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[0][25]Sherlock.1x03.The_Great_Game.HDTV_XviD-FoV|English SRT Subtitles - UF (v1.00)
[114][150]Just tell me what happened|from the beginning.
[162][176]We had been to a bar,
[177][223]nice place, and, er, I got chatting|with one of the waitresses,
[224][269]and Karen weren't happy with that,|so...when we get back to the hotel,
[269][291]we end up having|a bit of a ding-dong.
[291][318]HE SIGHS
[319][364]She's always getting at me,|saying I weren't a real man.
[364][378]Wasn't a real man.
[379][423]What?|It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't".
[460][469]Go on.
[470][508]Well...then I don't know|how it happened,
[508][547]but suddenly|there's a knife in my hands...
[564][602]..and me old man was a butcher,|so I know how to handle knives.
[602][628]He learned us how to cut up a beast.|Taught.
[628][650]What?|Taught you how to cut up a beast.
[650][673]Yeah, well, then I done it.
[673][695]Did it.|Did it! Stabbed her,
[696][736]over and over and over, and I looked|down, and she weren't...
[778][788]..moving no more.
[800][824]Any more.
[854][896]God help me, I dunno how it happened,|but it was an accident, I swear.
[896][923]You've got to help me, Mr Holmes!
[933][953]Everyone says you're the best.
[953][966]Without you...
[967][991]I'll get hung for this.
[992][1014]No, no, Mr Bewick, not at all.
[1028][1058]Hanged, yes.
[1446][1467]TWO GUNSHOTS
[1565][1576]DOOR OPENS
[1595][1614]DOOR SHUTS, HE SIGHS
[1677][1701]What the hell are you doing?!
[1772][1813]Don't know what's got into|the criminal classes.
[1814][1848]Good job I'm not one of them.|So you take it out on the wall?
[1848][1866]The wall had it coming.
[1913][1969]What about that Russian case? Belarus? Open|and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time.
[1969][1986]Oh, shame(!)
[2014][2042]Anything in? I'm starving.
[2054][2070]Oh, f...
[2141][2171]There's a head.
[2172][2195]A severed head!|Just tea for me, thanks.
[2196][2233]No, there's a head in the fridge.|Yes? A bloody head! Well, where else
[2233][2256]could I put it?|You don't mind, do you?
[2256][2290]Well...|Got it from Barts morgue.
[2291][2322]I'm measuring the coagulation|of saliva after death.
[2322][2344]I see you've written up|the taxi driver case.
[2358][2389]A Study In Pink.
[2401][2425]Well, you know. Pink lady, pink case,
[2426][2459]pink phone. There was a lot of pink.|Did you like it?
[2459][2496] Why not?|I thought you'd be flattered.
[2497][2530]Flattered?! "Sherlock sees through|everything and everyone in seconds.
[2530][2560]"What's incredible, though,|is how spectacularly ignorant he is
[2560][2584]"about some things." Hang on,|I didn't mean that...
[2585][2608]Oh, you meant "spectacularly|ignorant" in a nice way(!)
[2609][2654]Look, it doesn't matter to me who's Prime|Minister or... I know...who's sleeping with who...
[2654][2685]Whether the Earth goes round the sun.|That again! It's not important!
[2685][2699]Not impor...?!
[2700][2750]It's primary school stuff. How can you not|know that? Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it.
[2750][2769]Deleted it?
[2770][2806]Listen. This is my hard drive,|and it only makes sense
[2806][2841]to put things in there|that are useful. REALLY useful.
[2842][2876]Ordinary people fill their heads|with all kinds of rubbish.
[2877][2907]That makes it hard to get at|the stuff that matters. Do you see?
[2907][2931]But it's the solar system!
[2932][2974]Oh, hell! What does that matter?! So we go|round the sun. If we went round the moon,
[2974][3016]or round and round the garden like a teddy|bear, it wouldn't make any difference!
[3016][3073]All that matters to me is the work!|Without that, my brain rots!
[3074][3117]Put that in your blog! Or, better still,|stop inflicting your opinions on the world!
[3190][3231]Where are you going?|Out! I need some air.
[3231][3248]Oh, sorry, love! Sorry.
[3283][3322]Ooh-ooh!|Have you two had a little domestic?
[3394][3413]Ooh, it's a bit nippy out there.
[3414][3450]He should have wrapped himself up|a bit more.
[3482][3511]Look at that, Mrs Hudson.
[3539][3558]Calm. Peaceful.
[3567][3593]Isn't it hateful?
[3594][3616]Oh, I'm sure something|will turn up, Sherlock.
[3616][3655]A nice murder. That'll cheer you up.
[3655][3673]Mmm. Can't come too soon.
[3674][3701]Hey, what have you done|to my bloody wall?!
[3714][3750]I'm putting this on your rent,|young man!
[3796][3810]CAR ALARM BEEPS
[3855][3897]Morning. Oh...m-morning. See? Told|you you should have gone with the Lilo.
