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Greysca 4 e
A Clan of Wretches
Wretches: new, heroic-tier
intelligent opponents for
the moors and wastes -
Bogwretch, the lowest of
the low; scared, they may
be, but their numbers
make them dangerous
Moorwretch, the wretch
leaders; intelligent and sly
Stonewretch, slow and
lumbering but strong
Details of wretcher society
A complete wretch clan
Playing wretch: wretch
powers and racial details
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Sceaptune Games: Greyscale Series
A Clan of Wretches
Graffiti or Art?........................................4
Random Thumps or music?.................4
Bogwretch Knowledge...........................5
Bogwretch Ordo.....................................5
Bogwretch Archer..................................6
Bogwretch Bully.....................................6
Bogwretch Hunter..................................6
Bogwretch Raider..................................7
Bogwretch Huntmaster..........................8
Bogwretch Encounters..........................9
Moorwretch Knowledge......................10
Moorwretch Clanjock..........................11
Moorwretch Mercenaries.....................11
Mercenary Sergeant..........................12
Moorwretch Warmage.........................12
Moorwretch Shaman...........................13
Moorwretch Warmaster.......................13
Moorwretch Encounters......................14
Stonewretch Wanderer........................15
Stonewretch Cavelurker......................16
Stonewretch Guard..............................17
A Wretch Clan.............................17
Campsite Layout...............................17
Magic and Powers.......................18
Ancestral Ally.......................................20
Wretched Pact Spirit..........................21
Greater Pact Spirit.............................21
Summon Ancestral Guard..................21
Ancestral Guard Spirit........................21
Tim Bancroft
Harsh, Halfbat
Ben Jones, Jamie Watson, Larissa Tonkin, Lloyd Thomas, Nick
Townsend, Rosemary, Stephen Jarvis
Additional Acknowledgements
Illustrations taken and adapted from Treasury of Fantastic and Mythological Creatures:
1,087 Renderings from Historic Sources , Author Richard Huber, Dover 1981
Enworld/morrus and others for the 4e-Icons font .
GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. in the USA and other countries and are used with permission. Certain
materials, including 4E References in this publication, D&D core rules
mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are
property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission under
the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License. All 4E Refer-
ences are listed in the 4E System Reference Document, available at
by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTER’S
GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL, written by
Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt © 2008 Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
DnD Greysca4es:
A Clan of Wretches (PDF/eBook Sourcebook)
Author: Tim Bancroft
Reference: STG402
ISBN: 978-1-906130-15-2
Published by: Sceaptune Games,
PO Box 63,
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A Clan of Wretches
I ntroduction
Wretches, by their nature and culture, are limited to the
fringes of civilisation, to the wilderness that borders many
of the fantasy realms. Though primitive and frequently
lacking in resources, these nomads are wily and stick
together in close-knit clans for support and assistance.
Though a scouting or hunting party of bogwretch is easily
dealt with by any small band of adventurers, a raiding
party or full clan of wretch on the move is more than a
match for many heroes.
K nowledge
The following information about wretch can be gained
from a range of knowledge checks.
Nature DC 10: Wretch or wretcher is a generic term for
a group of related races, all of whom speak a dialect of
draconic as their native tongue. These warped, intelligent
humanoids range in size from the small and scrawny
bogwretch to the larger and more fearsome stonewretch .
Wretch are said to be the result of some stray chromatic
dragon magic deforming members of the older races and
even now many wear hoods to shelter them from the sun
and to hide their faces.. For protection and survival
wretch gather together in clans and small tribes and have
developed skills to support each other.
All wretch are humanoid, though look warped and
hunched to human eyes. Their wiry arms and legs, when
visible, appear to be longer than they should, attached to
slightly rotund torsos. Their faces are a caricature of the
intelligent species, wide and protruding with large eyes
and mouths. That they are omnivores is obvious from
both their teeth, their weapons and their intense stare.
Though fearsome, some wretch are peaceful, however,
merely looking for a simple life without grief from the
civilisations around which they roam.
Nature/Religion DC 12: Wretch have problems breeding
true, many of their offspring becoming the stunted and
warped bogwretch or the oafish and clumsy stonewretch.
