
(750 KB) Pobierz
Yukk! (3-5 Players)
It’s dinner time and Mom and Dad have produced a number
of unusual delicacies. Of course, being kids, we all hate
this food and can’t wait for dessert. The object of the game
is to be the first person to clean your plate, even if it means
feeding the dog or dumping food on another player along
the way.
If you can Eat a Food, you must Eat a Food.
If you cannot Eat a Food, but can Play a Card, you must
Play a Card.
If you cannot Eat a Food or Play a Card, you must Draw a
Play continues to the left until someone has no food on his
or her plate. That player wins!
Eat a Food
You can only eat food off of your own plate. You can only
eat food whose Yukk value is less than or equal to the
current Ire. So if the Ire is 4, you could eat your Cabbage
(Yukk 3), or your Broccoli (Yukk 4), but not your Tuna
Casserole (Yukk 5). When you eat a food, place it in the
Discard Pile .
First print out the next five pages on coverstock. You can
use paper, but it’s flimsy and see-through. You can get
coverstock at any good office supply store. Or, you can
print out the next five pages on paper and glue them to
Play a Card
You can only play cards from your hand. If you can play a
Food card from your hand, place it face up on another
player’s plate. That player now has more Food to eat.
Next, print the last page on the back of each of the first five
pages. Or, if you’ve used the cardboard and glue, glue
them to the back of the cardboard.
Finally, cut out the cards. Cut along the solid lines on the
backs of the cards.
You can play a non-Food card. Show the card to the other
players, and follow the instructions on the card. Place the
card in the Discard Pile. If the card raises Ire, add another
counter to the Ire to keep track.
You will need six counters of some sort. Pennies will do
just fine.
The one exception is, “Oh No You Don’t!” This card is not
played like the others. You play it on someone else turn
when he tries to play a “Switch,” Feed the Dog,” or “Sneak
Food,” card. Both cards are put in the Discard Pile, and it
is now your turn. You do not have to play “Oh No You
Don’t!” You can wait until an opportune time.
Starting the Game
First, collect the twenty Food cards (the cards with pictures
of food on them, and names like “Carrots,” and “Okra.”)
and shuffle them face down. Shuffle the rest of the cards
together. They are the Deck .
Deal a Food, face up, to the first player. The Food card has
a number (it’s Yukk value). Keep dealing Food to the first
player until the total of all the Yukk values of all the Foods
in front of her is more than six. The group of Food cards
face up in front of a player is called that player’s Plate .
Draw a Card
Draw a card from the Deck. If there are no cards left in the
Deck, shuffle the Discard Pile, and turn it face down as the
new Deck.
is © 2001 Interactivities Ink, Ltd.
www.interactivitiesink.com, mike@interactivitiesink.com,
6802 Bradford Place
Laurel, Maryland 20707.
Game Design and Layout: Mike Young
Art: Media Graphics, www.arttoday.com
Deal Food to all the players in a likewise manner, then
shuffle the rest of the Food into the Deck. Deal each player
two cards, face down. Those two cards are the player’s
Hand . A player can only see his or her Hand. Place the
remaining Deck face down in the center of the table.
Finally, place a counter next to the Deck. The counter
represents how mad your parents are that you aren’t eating.
We call that Ire . Ire can never be lower than 1 or higher
than 6.
This game is free to distribute in its entirety and may not
be sold for profit without written permission of
Interactivities Ink, Ltd.
This game is shareware. If you enjoyed it, use
www.paypal.com to give $1.00 to
mike@interactivitiesink.com or send us a check.
Playing The Game
Play starts with the first player and continues to her left.
During your turn you can do one thing. You can either Eat
A Food, Play A Card, or Draw a Card. We’re very strict
Playtesters: Arthur Adams, John Corrado, Greg Crowe,
and Rebecca Ellis
Broccoli Peas
4 3
Tofu Cabbage
6 3
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Egg Salad Cauliflower Oatmeal
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Raise Ire
By 1
You may now eat a
food if you can.
Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
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Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
Raise Ire
By 1
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
You may now eat a
food if you can.
Feed the
Feed the
Feed the
Discard a food.
Discard a food.
Discard a food.
Feed the
Feed the
Discard a food.
Discard a food.
Switch plates with
another player.
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