
(3223 KB) Pobierz
376044064 UNPDF
- Virginia Evans
with rrncwm
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with onswers
Jenny Dooley-Virginia Evans
Express Publishing
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Unit 1
. Present Continuous . Present Perlect . Present Perlect
Continuous) ....................... .. ............................................................................................. 6
Pr~stFornls (Past Sinilile - Prrst Continuous - Used toiBe used to/Get userl to - Pr~stPerlecl -
Pr~stPerfect Continuous) ..........................................................................................................
Unit 2
Unit 3
Future Contiriuous - Future Perlect - Fulu~ePerfect Continuous) ..................................... 30
lrilinitive - ToolEnougIi - The -inu lorril - Porlicil~les ...........................................................
Unit 3
Revision 1
(Units 1 - 1) ...........................................................................................................................
Unit 5
Morlr~lVerlis (MustiHrrve to . Mustn't - Neerln'I/Do~i'l tirlve to - Didn't need to - Needn't hrrve done .
Cnn/Could/Be olile to - MoyiMic~ht - Shr~ll
- WillIWould - Should/Ouc~htto) ................................. 56
The Pr~ssive ....................................................................................................................... 74
Clr~uses(Time Clrluses - Clrruses ol Result - Clr~usesol Reuson - Clr~uses01 Purl~ose -
Clr~usesof Contrrrst - Exclr~nir~tions
Unit 6
Unit 7
- Clr~usesof Manner) .................................................... 86
Conditionals - Wishes - Woulrl Rr~theriHnrlBetter - Unrenl Pr~st ........................
Unit S
....... 98
Revision 2
(Units 1 - 8) .......................................................................................................................... 110
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unil 12
Relr~lives(Relative Pro~iouns/AdverIis - IrlentiIyi~iuiNo~i-lrlentilying
Clauses) ............................ 112
Rel~orteriS~~eecll 120
Hr~veSoniethinr~Done ............................................................................................................. 131
Nouns - Articles (Counlolile/U~icountableNouns - Corii~~ound
Verli fornis -
The InrlelinitelDeli~iiteArticle) ................................................................................................ 138
Nouns - Sinr~ulr~rIPlurol
Revision 3
Unit 13
Unit 13
Unit 15
(Units 1 - 12) .................................
Adjectives - Arlverbs - Cori~~~orisons
........................................................................................ 150
- Quantiliers ......................................................... 160
Questions (Questions with YeslNo rlrisviers - Negative Questions - Wli- Questions -
- Possessives - Den~oristrr~tives
Questions - Indirect Questions - Question Tngs) ................................................. 171
Unit 16
(Plrrce - Movenient - Tinie) - linkinr] Worrls .................................................. 182
Revision 4
(Units 1 - 16) ..........
..... 192
lrregulrrr Verlis ........................ ....... ......................... ...... ..... 19-1
Al~uenrlices ........................................................................................................................................ 195
Tests ......................................................................................................................................
Worrl List
....................................................... 209
Key to the Exercises ..........
............ 217
Present Forriis (Present Sini~~le
future fornls (future Sirillile - Be rJoinu to - Present Coritinuous - Present Siril~le
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lnlroduc I ion
. Grammarway 3 is the third book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of
j the English language at intermediate level. The book is available in two editions -with or without answers
' -and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level.
The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive
theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and
The book adheres to the principle that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and,
finally, in written form. Based on the use of full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to
speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variety of enjoyable and
useful activities.
The book consists of 16 units, each focusing on a particular grammar topic.
A typical unit contains:
presentationof grammar structures by means of visual prompts
simple, concise explanations of the grammar structures
examples in everyday conversationalEnglish, together with a few expressions showing
slightly more formal use
exercises practising the new structures, to help learners use correct, appropriate
patterns in everyday situations
speaking and writing activities to practise the new structures in oral and written form
a revision box in each unit
A revision unit follows every five units to consolidate material presented in previous units.
Eight Progress Tests, each covering two consecutive units, are included at the end of the
book. They may be used to assess students' progress before the main class test.
The Student's Book is accompanied by a Teacher's Book containing:
guidance on presenting the theory of each unit, with or without Picture Flashcards
a full key to the exercises in the Student's Book
four tests in two separate versions each
The Picture Flashcards which accompany this book can be used for lively, motivating presentation of
the target grammar structures.
The authors would like to thank Rania Dunn, Anna Miller, Laura Houston, Jonathan Harrison, Tamzin
Thompson and Steven Davies for their help in producing this book. Many thanks to the Express Publishing
design team, E. Morrison, J. Malls and V. Winston. We would also like to thank those institutions and
teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the
production of the book.
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-- 8 A --
I / YOU work. - He 1 She / It works.
Do you work? - Does he work? Yes, I do./No, he
I do not (don't) work. - He does not (doesn't) work.
- -
-- is useu:
I , -6.
I I am ('m) 1 You ar; ('re) 1 He is (Is) working.
Are you / Is he working? Yes, I am./No, he isn't
I am ('m) not / He is not (isn't) /They are not (aren't)
working. -
I! - -
91 for permanent states, repeated acNons and dally
routines. -.
- -
1 -.: 4-
+. for actions taking place now, at the moment of
speaking, or for temporary actions; that Is actions
that are going on around now, but not at the actual speaking.
Ii- -:
- ...
He works at a hotel.
(permanent state)
Hden IS working hard
these days. Right now
she's reading a newspa-
per. (She is not working at
the moment of speaking.)
-- -.
Lvxrfli always when we want to express our lrrltation
at actions Mlch happen
t~gths and laws
It rare& reins in the
You're always '
to pay
f for tlmetables (tralns,
planes, etc.) and pro-
. .
+ for actions that we have already arranged to do in
the near future, especially when the time and place
have been decided:
Melanie is geithg fidiiiieti
at 3 this afternoon.
(The time and the place for
the wedding ceremony have
been decided.)
grammes. *; ;?,
The plane to London
takes off at 6:50 am.
'U P..'r;
4 for sports mmmentarles, revtrtws and narratton.
a) ill kicks the MI/ and
+ for changing or developing situations.
superbly in the film.
- c) So, the prince tells
her . . . (narration)
(111111 611, is used wlth the following 1LT
lPmw always, usually, etc., every daylweekl
month&~r, dc.# on Mondays/Tuesdays, etc., in the
mominalafiemaonlavenirtg, at nightfthe weakend, etc.
More and more forests are
disappearing because of
is used wlth the following
III- ow, at the moment, these days, at
present, tonlght, nowadays, stiI1, etc.
-- .
. .
- -
TR@~, ~. ~
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