I Will Follow You Into The Dark by SydneyAlice COMPLETE.pdf

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I Will Follow You Into The Dark
by SydneyAlice
Dr. Edward Cullen falls hard for Bella Swan, an exotic dancer in one of Seattle's nightclubs. What
kept her from dancing on Broadway? Can they escape their haunted pasts and find love for the
first time?
All human. Rated M for language and lemons.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their
respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers
of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
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Chapter 1
"Loosen the hell up, Edward." Emmett frowned before guzzling his fifth beer. "You are the only
straight man I know that can't enjoy a Seattle strip club on a Friday night."
"Fuck you," I muttered. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this."
He grinned as the next dancer made her way to the stage. I wasn't sure what disgusted me more
– the plastic blonde gyrating on stage or the stripper pole that hung from the ceiling.
Emmett's eyes were transfixed on the woman's busty costume.
"They're fake you know," I mumbled as I nursed my beer. One of us had stay sober tonight. I
grabbed one of the French fries that had remained untouched on Em's plate as he continued
salivating at the girl onstage.
He rolled his eyes but never looked away from the stage. "Well, of course they're fake.
Everything on her is fake. Who the fuck cares?"
I couldn't believe this was my brother. I would forever hate Rosalie Hale for turning my brother
into a chauvinistic pig. Since the day Emmett had opened her office door to find his wife
straddling the boss's lap, the man's views on women and their worth had changed dramatically.
"I'm going to require more alcohol if you insist on being an asshole all night," I grumbled as I
turned toward the bar. He completely ignored me as I wound my way to the bartender and
ordered another beer.
Thanking him, I leaned against the bar and attempted to be objective. The club was too bright
and too loud for my tastes, but for a strip club, I had to admit it was fairly classy. Minus the
stripper's pole, of course.
I glanced at the stage and took a long look at the blonde who had captured my brother's
attention. She was probably around our age. But she looked older. She looked tired. Maybe
even a little numb, as if she'd accepted that this was her life and she was stuck in it.
I could relate.
Misery loved company, and that would explain why I allowed my brother to drag me to this
place when all I really wanted to do was go home to my empty condo and collapse in a drunken
heap on the living room couch. After my divorce from Tanya had become final last month, that
seemed to be how I preferred to spend my lonely weekends. If I couldn't beg for double shifts at
the hospital, or if I couldn't find an excuse to spend time with my family, then the sofa was my
permanent residence until I made my rounds at the hospital on Monday mornings.
This was my life, and I was stuck in it.
I maneuvered my way back to our table just as the lights were lowered, signaling the next
dancer's arrival to the stage. I noticed our flirty waitress had granted Em with yet another beer.
"You should eat something," The doctor in me mouthed as his eyes drooped in the darkness. I
couldn't help but laugh, but then I remembered that I was going to have to drag his heavy ass to
the car.
Fucking great.
The lights flickered into a soft blue as the next dancer made her way to the stage. Emmett's eyes
shot open, suddenly wide-awake. The girl walked slowly onto the stage, and I couldn't help but
think that our sister would die for the stilettos that were strapped to the dancer's legs. Black,
tall, and strappy seemed to be Alice's only requirements when it came to sexy shoes.
My eyes roamed along her body, and I had to admit that this was the hottest girl we'd seen all
night. Emmett seemed to agree as he punched my shoulder and mumbled, "I bet those are
I was ashamed of myself when I mumbled, "I'd love to find out," causing him to nearly fall out of
his seat laughing. But hell, she was gorgeous. Thankfully, she'd avoided the fake orange tan that
the other dancers seemed to prefer. Her skin was creamy and pale, and the midnight blue dress
that caressed her body complemented her skin perfectly. My eyes drifted to her face which was
just as lovely as the rest of her. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown and were framed by long
black lashes. And her hair. Her hair was full of mahogany waves that flowed down to the middle
of her back.
She was simply beautiful. Too stunning to be writhing around that pole, and I had to force
myself to remain seated. The urge to cover her up and carry her off that disgusting stage was
overwhelming. What the fuck was wrong with me?
"My brother is drooling!!" Em screamed loud enough for the whole club to hear. The dancer
naturally drifted toward his booming voice, obviously realizing that the drunker the man, the
sweeter the tips. She was even more gorgeous up close, and I couldn't believe the erection that
was straining against my jeans. She continued to dance, and I was close to losing my fucking
She leaned down toward our table and her doe eyes locked onto Emmett's face. Suddenly, her
face turned ashen with recognition and she quickly turned her back to us as she continued
dancing. Emmett stood up so that he could grab her ass, and I muttered a curse as I threw him
back down into the chair. She began dancing toward the other side of the stage, and Emmett
looked as if he was about to burst into tears.
"So close," he whined. "You're a fucking punk, Edward. Look at her!"
I was looking, and I continued staring at her as she pranced off the stage with applause ringing
in the air. As much as I wanted to see her naked, I was thankful that she'd remained clothed
during her set. For some irrational reason, the thoughts of these assholes, my brother included,
seeing her naked was enough to drive me insane with jealousy.
The rest of the night passed uneventfully as I watched my brother become a drunken mess. It
was after two in the morning before I could finally drag him away from the stage, but he was too
hammered to care. I pulled him toward the bar and threw him against a barstool.
