Lesson 03 Before the operation(1).doc

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Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Read the following dialogue between a surgeon and her patient.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the operation?

2. What is the patient worried about?


On the ward before an operation.

Doctor: Good morning Ms Brightly, how are you feeling today?

Ms Brightly: Well, I am obviously in a lot of pain; I have terrible pain every time I breathe. I do hope I will feel better after the operation. Am I going to have it soon? The nurse told me I was booked in for 8 am and it's now 10.

Dr: We've been slightly behind schedule, but as soon as the operating theatre is ready, we'll take you through. The current operation is finishing soon. Before you go in for your operation, the nurse will prep you. Is there anything else you would like to ask at this stage about your appendices operation?

Ms Brightly: Yes, you told me last week it would be keyhole surgery, you are sure I won't be left with a big scar.

Dr: Don't worry Ms Brightly, unless there are complications you will just have 2 tiny marks.

Ms Brightly: Complications! You never mentioned anything about complications before.

Dr: It's very unlikely, so please stay calm, do you know that when I've done your operation I'll have performed 100 keyhole operations.

Ms Brightly: And how many had complications?

Dr: Just two, so you'll be okay! However, I really won't know until I have started.

Ms Brightly: Doctor, it's very important, I don't have any scars, I'm a bikini model, and it would be the end of my career.

Dr: Don't worry, I'm going to make the holes as small as possible; you'll be modelling normally very soon.

Ms Brightly: How long will I be in theatre?

Dr: Well, it's a fairly quick procedure, so we'll have you out in 30 minutes.

Ms Brightly: And how long before I can leave hospital?

Dr: All being well, you'll be out of here tomorrow and walking on the catwalk in a week.

Ms Brightly: Thank you Doctor, and remember don't end my modelling career in the operating theatre.

Dr: Okay, I'll see you in theatre, when you're ready.


operating theatre - sala operacyjna

to prep (to prepare for an operation)

scar - blizna

procedure - postępowanie

keyhole surgery - mikrolaparotomia

mark - znamię

catwalk - wybieg

B. Underline all the examples of future.

C. Now put them into the table below:

function - example - name of tense

to make predictions

to make decisions at the time of speaking

to predict an event that is very near in impersonal statements

to make a prediction because the cause of the event can be seen

to describe a present intention

to describe a situation in the future at a particular time

to predict a future state or habit at a particular time

to look back from a point in the future and refer to indefinite time up to that point

to describe plans and arrangements which are definite

D. Make a list of the time expressions used in the dialogue. What tense comes after these expressions, what is the time reference?

E. Practice - Future Tenses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense for future meaning.

1. I'm sorry Mr Smith, but we _____________ (remove) you gall bladder.

2. The operation went well, but it ________ (probably/be) a couple of weeks before you're up on your feet again.

3. You _________ (find) it may take some time to heal.

4. This time next week I ____________ (act) again.

5. I ________ (help) you with the paperwork if you like.

6. Do you think the operation __________ (help) my long term recovery?

7. How many more times __________ (I/have) this organ operated on?

8. How _______ (surgery/affect) my running career?

F. Practice - Time Clauses

Now put the correct time expression in the following sentences.

1) ______ we take you into theatre, we have to prep you.

2) __________ the operation, you will feel a little sleepy.

3) I will take the bandages off __________ the wound has healed.

4) You will have to stay in hospital _________ you have fully recovered.

5) _________ I've seen the consultant, I'll give you more information.




1. She is having her appendix out.

2. Being left with big scars.


I do hope I will feel better after the operation.

Am I going to have it soon?

We'll take you through.

The nurse will prep you.

You are sure I won't be left with a big scar.

You will just have 2 tiny marks.

I'll have performed 100 keyhole operations.

You'll be okay!

I'll do my absolute best to keep the holes as small as possible.

How long will I be in theatre?

We'll have you out in 30 minutes.

You'll be out of here tomorrow.

I'll see you in theatre.

The current operation is finishing soon.

You'll be walking on the cat walk in a week.

You'll be modelling normally very soon.

I'm going to make the holes as small as possible.


function - example - name of tense

to make predictions/ask for someone's opinion

How long will I be in theatre?

I think we'll have you out in 30 minutes.

You'll be okay.

You are sure I won't be left with a big scar?

will - Future Simple

to make decisions at the time of speaking

I don’t know.  I’ll ask a consultant.

will - Future Simple

to promise / warn / threaten

I'll do my absolute best to keep the holes as small as possible.

You will just have 2 tiny marks.

You'll be out of here tomorrow.


will - Future Simple

to make a prediction because the cause of the event can be seen

Am I going to have it soon?

to be going to

to describe a present intention

I'm going to make the holes as small as possible.

to be going to

to describe a situation in the future at a particular time

You'll be modelling normally very soon.

You'll be walking on the cat walk in a week.

Future Continuous

to talk about action or completed before a specific time in the future

I'll have performed 100 keyhole operations.

Future Perfect

to describe arrangements which are definite and dependent on the subject of the sentence

The current operation is finishing soon.

I’m doing some tests tomorrow.

Present Continuous



And how long before I can leave hospital

as soon as the operating theatre is ready

Before you go in for your operation,

when you're ready

until I have started

Tense: Present Simple and Present Perfect with future meaning (Present Perfect to emphasise the completion of the action).


1. will remove/are going to remove

2. will probably be

3. will find

4. will be acting

5. 'll help

6. will help

7. will I have

8. will this surgery affect

N.B.: the underlined answer is slightly better, but both are possible


F. Practice - Time Clauses

1. before

2. after

3. as soon as/when

4. until

5. as soon as/when


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