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słownictwo gastronomia
Running a restaurant seems pretty simple but in fact a lot of things have to be done.
Somebody has to buy and maintain stocks of food and drink, decide on seating
arrangements, and choose the right tableware and kitchen equipment. The tables must be
laid, with the plates, knives, forks, spoons, glasses and napkins in the right places.
Somebody must prepare menus, welcome guests, take orders, serve food, and prepare bills.
Somebody of course has to cook, and finally tables must be cleared away and somebody
has to wash up.
Catering can also mean preparing food and serving it not in a restaurant, but in places like
schools or factories, or preparing meals in one place and serving them in another.
Sometimes caterers don't just take food to a party, a company reception or a wedding, but
have to plan the whole event. If you are creative, love cooking and enjoy working with
people, catering can be an exciting profession which demands hard work and the ability to
work under pressure.
A table setting may have many elements, especially on formal occasions.
Table setting refers to the way to set a table with tableware for serving and eating.
Shot glass
Yard glass
Beer glassware
Cocktail (martini) glass
Collins glass
Pilsner glass
Wine glass
Pint glass
Highball glass
Brandy snifter
Beer stein
Old fashioned glass
Champagne flute
Wheat beer glass
Sake cup
Champagne coupe
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To run a restaurant – prowadzić restaurację
To maintain stocks – utrzymywać zapasy
Seating arrangements – ustawienie stolików I krzeseł
Tableware – nakrycie stołu
Kitchen equipment – sprzęt kuchenny
To lay a table, to set a table – nakryć stół
Plates – talerze
Knives – noŜe
Forks – widelce
Spoons – łyŜeczki
Glasses – szklanki, kieliszki
Napkins – rewetki
Menu – karta dań
To Welcom guests – witać gości
To take orders – przyjmować zamówienia
To serve ford – podawać jedzenie
To prepare bills- przygotowywać rachunki
To cook – gotować
To clear awal tables – uprzątać stoły
To wash up – zmywać
A company reception – przyjęcie w firmie
A wedding – ślub
To work under pressure – pracować pod presją
A waiter – kelner
A course - danie
A dish - potrawa
Vegetables – warzywa
Drinks – napoje
French fries – frytki
A service – usługa
To book a table –rezerwować stolik
Keep the change – zachowaj resztę
1. True or False?
It's always better to book your table in advance.
In some restaurants a Head Waiter shows you to your table.
An aperitif is drunk after a meal.
The waiter usually takes your order.
A starter is the first course.
Some restaurants are divided into smoking and non-smoking areas.
Still water is carbonated mineral water.
Some dishes are served with a selection of vegetables.
A Bloody Mary is a drink.
VAT is never added to the bill.
2. Read and act out the dialogue:
Waiter : Would you like a dessert, sir ?
John: No, thank you. Just some coffee with cream, and the
bill please.
Waiter : Yes, sir. I'll bring it immediately. Are you satisfied?
John: Yes, everything is fine.
Waiter: Here's your coffee, and your bill, sir.
John: Thank you. Just a moment. This dish here, French fries. We didn't have any
French fries.
Waiter: Let me see, sir. Yes, that's a mistake. I'm sorry about that, sir.
John: Is service included in the bill?
Waiter : Yes, sir. It is. And VAT is added too.
John: Here you are. Keep the change.
Waiter :
Thank you sir. We look forward to seeing you again.
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