Hawk - The Hidden Gulag - Exposing North Korea's Prison Camps 2003.pdf

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Gulag Report/v3
Exposing North Korea’s
Prison Camps
Prisoners’ Testimonies
and Satellite Photographs
David Hawk
U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
The Hidden
Exposing North Korea’s
Prison Camps
Prisoners’ Testimonies
and Satellite Photographs
David Hawk
U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
The Hidden
The U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea is an independent, nongovernmental organization
based in Washington, D.C. Created in 2001, the Committee was established to conduct independent research on
human rights abuses in North Korea, and to disseminate its findings. It is not affiliated with the U.S. government.
Board of Directors
Morton Abramowitz, The Century Foundation
Gary Ackerman, U.S. House of Representatives
Jaehoon Ahn, Radio Free Asia
Richard V. Allen, The Richard V. Allen Company
Robert L. Bernstein, founder of Human Rights Watch
Roberta Cohen, The Brookings Institution
Chuck Downs, author of Over the Line: North Korea’s Negotiating Strategy
Nicholas Eberstadt, American Enterprise Institute
Phil Fishman, AFL-CIO
Carl Gershman, National Endowment for Democracy
Helen-Louise Hunter, author of Kim Il-Song’s North Korea
Fred Charles Iklé, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Stephen Kahng, 4C Ventures
Mark Kirk, U.S. House of Representatives
Helie Lee, author of In the Absence of Sun: A Korean American Woman’s Promise
to Reunite Three Lost Generations of Her Family
James Lilley, American Enterprise Institute
Philip Merrill, Export-Import Bank
Marcus Noland, Institute for International Economics
Joseph Pitts, U.S. House of Representatives
Jack Rendler, Human rights advocate
Suzanne Scholte, Defense Forum Foundation
John Shattuck, John F. Kennedy Library Foundation
Stephen J. Solarz, APCO Worldwide
Debra Liang-Fenton, Executive Director
U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
1101 15th Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005 USA
Tel: (202) 467-4765
Fax: (202) 293-6042
Report edited by Jennifer Fiore, Debra Liang-Fenton
Designed by Stewart Andrews, Noodlebox Design, LLC
About the Author
A prominent human rights investigator and advocate, David Hawk worked for the United Nations directing the
Cambodia Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in 1996 and 1997. In the early and middle
1980s, Hawk investigated and analyzed the Khmer Rouge genocide, publishing groundbreaking prisoner/exe-
cution photographs and original documents in association with the Columbia University Center for the Study
of Human Rights. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hawk established and directed the Cambodia
Documentation Commission (New York), which sought an international tribunal for the Khmer Rouge leader-
ship, and human rights provisions and mechanisms in the 1991 Cambodian peace treaty and U.N. transitional
peacekeeping operation.
In August 1995, Hawk traveled to Rwanda to investigate that nation’s massacres for the U.S. Committee for
Refugees, and in 1995, he returned to Kigali on a mission for Amnesty International. More recently, Hawk has
consulted for the Landmine Survivors Network on U.S. landmine policy and humanitarian assistance projects
in Cambodia and Vietnam. From 2001 to 2003, Hawk was a Brandeis University Fellow in Human Rights,
Intervention, and International Law. A former executive director of Amnesty International/USA, he has served
on the board of directors of that organization and on the advisory board of Human Rights Watch/Asia.
Hawk traveled to Seoul three times between August 2002 and February 2003 to interview former North
Korean prisoners now in exile in South Korea for this report.
The U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea expresses its deep appreciation
to the Seoul-based Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (Citizens’
Alliance) and the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (NKnet)
for arranging interviews in South Korea. An additional interview was arranged by Pnan,
a refugee assistance group. The Committee also owes a debt of gratitude to the many
North Korean former prisoners for their patience during the painstaking process of col-
lecting information for this report, and for their courage for speaking out.
Obtaining the satellite images for this report would not have been possible without the
support of DigitalGlobe, a spatial imaging and information company based in the
United States. The Committee expresses its deep appreciation for DigitalGlobe’s support,
and for its important contributions in the field of satellite imaging.
This project has been made possible by the combined efforts of many talented and com-
mitted people. Highest appreciation goes to Matthew McKinzie, Sujin Hwang, Jason
Slemons, and Tom Cochran of the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental
advocacy organization, for their technical expertise related to the satellite photographic
images. The Committee is indebted to Benjamin Yoon and Young Ja Kim of the Citizens’
Alliance, and Howard Young of NKnet for their help, particularly in connection with the
Glossary of Repression. Special thanks go to Hae Young Lee of the Citizens’ Alliance for
her invaluable assistance in reviewing the plethora of maps and satellite photographs with
former North Korean prisoners, and for serving as skilled intermediary, translator, and
fact-checker. Louisa Coan Greve’s thoughtful review of the preliminary drafts of the
report has greatly enhanced the finished product. Appreciation goes to the anonymous
reviewers, and to Erin Sawaya for a range of assistance.
© 2003 U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
© Copyright 2000 by Times Books Group Ltd., and Bartholomew Ltd. Random House, New York (Typeset and printed in the
UK, February 2001).
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