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Foreword to the Second English Edition
rst edition of this book. In this
period, the utilisation of wind turbines has undergone an upsurge which one could only
dream of then but was never predicted. It is not only the number of electricity-generating
wind turbines which are in existence now but also the advance of them into new
ve years have passed since I began work on the
elds of
-shore installation, which bears witness to this development. Starting
out from a wide variety of ideas and di
erent concepts, the technology of wind turbines
has now become focussed on a few practicable solutions. This standardisation process has
provided the foundation for being able to produce turbines e
ciently and in large numbers
and has made it possible to build up an industry which has created a considerable number
of new jobs orientated towards the future.
However, due to their very success, the utilisation of wind turbines is now encountering
problems in some areas and the con
ict in aims which exists between global protection of
the environment and opposition by conservationalists arising from the increase in numbers
of installed wind turbines can no longer be denied.Against this background, careful project
planning and
nding new regions for installing wind turbines is of the utmost importance
for any further development. In this second English edition of my book, which is based
on the third edition in German, I have attempted to take account of this development or
rather to keep up with it.
These general remarks about the present state of wind energy utilisation apart, I will
refrain from commenting further on the energy and environmental crises. However, I do
feel that some helpful hints on what this book is about will not be misplaced.
The title wind turbine refers to industrially developed and manufactured machines for
generating electrical power. Those looking for a do-it-yourself manual for putting together
a windwheel, as interesting a hobby as this may be, will, therefore, be disappointed. Instead,
this book is intended to give a general overview of modern wind turbine technology and
to provide a means of orientation in the associated technical and economic
elds and its
contents and form of representation are structured with this objective in mind.Apart from
the initial chapters, which deal with the history and physical and technical principles of
wind turbines, all subsequent chapters have been extensively revised and in some cases con-
siderably extended. An important new chapter has been added which deals with o
wind energy utilisation. Overall, however, the basic structure of the original book has been
retained in its successful earlier format.
I have tried to analyse and to describe the problems involved and their technical so-
lutions phenomenologically and to avoid mathematical equations as much as possible.
Twe n t y -
application, such as o
oreword to the
rst steps to the mathemat-
ical treatment of the problems described. Those who are responsible for decisions about
investments or steer the technical and scienti
c work do not commonly sit at the computer
themselves. However, they must have a clear picture of the state of the art, what technical
options are available and what lessons are to be learnt.
A book of this scope which touches on a variety of special disciplines cannot be written
without assistance. I must, therefore, thank the many people who have helped me along the
way and without whose contributions the book could not have been completed. Primarily,
I am very much obliged to my former colleagues at M.A.N. and, above all, to my friend
and colleague of many years, Gerald Huß, who supported me very much in the
rst phase
Finally, I also wish to thank all those who have assisted me in my work on these recent
editions. In particular, I am indebted to Horst von Renouard in London who translated this
second edition and who has also contributed to the clarity of the text and its presentation
with numerous suggestions. This also applies to Dr. Hilmar Schlegel who was responsible
for the typesetting and composition of the
nal book. As before, Tanja Rüth again edited
the diagrams for this present edition, and Petra Schemmerer andMartin Loderer supported
me in many ways in writing the text and selecting the photos.
Last, but not least, I owe thanks to my publishers Springer Verlag for publishing this
voluminous book in its second edition.
Munich, April
Erich Hau
Equations have been included only where a presentation of fundamental principles was
deemed to serve a better understanding but for those interested, I have indicated relevant
literature at the end of each chapter, which would provide the
of the work, as early as
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