Those moorwretch who do breed true are much prized
amongst the clans and given the best food, weapons and
armour that the clan can afford.
This supplement details a range of new creatures for
enhancing your D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ™ 4 TH E DITION
About DnD Greysca 4 es
This is a series of PDF-only source books intended for use
with the Dungeons and Dragons™ 4E Role Playing
Game. To save production and printing costs, they are
produced in greyscale where possible, and can even be
reproduced two-up on a single A4 sheet in booklet style
(if you’re struggling, do get in touch with Sceaptune
Games). Powers are produced separately, in colour, so
they need not be printed out with the main booklet.
Nature DC 15: Wretch prefer meat to vegetation, eat
anything at a push, but are notoriously poor at growing
their own food-crops. From time to time they herd vari-
ous other creatures for food, but as they have little civili-
sation or knowledge of engineering, science and
technology, the majority of their needs comes from forag-
ing and raiding. The best time to strike would be in the
winter, when they are holed up in their cave lairs and other
underground dwellings.
History DC 15: Wretch art can often be seen scrawled or
carved around their more frequent campsites.
If you would like to use anything printed here in your own
supplements for Dungeons and Dragons 4E, do get in
Nature DC 17: Stonewretch are slow but extremely
strong. They are fairly rare offspring of stonewretch or
Copyright Information
A Clan of Wretches PDF/eBook © 2008 Sceaptune
Games. All rights reserved. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. Repro-
duction of this work by any means without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All
significant characters, names, places, items, art and text
herein are copyright Sceaptune Games. This product is a
work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, places,
organisations and events is purely coincidental.
Arcana/Religion DC 20: Wretcher tend towards ancestor
worship. Though they have no clerics or wizards, they
have tribal shaman and hunt- or war- masters who lead
their raiding parties. The power of their leaders can be
annoying and frustrating, making individual wretches
much more potent in combat.
Nature/Thievery DC 20: Wretch are reknowned thieves.
With little infrastructure of their own, their weapons are
frequently stolen on their raids. Though bogwretch flinch
away from melee attacks, moorwretch are known to be
much more stable.
Automatic Permissions
Prior permission is granted to reproduce the monster
statistic blocks printed here in officially authorised, RP-
GA Living adventures and scenarios providing reference
is made to the title, author and publisher of the source.
Religion DC 22: The wretch have a form of shamanistic
practice that focuses on ancestor worship. In battle or at
Sceaptune Games: Greyscale Series
times of trial, they call on the powers of these ancestral
spirits to bolster their abilities or slow their enemies.
Though many adventurers describe it as graffiti, the more
knowledgeable scholars are frequently excited by wretch
art. Normally scrawled or carved on stones in or near
their favourite campsites, the art frequently depicts the
heads of warriors or images of their ancestral spirits.
some molten metal held in a small crucible, the wretch
poor out the metal in lines onto a cold, flat, stone surface.
The metal quickly cools and adheres to the stone and
gives an eerie effect when polished and seen in moonlight
or starlight. Such art can fetch several hundred gold
pieces with the right collector.
All wretchs take great delight in the rhythmic – or arhyth-
mic – sound of drums. To untutored listeners, some of the
drumming sounds discordant and off-beat, but the more
sophisticated bards and musicians claim to find a surpris-
ing number of odd rhythms in their drumming. Unfortu-
nately for many, the only drum beats the civilised races
can appreciate are the wretch death-beats, the simple
sounds their drums make when launching a vengeful wild
hunt from their homes in the wilds.
The style is relatively abstract and two-dimensional, fre-
quently of a face depicted showing its left side. Many of
these pieces are assumed to be pictures of individual
wretch and are sometimes humorous, perhaps emphasis-
ing a particularly strange facial feature. A few of these art
pieces appear to be of other races, however, with particu-
lar features being emphasised to illustrate the race.
What particularly delights art scholars, however, is that
many of these pieces are not fully representational.
Sometimes the artist makes elaborate lines or decorations
that make no sense unless the image is seen as a whole –
at which point the ‘decorations’ merge to give a highly
effective, overall impression.