"Are we drinking?" Em mumbled drowsily as he gazed at the bottles behind the bar.
"We've had enough," I nodded to the bartender, and he smiled in agreement. "I'm just gonna go
get the car. Can you keep your hands off the dancers until I get back?"
"If I see that redhead again, I make no promises," Em slurred and the bartender laughed with
"She is a doll, isn't she? She's our new girl. Only been here for a couple of months, but she's
definitely a favorite. She has some strict requirements when it comes to stripping, though."
"There are requirements?" I asked suspiciously, surprised that strippers actually had a code of
"Well," he muttered. "Not usually, but this girl is special. She loves to dance, and she's the best
we have, but she refuses to strip. The men don't seem to mind too much, but I keep telling her
the tips will be better if she shows some skin. She just flat refuses."
"Man…." Emmett drawled. "What a waste."
The bartender nodded. "Tell me about it. But she's a good dancer and a sweet girl, and she
really does fill these seats despite the fact that she's covered in clothes, so the boss just lets her
dance. Pays her the usual rate and she gets to keep her tips, of course." He laughed loudly. "Ya
know, I serve the booze, and the girl usually rakes in better tips than I do."
I had no problem believing it. The girl was gorgeous.
"I'm gonna go get the car. Keep an eye on him, will ya?" The bartender nodded and I slapped Em
on the shoulder as I turned toward the exit. I stopped dead in my tracks when I caught a glimpse
of her as she appeared from backstage. This time, she was dressed in a hoodie and jeans, but
she was just as beautiful. She strolled down the stairs and started walking toward the bar.
The fucking car was just going to have to wait.
"Hey Mike," she smiled at the bartender. Of course, her voice was just as sexy as the rest of her.
"Could I just get a bottle of water?"
"Sure thing," he grinned, grabbing the bottle and handing it to her. "I was just talking to two of
your fans here."
"Oh?" Her eyes flashed as she finally noticed me standing next to the bar. Emmett finally
opened his glazed eyes and turned to face her.
"Hey baby," he slurred, trying to keep his balance as he hung on to the bar. "You were…..you
were great."
Her eyes flashed, and I honestly thought she was going to be sick. She dropped her head quickly.
"Thanks," she mumbled. "I'll see you later, Mike."
"Hang on, girl," my idiot brother whined, and I finally grabbed him and threw him into the
nearest chair. He muttered, "Fuck you, Edward" but he didn't try to get up again.
"I'm sorry," I muttered. "My brother is an idiot when he's drunk."
Confusion flashed across her face. But she recovered quickly and whispered, "That's okay. Most
drunks are idiots."
"You look sooooooo familiar," Em grinned. "Have we met? What's your name?"
She looked around rapidly, and I could tell she was searching for an alternate exit.
"I don't think we've met," she whispered, not daring to look him in the eye.
"Bella!" One of the dancers waved at her from across the stage. "Thanks for the cab fare. I'll pay
you back tomorrow, I swear."
Bella closed her eyes and sighed in defeat.
"Bell……Bella?" Emmett squinted his eyes accusingly. "Bella?" He scrutinized her for a few more
moments before surprise flashed across his face. "No way. I'm not that drunk. It can't be."
She bit her lip nervously. "Hey, Emmett."
"BELLA!!!!" Emmett jumped up from the table and somehow had enough balance to pull her
into a massive bear hug. He lifted her into his arms, and she giggled. The sound vibrated through
my entire body, and I suddenly found myself wishing my brother had stayed home tonight. They
obviously knew each other, and I was shit out of luck.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked as he stumbled into the chair and placed her on
his lap. Again, the envy flooded me.
"I'm working," she stated seriously. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought my little brother here to his first strip club. You were definitely his favorite, by the
She turned her gaze toward me, and I could see the confusion creep over her beautiful features.
"Your brother?" She asked, her eyes searching my face. "I don't remember Alice mentioning
another brother." She smiled apologetically at me. "I'm sure she talked about you, of course. It's
just been a long time ago."
Em's face shot to me. "Oh yeahhhh, you didn't have the pleasure….." Emmett drawled. "Eddie
boy here was away at school when you spent that summer at the house." He cleared his voice as
if he was going to make an inaugural speech. "Edward Cullen, this is Bella Swan. She was Alice's
roommate at…..at……where the fuck did you go to school again?"
"UW," Bella and I said in unison. I smiled at her, and she laughed. I couldn't ignore the sparkle in
her eyes. Or the way her body was perched on my brother's lap. How did a graduate of UW end
up working in a strip club?
"What the hell are you doing working here?" Emmett echoed my thoughts. "This place isn't safe,
Bella. There are perverts here."
She giggled. "You weren't saying that a couple of hours ago. You were reaching for my ass, if I
recall correctly."
"Well," he stuttered. "I didn't know it was YOUR ass."
"Why are you grabbing anyone's ass? Where is your darling wife that I hated so much?"
His face grimaced and her eyes shot to mine. I just shook my head. Comprehension and sadness
flowed across her face.
"I'm going to pretend to be surprised," she whispered.
Emmett chuckled at me. "Bella here was never a fan of Rosalie's."
"That's because Rosalie was a bitch," she muttered.
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