes−−The Physical and Psychic Characters of Prostitutes−−(3) Moral Necessity as a
Factor in the Existence of Prostitution−−The Moral Advocates of Prostitution−−The Moral Attitude of
Christianity Towards Prostitution−−The Attitude of Protestantism−−Recent Advocates of the Moral Necessity
of Prostitution−−(4) Civilizational Value as a Factor of Prostitution−−The Influence of Urban Life−−The
Craving for Excitement−−Why Servant−girls so Often Turn to Prostitution−−The Small Part Played by
Seduction−−Prostitutes Come Largely from the Country−−The Appeal of Civilization Attracts Women to
Prostitution−−The Corresponding Attraction Felt by Men−−The Prostitute as Artist and Leader of
Fashion−−The Charm of Vulgarity.
IV. _The Present Social Attitude Towards Prostitution:_−−The Decay of the Brothel−−The Tendency to the
Humanization of Prostitution−−The Monetary Aspects of Prostitution−−The Geisha−−The Hetaira−−The
Moral Revolt Against Prostitution−−Squalid Vice Based on Luxurious Virtue−−The Ordinary Attitude
Towards Prostitutes−−Its Cruelty Absurd−−The Need of Reforming Prostitution−−The Need of Reforming
Marriage−−These Two Needs Closely Correlated−−The Dynamic Relationships Involved.
The Significance of the Venereal Diseases−−The History of Syphilis−−The Problem of Its Origin−−The
Social Gravity of Syphilis−−The Social Dangers of Gonorrhoea−−The Modern Change in the Methods of
Combating Venereal Diseases−−Causes of the Decay of the System of Police Regulation−−Necessity of
Facing the Facts−−The Innocent Victims of Venereal Diseases−−Diseases Not Crimes−−The Principle of
Notification−−The Scandinavian System−−Gratuitous Treatment−−Punishment For Transmitting Venereal
Diseases−−Sexual Education in Relation to Venereal Diseases−−Lectures, Etc.−−Discussion in Novels and on
the Stage−−The "Disgusting" Not the "Immoral".
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