Their shaman and warmasters regard a drum as an integral
part of their rituals. Amongst all wretch, the bogwretch
drumbeaters are respected for their skills with the drum.
They frequently act as wandering bards between the many
clans, carrying information, news, despatches and mes-
sages from clan-chief to clan-chief. The death of a drum-
beater, whilst apparently insignificant to other races, is
almost certain to invoke a revenge strike from the local
wretcher clan.
Most prized above art collectors, though, is the molten
silver and molten tin drawings of the moorwretch. Using
A example of wretch metal-pouring art, illustrating the intricate designs this technique can achieve.
A Clan of Wretches
B ogWretch
The smallest of all the wretch, bogwretch come in a
variety of shapes, some small and skinny, perhaps under-
fed, whilst others look more solid. Skin colouring de-
pends on their origin: pure bogwretch range from a very
pale brown to a muddy brown, whilst the swampwretch
are a sub-species whose skin ranges through many shades
of green. Most bogwretch are hairless, making up for it
with fold of skin, whilst others have short or single tufts
growing from the crown of their scalp.
Nature DC 10: When not part of a wretcher clan, bog-
wretch live in or near bogs and swamps, primarily for
safety rather than it being a necessary part of their life-
style. Rarely able to organise themselves into any stable
community, they live by raiding or stealing from fringe
settlements or outlying farms.
Bogwretch graffiti
thought to
represent one of
their own.
Normal Weapons: Any easily-made weapon such as a
spear or sling are common, peraps with stone axes plus a
long knife or short bow. The bogaxe, a wicked, scythe-
or moon-like heavy axe with a curved blade, is used by
the stronger and more aggressive bogwretch but must be
wielded two-handed by such small creatures.
Due to their numbers, the common bogwretch are merely
called ordo , ‘one of the many’. The are the run-of-the
mill bearers, herders, camp-tenders and supporters in a
wretcher clan. The statistics below should be used to
represent any of the normal members of a bogwretch
Nature DC 12: Wiry and tougher than they look, all
bogwretch are nimble, frequently jumping out of the way
of further strikes once they realise an attacker can cause
them harm.
Nature DC 12: Bogwretch are trivially nasty and lazy,
natural bullies if they get a chance, but are cowards if
outnumbered, when cornered or when the situation is not
going their way. They rarely take on any group that might
be their equal in skill or numbers. They are fearful of
moorwretch are more likely to stand and fight if led by or
accompanied by their larger brethren.
Note that as any attack hits a minion, their racial power
shimmy is unusable.
Bogwretch Ordo Level 1 Minion
Small natural humanoid XP 25
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +1, low-light vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 15; Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 10
Speed 6; see also shimmy
M Spear OR pick (standard; at-will) Ł Weapon
+3 vs. AC; 5 damage
R OR Sling (standard; at-will) Ł Weapon
Ranged 10/20; + 5 vs. AC; 5 damage
Vicious Surprise
The bogwretch deals an extra 4 damage against any
target against whom it has combat advantage
Alignment Evil Languages Common, draconic
Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +5
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)
Equipment leather armour; spear, pick or sling plus
tools and clan or personal effects
Average Height 3’2”-4’
Average Weight 30-55lb
Ability scores: +2 Dexterity +2 Con
(Maximum Intelligence 14)
Size: Small
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-Light
Languages: Common, draconic
defence Bonuses: +1 Reflex
Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Stealth,
+2 Thievery
Shimmy: You use shimmy as an at-will power
Shimmy Bogwretch Racial power
You shy away from your enemy’s attack, avoiding further
threats and tempting him after you
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: A melee attack against you hits
Effect: You must shift one square.
Special: If all spaces are blocked or you have already
used your reaction for the turn, you cannot shift.
Bogwretch Ordo Tactics
Ordo tend to only attack enemies when encouraged to do
so by their more aggressive brethren – and even then they
are just used to break up an enemies attack. Even then
they prefer to surprise their opponent from a hidden
ambush. If forced to fight in melee, they try to mob their
opponents, using their shimmy powers to surround an
opponent and gain combat advantage.
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