The Hard Way To Learn A Lesson & Outtake by Stephaniiie COMPLETE.pdf
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The Hard Way To Learn A Lesson
by Stephaniiie
AU/AH Bad boy Edward needs to be taught a lesson. So his teachers come up with a
plan- 'marry' him to the best behaved girl in school! How will his ego survive spending
'eternity' with Bella Swan! Little OOC.
Disclaimer: The characters of Twilight are owned by
Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.
"Enter, Cullen," Mr Hudson called in a bored voice. He was used to 'Cullen' being right
outside his office. In fact, he didn't even have to wait for the harsh rap of knuckles on
the door anymore. And that had nothing to do with the fact that there was a window in
the door of the office.
The door opened and an extraordinarily good-looking boy, looking as bored as Mr
Hudson sounded, came in. "Mr Hudson," he greeted as he sat down in the chair
opposite the balding man. He sat back in the chair, the light glinting off his bronze hair.
His startling green eyes were teasing, a cheeky glint passing through them as he put his
feet up on the desk as though it was the most natural thing in the world which, to him, it
probably was.
"Feet off the desk, Edward!" Hudson barked.
"Yes, Sir," Edward replied mockingly, removing his feet from the desk.
Mr Hudson ground his teeth together, obviously frustrated with the boy's sarcastic
response but unable to work it. He counted to ten in his head and then sighed. "Why are
you here this time then, Cullen?"
"For speaking the truth," the boy answered in an innocent voice. "And chucking a brick
through Mrs Connell's car window. But she did practically ask for it."
Hudson pinched the bridge of his nose and ignored Edward's second statement.
"Speaking the truth to whom?"
"That Swan girl." His tone was bitter and cross as he spoke and his perfect face turned
into an expression so menacing, even a vampire would have been scared.
"I presume you mean Isabella Swan?" Mr Hudson's tone was reprimanding and
practically worshipful. "She is a straight A grade student Cullen and
behaved. She has a bright future ahead of her, quite unlike you at this point in time.
Instead of saying nasty things to her, you should look up to her and take a leaf out of her
"I said that I told the truth not that I said nasty things to her." Edward smirked at his
head teacher.
"Edward. You are in my office. Obviously, to you, the two things are mutually inclusive
or you would not be sat where you are right now!"
"I'm sorry, Sir, I don't know what you mean by 'mutually inclusive'."
"I mean the same, Cullen!" Hudson shouted. "This is exactly what I mean! You have
great potential, Edward, but you squander it and use it to make trouble. I've had it up to
here." He slammed his hand down on the desk. "I am not going to punish you anymore
because you know that throwing bricks through teachers' windows is wrong and I know
that suspension will not work. Edward, as much as I hate to 'give up' on a student, I
cannot try to teach the un-teachable. Consider this your last warning."
"Last warning until what?" Edward asked suspiciously.
"Expulsion," Mr Hudson answered flatly.
Edward rolled his eyes, not at all deterred, and stood up. "Thanks Mr H. Nice doing
business with you." And then he strolled out of the office.
"I told you not to call me Mr H!" Mr Hudson yelled after him, his face turning an
unnatural shade of puce. He ground his teeth together again and closed his eyes,
beginning to count to ten and mumbling to himself about 'early greys' although he
didn't really have enough hair left to turn grey.
But before he even got to seven, he was interrupted. "Er… Mr Hudson?"
Mr Hudson opened his eyes to see a man in his forties with greying hair standing in front
of him. He was fiddling nervously with the bottom of his suit blazer, something that
really irritated Mr Hudson.
"Yes, Mr Marshall?" he asked Forks High's only psychology teacher.
"Well, sorry Sir, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Mr Cullen and I
think I may have a solution to your problem," Mr Marshall said.
"If you think that you have a punishment that will work on Cullen, then you have my
permission to try it, and may you have all of the luck in the world."
"Well… it's a bit long-winded… and it may take a while… but I'm pretty sure that it will
set him straight."
Mr Hudson narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Mr Marshall's mysterious tone. "Let's hear
it then."
"I have both Mr Cullen and Miss Swan in my psychology class and I am thinking of
introducing a new project to their class, use them as red-herrings, so to say."
"What's the project and how will it stop Cullen from misbehaving?" Mr Hudson sighed
as though he had little faith in his colleague.
"Well… it involves pairing one boy with one girl and… they have to pretend to be
married. You know, live together, wear rings, spend all of their time with each other…
everything that marriage entails except for the physical aspect…"
Hudson interrupted. "And how will this stop Cullen from…?"
"I was getting to that part. I can pair him up with Isabella Swan. She can teach him a
lesson or two, I'm sure. And… perhaps there are a few things that she can learn from
him too…"
"And you're almost certain that this will… 'set him straight'," Mr Hudson echoed his
words, his eyes narrowed slightly.
