Persimmons - Recipies.pdf

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Fruit of the Month: PERSIMMONS!
Persimmons origins go back to ancient China. Fate
intervened in the 1880’s when a United States
Commander brought back a native Japanese
persimmon variety to Washington, D.C. Now,
persimmons are grown in California where
hundreds of different varieties flourish. This
brightly colored, glossy orange red skinned fruit
is an excellent source of vitamin A, a good source
of vitamin C, and rich in fiber.
Although there are countless different varieties
of persimmons, only two are commercially
available. There are distinguishable by their
Hachiya : This type of persimmon makes up
approximately 90 percent of the available fruit.
It is identifiable by its acorn like shape. This
persimmon is tart until it becomes soft ripe.
Fuyu : This persimmon is gaining
popularity here as it is in Japan.
Similar in color, but looking like a
squashed tomato, this variety is
smaller, sweeter, and is edible
while still firm.
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Availability, Selection, Storage, Preparation
Persimmons are widely available September through December, with a peak
during November.
Choose persimmons with deep red undertones. Look for persimmons that are
round, plump, and have glossy and smooth skin. Avoid fruits with blemishes,
bruises or cracked skin and missing the green leaves at the top. Select ripe
persimmons only if you plan to eat them immediately. Otherwise, buy firmer
fruits and allow them to ripen.
Ripen persimmons at room temperature in a paper bag with an apple or
banana. Store them in the refrigerator when ripe. Be sure to eat the fruit as
soon as possible because overripe persimmons quickly turn to a mushy
Ripe Fuyu persimmons, which look kind of like flattened tomatoes, will be
crisp, while the acorn-shaped Hachiyas will be very soft and juicy.
Unripe Hachiya persimmons taste very bitter and will suck all the moisture
from your mouth — not very pleasant. The tartness will go away as the fruit
Make Persimmons Part of Your 5 A Day Plan
· Wash Fuyu persimmons, remove core and leaves, and
slice or eat whole.
· Rinse Hachiya persimmons and slice in half. Remove
seeds and spoon fruit out of skin.
Add firm Fuyu persimmon slices to salads.
Puree Hachiya persimmon flesh and add it to drinks, smoothies, or
fresh fruit sauces. You can also use the puree to make cookies.
Slice Fuyu and spread with lime juice, salt, and chili powder. Eat with a
slice of low fat cheese.
Mix cubed Fuyu with grapes, pomegranate seeds, cubed apple, and
sliced kiwi for a colorful fall salad.
Top hot or cold cereal with cubed pieces of bright orange Fuyu.
Make salsa with a twist ― add chopped Fuyu, onion, tomatillo, cilantro,
and chili Serrano and mix together.
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Start your morning off right! Add chopped or blended Fuyu
persimmons to your pancakes, waffles, and French toast.
Have an instant persimmon sherbet! Simply cut off a piece of the
pointed tip of the fruit, tightly wrap the fruit, and freeze for up to
three months. Defrost the fruit in the refrigerator for about four
hours, scoop the fruit, and enjoy!
Persimmon and Apple Salad
Makes 6 servings
Each serving equals one 5 A Day serving
1 Tbsp walnut pieces, toasted
2 Tbsp orange juice
1 Tbsp sherry vinegar
1 Tbsp olive oil
3 sweet variety apples, rinsed, cored, and thinly sliced lengthwise
3 firm-ripe Fuyu persimmons, rinsed, stemmed, and thinly sliced lengthwise
In a bowl, combine orange juice, vinegar, and olive oil. Add apples,
persimmons, and toasted walnuts and mix to coat.
Nutritional analysis per serving: Calories 90, Protein 0g, Fat 3g, Calories
From Fat 29%, Cholesterol 0mg, Carbohydrates 16g, Fiber 3g, Sodium 15mg.
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Mixed Persimmon Salad
Makes 4 servings
Each serving equal one and one half 5 A Day servings
2 cups mixed green salad mix
4 Tbsp red wine vinegar dressing
½ ripe avocado, peeled and slice
4 persimmons peeled and chunk
1 cup jicama, chopped
1 Asian pear, sliced
Put lettuce in serving bowl. Measure the dressing into a glass measure large
enough to hold the fruit. Put avocado, persimmons, jicama, and Asian pear
pieces in a glass measure as they are cut. Stir to coat. Pour the fruit and
dressing onto the lettuce. Toss to coat. Chill 20 minutes.
Nutritional analysis per serving: Calories 111, Protein 2g, Fat 4g, Calories
From Fat 29%, Cholesterol 0mg, Carbohydrates 19g, Fiber 4g, Sodium
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Poached Persimmons
Makes 6 servings
Each serving equals one 5 A Day serving
6 firm-ripe Fuyu persimmons, (about 1½ pounds)
½ cup dry white wine
¾ cup orange juice
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp fresh gingerroot, peeled and minced
¼ tsp cinnamon
Stem and peel the persimmons, discard any seeds, and cut each persimmon
into 8 wedges. In a saucepan combine the persimmons, wine, orange juice,
sugar, gingerroot, and cinnamon, bring the liquid to a boil, stirring
occasionally, and simmer the mixture, covered, for 15 minutes, or until the
persimmons are tender. Transfer the persimmons with a slotted spoon to a
bowl, boil the syrup until it is reduced to about ½ cup, and pour it over the
persimmons. The persimmons may be served warm or chilled over ice cream,
rice pudding, or bread pudding.
Nutritional analysis per serving: Calories 92, Protein 0g, Fat 0g, Calories
From Fat 1%, Cholesterol 0mg, Carbohydrates 20g, Fiber 0g, Sodium 3mg.
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