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Lab Instructions and Answer Key for
Course: 2830B Designing Security for
Microsoft® Networks
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Version 1.2
Lab Instructions for Module 2: Creating
a Plan for Network Security
Table of Contents
Lab: Creating a Plan for Network Security
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Lab Instructions for Module 2: Creating a Plan for Network Security
Lab: Creating a Plan for Network Security
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Identify reasons why security policies fail.
Use MSF to guide project planning.
Determine members of a security design team.
Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes
Lab Setup
Note: You only need to complete these steps once per course.
Before you begin the lab, you must:
1. Place the Student Materials CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Browse to the Webfiles folder on the CD, open the Downloads folder.
3. Double-click Allfiles.exe .
4. In the WinRAR self-extracting archive dialog box, click Install .
Note: The files will be copied to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\2830 on your
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2 Lab Instructions for Module 2: Creating a Plan for Network Security
Note: The files will be copied to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\2830 on your
Lab Scenario
You are a consultant hired by Contoso Pharmaceuticals to help the company to design
security for its network.
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