[3897][3935]No, no, no, it's fine, I slept fine.|It's very kind of you.
[3970][4003]Well, maybe next time I'll let you|kip at the end of my bed, you know.
[4004][4062]NEWSREADER: '..which was discovered mouldering...'|What about the time after that? '..18 months ago.
[4062][4094]'Experts are hailing it as|the artistic find of the century...'
[4095][4136]Do you want some breakfast? Love some. Well,|make it yourself. I'm going to have a shower.
[4136][4160]'..It fetched over £20 million.
[4161][4212]'This one is anticipated to do even|better. Back now to our main story.
[4212][4245]'There's been a massive explosion|in central London.
[4246][4289]'As yet, there are no reports of any|casualties, and the police are unable to say
[4289][4319]'if there's any suspicion|of terrorist involvement.'
[4340][4365]'Police have issued an|emergency number...' Sarah!
[4365][4392]'..for friends and relatives.'|Sorry! I've got to run!
[4433][4462]Excuse me, can I get through?|Excuse me. Can I get through?
[4548][4563]I live over there.
[4610][4624]DOOR BANGS|Sherlock!
[4691][4705]PIZZICATO NOTE|John.
[4706][4730]I saw it on the telly. Are you OK?
[4730][4752]Me? What? Oh, yeah, fine.
[4753][4782]Gas leak, apparently.|PIZZICATO NOTE
[4782][4797]I can't.|Can't?
[4798][4832]Stuff I've got on is just too big.|I can't spare the time.
[4832][4867]Never mind your usual trivia.|This is of national importance.
[4867][4892]PIZZICATO NOTE|How's the diet?
[4911][4928]Perhaps you can get|through to him, John.
[4929][4959]What? I'm afraid my brother|can be very intransigent.
[4959][4982]If you're so keen,|why don't you investigate it?
[4983][5012]No. I can't possibly be|away from the office for any
[5012][5040]length of time. Not with|the Korean elections so...
[5040][5081]Well, you don't need to know|about that, do you?
[5082][5123]Besides, a case like this,|it requires...legwork.
[5123][5138]FALSE NOTE
[5139][5157]How's Sarah, John?|How was the Lilo?
[5157][5177]Sofa, Sherlock. It was the sofa.
[5178][5219]Oh, yes, of course.|How...? Oh, never mind.
[5220][5263]Sherlock's business seems to be|booming since you and he became...
[5263][5289]pals. What's he like to live with?
[5290][5316]Hellish, I imagine.|I'm never bored.
[5316][5336]Good. That's good, isn't it?
[5420][5458]Andrew West, known as Westie|to his friends. Civil servant.
[5458][5496]Found dead on the tracks|at Battersea station this morning
[5496][5513]with his head smashed in.
[5514][5536]Jumped in front of a train?
[5536][5559]Seems the logical assumption.
[5587][5614]Well, you wouldn't be here|if it was just an accident.
[5624][5670]The MoD is working on a new missile defence|system, the Bruce-Partington Program it's called.
[5670][5694]The plans for it|were on a memory stick.
[5694][5714]That wasn't very clever.
[5727][5759]It's not the only copy. Oh.|But it is secret.
[5759][5772]And missing.
[5772][5784]Top secret?
[5785][5820]Very. We think West|must have taken the memory stick.
[5820][5843]We can't risk it falling|into the wrong hands.
[5843][5871]You've got to find those plans,|Sherlock.
[5872][5923]Don't make me order you.|I'd like to see you try.
[5923][5948]Think it over.
[5960][5981]Goodbye, John.|Mm.
[5981][6003]See you very soon.
[6117][6144]FOOTSTEPS FADE
[6144][6171]Why did you lie?
[6171][6183]DOOR SHUTS
[6184][6197]You've got nothing on.
[6198][6225]Not a single case.|That's why the wall took a pounding.
[6226][6259]Why did you tell your brother|you were busy? Why shouldn't I?
[6308][6341]Sibling rivalry.|Now we're getting somewhere.
[6403][6418]Sherlock Holmes.
[6443][6464]Of course. How could I refuse?
[6464][6486]Lestrade - I've been summoned.
[6502][6529]If you want me to. Of course.
[6539][6562]I'd be lost without my blogger.
[6736][6757]'You like the funny cases,|don't you?'
[6757][6781]The surprising ones.|Obviously.
[6782][6830]You'll love this. That explosion.|Gas leak, yes? No.
[6830][6856]No? No. Made to look like one.|What?
[6857][6890]Hardly anything left of the place,|except a strongbox.
[6890][6911]A VERY strong box,|and inside it was this.
[6912][6946]You haven't opened it?|It's addressed to you, isn't it?
[6946][6980]We've X-rayed it. It's not|booby-trapped. How reassuring.
[7072][7088]Nice stationery.
[7124][7150]From the Czech Republic.|No fingerprints?
[7167][7205]She used a fountain pen.|Parker Duofold, iridium nib.
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