"You can never underestimate the power the psychological effect of a human example
can have. I believe it may help Cullen to see the world differently and realise what he
could do if he put his mind to it… The project may also be an incredible experience for
the whole class to endure…"
Mr Hudson sighed again and considered it for a few minutes. He swivelled in his chair
and stared blankly at the chart on his wall. It was a calendar of the year, with a little box
for every day since he had started here at the beginning of the spring term. It was only
two days until spring break now, but everyday that Mr Hudson had been replacing the
previous head teacher, Mr Greene - who had decided to move to a girls' school, and Mr
Hudson was now beginning to realise why - there was a little pencil scribble of
appointments. And, most of them were reminding him of some type of punishment that
Edward Cullen was currently serving. More recently, they simply read 'Cullen'.
His brow furrowed as he thought. "And when would this project begin and end?"
"The first week we return after spring break – it will need some preparing – and it would
probably last for a few weeks."
Mr Hudson sucked in a deep breath and blew it out again as he came to his decision.
"Very well. You can go ahead with this project and try your hardest to influence Cullen
with the spectacular power of the human mind, but I personally don't think that it will
make much of an impact. All I expect from this project is an angry Cullen and a brick
window, resulting in expulsion. I've given him his last warning now. If he
puts one more toe out of line…" Hudson trailed off.
"Oh, you can't expel him during the project! It would leave Isabella with no partner and
she would fail. The girl's never got below an A in her life- she'd probably die of a heart
attack!" Mr Marshall said.
Mr Hudson was visibly irritated. "Well,
keep him in check then."
"I'll try my best. It's got to be worth a try though, hasn't it?"
Though Hudson was not at all convinced that the project would even be worth that, he
had run out of ideas so he would have to stick with whatever insane idea anyone else
could come up with. "I guess so. It can't do much more harm. Another teacher is bound
to get a brick through their window soon enough… or worse. But, after your little
project, Cullen will not be protected from expulsion. He cannot know that he won't get
expelled whilst participating in this or he will run amock.
"As soon as the project is over, Marshall, I'll give you that long. If the boy hasn't changed
by then, he's going to be out of this school faster than he could throw a brick through
my window… and I'd expect that he can do that pretty damn fast!" Hudson concluded,
pointing to the door, an unsubtle hint that he wanted Mr Marshall to leave his office.
"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," Mr Marshall said gratefully. He wore a huge grin as he stepped
out of his boss' office, eager to put his plan into action. Un-teachable, indeed! He,
Stephen Marshall, would be the one to prove that there was not an un-teachable
student in the world, including Edward Cullen. After all, you can never over-estimate the
power of the human mind… and the psychology behind it…
Chapter 1- New Term, New… Friend?
Bella POV
"Come on, come on!" I coaxed my old red truck as I drove closer and closer to the
school. Getting up late on the first day back after spring break was not a great idea if I
wanted to keep my perfect record. Which I did. But I knew that my excellent grades and
spotless record were probably the causes of my lack of popularity. I mean, I didn't
particularly mind that people said nasty things about me, both behind my back and to
my face, but it was a bit of a bummer not having anyone there to stick up for me. Or
even just to talk civilly to me. That was really all I asked of life.
I knew that there was a new girl starting today, but I didn't have high hopes for her. She
was related to Edward Cullen; enough said.
Edward Cullen was the rebel of the school, the bad boy. Of course, he was the sexiest
guy in the world and every girl in school would do anything for him… except for me. His
stunning green eyes, strange bronze hair and shocking muscles did nothing for me at all.
Sure, he was gorgeous and I'm not afraid to admit that, but you should never judge a
book by its cover and I knew what was behind that cover: a player. But I seemed to be
the only girl in Forks High that could actually see this. Or the only one that cared. It was
a good thing that I hated the guy, though, because he sure hated me. That much had
been made obvious several times, the most recent just two days before we broke up for
spring break.
I sighed as I parked in my space. We didn't have aligned spaces or anything, but I had
parked in this space ever since I had started here. Probably because it was the space
furthest away from the school; the outcast, just like me.
I grabbed my bag and got out of my truck, starting to run through the rain that held a
constant presence in Forks.
I flopped down in my seat just before the bell rang. Phew. I dug through my bag and
pulled out my battered paperback copy of 'Wuthering Heights' before settling down to
read throughout registration. It was lucky my tutor was an English Lit teacher.
Just a few minutes after me, Mrs Connell came through the door. "Morning class. Settle
down please." There was no change in the noise level. Mrs Connell took a deep breath
and yelled, "Shut up!"
Everyone fell quiet.
"Thank you," Mrs Connell said. I ignored her and stuck my nose back in my book. I was
so absorbed that I didn't notice the unnatural silence that accompanied the door to the
classroom creaking open and then shutting. I only paid attention to the change when a
bell-like voice spoke.
"Um… sorry I'm late, Miss," it said. I looked up to see a girl stood by the door. She had
short black hair that had been skilfully straightened to make it stick out in spikes and
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