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  Pre-intermediate Tests Audio Script


Track 1: Progress Test 1, Listening exercise 1



A:                            What do you like doing in your free time, Nicky?


B:              Me? Oh, you know, the usual. I watch TV, go shopping, go to the gym …


A:                            Do you read the newspaper?


B:                            No, I usually read magazines.


A:                            And do you like gardening?


B:                            Gardening? I don’t know. I don’t have a garden!




A:                            Are you going to do anything interesting this weekend, Harry?


B:              Yes, we’ve got tickets for a Shakespeare play at the National Theatre.


A:                            I can’t stand Shakespeare!


B:                            But, Jack – he’s the greatest writer in the English language!


A:              For you, maybe. I prefer more modern plays – by Harold Pinter or Alan Bennett. My favourite is Pirandello.


B:              Pity – I had an extra ticket for you … but you aren’t going to need it, are you?


A:                            Oh ... no, I suppose not.




A:                            So do you like riding horses, Ben?


B:                            Of course I do! It’s the best job in the world.


A:                            Isn’t it very dangerous?


B:                            Well, it can be.


A:                            But you risk your life every day!


B:                            Well, not every day. Only when we ride in horse races.


A:                            Why did you decide to do it in the first place?


B:                            Because I love being outside all day – and I love horses!




A:                            Good evening. The Oak Tree restaurant.


B:                            Oh hello. I’d like to book a table for Friday night if possible.


A:                            Certainly, sir. At what time?


B:                            Oh, around eight thirty, please.


A:                            And how many people is it for?


B:                            Seven.


A:              Sorry sir, I’m afraid we haven’t got a table for seven at that time. We’re going to be very busy this weekend.


B:                            Oh, that’s a shame.


A:                            But we could do it at nine fifteen, sir.


B:                            Perfect. Thank you.


A:                            And what name is it in, sir?




A:                            Hello, Marion speaking.


B:                            Hi, it’s Nick. What are you doing tonight?


A:              Well. I usually have my Book Club on Thursday … but I could cancel, I suppose. Why?


B:              I’ve got four tickets for the concert in the park. It starts at 7 o’clock. Do you want to come?


A:                            Yeah, great! Who else are you inviting?


B:                            I thought I’d call Pete and Sara.


A:                            Good idea. I’m sure they’d love to go.


B:                            OK, I’ll pick you up at about 6 O’clock.


A:                            Right. See you later.




A:                            Did you hear the news about Peter?


B:                            No, what’s happened?


A:                            Nothing. Well, nothing bad. He got married!


B:                            Married? When?


A:                            Last week, in London.


B:                            Who’s the lucky girl?


A:              Her name’s Françoise. They met in Paris a month ago – and fell in love.


B:                            And he asked her to marry him?


A:                            Yes, they were in Venice for the weekend.


B:                            How romantic!


  Track 2: Progress Test 1, Pronunciation exercise 2



1                            It was nice to meet you.


It was nice to meet you.



2                            Were there any messages for me?


Were there any messages for me?



3                            Would you like a biscuit with your coffee?


Would you like a biscuit with your coffee?



4                            What are you doing next weekend?


What are you doing next weekend?



5                            Are they going to meet us there?


Are they going to meet us there?



6                            Did Bob and Chris watch the match last night?


Did Bob and Chris watch the match last night?


  Track 3: Progress Test 2, Listening exercise 1



A:                            Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Post Office, please?


B:              Yes, it’s not far. Go straight on, turn right and you’ll see it on the right.


A:                            Thank you.




A:                            How do we get to the Odeon Cinema, please?


B:              The Odeon? Yes, it’s near here. Go along this road, take the first right and then the first left. It’s on the right.


A:                            So first right and first left?


B:                            Yes, you can’t miss it.




A:              Hi there. I’m looking for the Modern Art Gallery. Is this the right way?


B:                            Um … sorry, no idea. Mark, do you know?


C:              Yes, it’s about ten minutes’ walk. Go down this road and turn right into Brick Road. Then take the first right again. The gallery’s on the left.


A:                            Thanks. That’s very kind of you.


C:                            You’re welcome.




A:                            Excuse me. Where’s the Ritz Hotel, please?


B:              The Ritz? Um, I think it’s that big hotel at the end of this road. Keep going past Brick Road and then Oxford Road. It’s just after that, on the right.


A:                            So straight on and it’s on the right?


B:                            Yes, I’m sure that’s the Ritz.




A:              Can you help me, please? Do you know any good restaurants near here?


B:              Yes, I do actually. There’s a very nice Italian place near here. Keep going up the London Road until you get to Oxford Road. Turn right and you’ll see it on the right, on the corner of Cross Street.


A:                            So the Oxford Road and corner of Cross Street.


B:                            That’s right. It’s called The Olive Tree.


A:                            Great. Thank you.




A:                            Excuse me. I think I’m lost.


B:                            Where do you want to go?


A:                            The History museum. I thought it was near here.


B:              Don’t worry – it is! It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. Take the first right into Brick Street and then left into Cross Street. The museum’s on the left.


B:                            Can you show me on the map, please?


A:                            Yes, of course.


  Track 4: Progress Test 2, Pronunciation exercise 2




biscuits                            biscuits


vegetables                            vegetables


binoculars                            binoculars


aspirin                                          aspirin


history                                          ...

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