NLP Practitioner Certification Training.pdf

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The Lifeworks Group
Manual for
NLP Practitioner Certification Training
by Video Distance Learning
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Warning: This manual is an accompaniment to our
video distance learning course for NLP Practitioner
Throughout the manual, we are addressing people who
are taking part in video training and are using the
manual as an additional resource and an aid in
completing the necessary activities for assessment.
The manual does not replace full video training, and we
in no way purport that video training is equivalent to live
The purpose of placing this manual on the world wide
web at very low cost is to make NLP more available to
people who otherwise could simply not afford to make
NLP skills part of their lives.
Although we regret that we have the resources to
provide educational backup only to our registered
students, those who have acquired this manual without
enrolling in our distance learning course can still find
enormous peer support on various internet chat lists.
Good luck with your studies!
Copyright Lifeworks Group – 2000
NLP Practitioner Certification Training
Welcome to a very different NLP Practitioner Certification. This training is different not
just because it is the first Practitioner Training in the world, to our knowledge, which is
being provided by video distance learning, but because it also contains an introduction
to the neuro-somatic work of NLP genius Gary Craig.
The format of the course is 5 modules, each one designed to be completed over 2
days, with the course intended to take around 5 months. It is unlikely that you will
succeed in this course in much under that time, because you are asked to apply and
demonstrate your ability to create real change in your life as a result of applying NLP
tools. It takes time and practice to really build skill to this level.
This manual is not a definitive or comprehensive textbook on NLP. It provides a
process for achieving a certain level of skill. I believe that learning NLP is a lifelong
commitment, and this course is only a beginning. There is a wealth of fantastic NLP
material out there, some of which we’ve listed at the end of this manual, but most of
which you’ll discover yourself through research or through serendipity.
You will not learn much from this course if you merely watch the videos and read the
manual on your own. NLP is not learned by reading -- it is learned by doing and
experiencing. Therefore it is absolutely essential that you enrol others to study and
share the material with you. This, of course, is at no cost to them (unless you choose
to minimise your own cost and share the cost of purchase with them) but with
enormous gain. If other members of your group also wish to be assessed for
certification, they need to apply to do at commencement of the study group .
Our policy is to sell a complete video set to a student who is then registered
For me the journey of studying and understanding NLP continues to excite me and to
add to the richness and pleasure of my professional and personal life. So naturally
one of my intended outcomes for this training is for participants to experience the
training as a pleasurable and enriching experience. In my mind is a rich
representation of what this might be like: lots of sharing, lots of laughter, faces
glowing with “light globe” experiences, and a sense of camaraderie and goodwill
between group members. I guess the evidence for this might be a raft of pleasant
emails to Lifeworks as we share your pleasure at learning.
The experience of really “connecting” with another is beyond words but nevertheless
felt by everyone at one time or another in our lives. When we add this type of
connection to the powerful language skills of NLP, the difference in the depth and
effectiveness of the communication is amazing. So the second of my outcomes is to
be able to observe measurable and dramatic changes in participants’ ability to
Copyright Lifeworks Group – 2000
communicate powerfully and persuasively. The evidence for this will be not only in
feedback from assessments, but from reports of changes in participants’ lives that
automatically flow as we connect more authentically with others and thus gain trust
and co-operation.
It has been a particular joy for me to be able to take creative control over my own
brain and over my environment (to a large extent ). So another of my outcomes is
for participants to have both the ability and confidence to easily and naturally
demonstrate not just the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the standards for
Practitioner Certification, but to demonstrate achievement of real outcomes and a new
life direction which is more joyful and more productive. A large part of the
assessment process is in requiring participants to set goals for positive change and
demonstrate their achievement.
Take a moment, right now, to think about what you already know or suspect about
NLP. Consider also what expectations or goals you have the process of your studying
NLP through this manual. Take time to list a selection of these goals, some very short
term, some which you might expect to achieve in a few months, and some which you
might except to achieve in a year or so. As you study, re-visit these goals and not
only judge how you're doing, but consider whether they need to be modified or added
to as a result of your learning.
Good luck with your studies!
Copyright Lifeworks Group – 2000
The Components of the Program
In order to reach certification standard for Practitioner Level of NLP, students need to
be able to demonstrate the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques,
patterns and concepts of NLP, and to utilise them competently with self and with
Behavioural integration of the basic presuppositions of NLP:
Outcome orientation with respect for other’s model of the world and the
ecology of the system. People create their own experience. I am in charge of
my mind and therefore my results.
Distinction between map and territory. The map is not the territory.
A person is not his/her behaviour. Experience has a structure. Whatever you
think you are, you are always more than that.
There is no failure, there is only feedback.
There is a solution to every problem.
Learning is living – we cannot not learn.
The mind and body are part of the same system, and affect each other.
The meaning of your communication is the response that you get. A person
cannot not respond.
Adaptive intent of all behaviour. Everyone does the best he/she can at any
given time, given the resources he/she is able to access. Every behaviour has a
positive intention. People make the best choices available to them. People
work perfectly (no-one is broken).
Everyone has the necessary resources. People have all the resources they need
to bring about change and success. If one person can do something, anyone
can do it. Change can be fast and easy.
Resistance is a signal of insufficient pacing. Resistance is a comment on the
communicator and may be a sign of insufficient pacing.
Law of requisite variety. The system with the widest range of variables will
constitute the controlling element. The person who controls the system is the
one with the most flexibility. Choice is better than no choice.
Copyright Lifeworks Group – 2000
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