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English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
Henry Coppee
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
Table of Contents
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History. ..........................................................1
Henry Coppee. .........................................................................................................................................1
PREFACE.. ..............................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I. THE HISTORICAL SCOPE OF THE SUBJECT.. ..........................................................4
CHAPTER III. ANGLO−SAXON LITERATURE AND HISTORY. .................................................11
CHAPTER VI. THE MORNING TWILIGHT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. ..................................23
CHAPTER VII. CHAUCER, AND THE EARLY REFORMATION.. ................................................26
LANGUAGES.. ....................................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER XI. SPENSER AND THE ELIZABETHAN AGE. ...........................................................47
CHAPTER XIII. THE ENGLISH DRAMA. ........................................................................................59
CHAPTER XIV. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. .....................................................................................63
CHAPTER XV. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, (CONTINUED.). ..........................................................68
CHAPTER XVI. BACON, AND THE RISE OF THE NEW PHILOSOPHY.. ...................................72
CHAPTER XVII. THE ENGLISH BIBLE.. .........................................................................................77
CHAPTER XIX. THE POETRY OF MILTON.. ..................................................................................84
CHAPTER XX. COWLEY, BUTLER, AND WALTON.. ...................................................................91
CHAPTER XXI. DRYDEN, AND THE RESTORED STUARTS. .....................................................97
THE RESTORATION.. ......................................................................................................................104
CHAPTER XXIII. THE DRAMA OF THE RESTORATION.. .........................................................110
CHAPTER XXIV. POPE, AND THE ARTIFICIAL SCHOOL.. .......................................................113
CHAPTER XXV. ADDISON, AND THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE.. ..........................................120
CHAPTER XXVI. STEELE AND SWIFT.. .......................................................................................124
CHAPTER XXVII. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF MODERN FICTION.. .................................132
CHAPTER XXVIII. STERNE, GOLDSMITH, AND MACKENZIE. ..............................................139
CHAPTER XXIX. THE HISTORICAL TRIAD IN THE SCEPTICAL AGE.. .................................144
CHAPTER XXX. SAMUEL JOHNSON AND HIS TIMES.. ............................................................151
CHAPTER XXXII. POETRY OF THE TRANSITION SCHOOL.. ..................................................161
CHAPTER XXXIII. THE LATER DRAMA.. ....................................................................................167
CHAPTER XXXIV. THE NEW ROMANTIC POETRY: SCOTT.. ..................................................173
CHAPTER XXXVI. THE NEW ROMANTIC POETRY (CONTINUED). ......................................184
CHAPTER XXXVII. WORDSWORTH, AND THE LAKE SCHOOL.. ...........................................192
CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE REACTION IN POETRY.. ....................................................................198
CHAPTER XXXIX. THE LATER HISTORIANS.. ...........................................................................203
CHAPTER XL. THE LATER NOVELISTS AS SOCIAL REFORMERS.. ......................................208
CHAPTER XLI. THE LATER WRITERS.. .......................................................................................215
CHAPTER XLII. ENGLISH JOURNALISM.. ...................................................................................219
INDEX OF AUTHORS.. .....................................................................................................................223
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of
English History
Henry Coppee
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English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
Designed as a Manual of Instruction
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English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History.
Designed as a Manual of Instruction .
Henry Coppee, LL.D.,
President of the Lehigh University.
The Roman Epic abounds in moral and poetical defects; nevertheless it
remains the most complete picture of the national mind at its highest
elevation, the most precious document of national history, if the
history of an age is revealed in its ideas, no less than in its events
and incidents.−−Rev. C. Merivale.
History of the Romans under the Empire , c. xli.
Second Edition. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen &Haffelfinger. 1873.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by Claxton, Remsen &Haffelfinger, in the Office of
the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Stereotyped by J. Fagan &Son, Philadelphia.
To The Right Reverend William Bacon Stevens, D.D., LL.D., Bishop Of Pennsylvania.
My Dear Bishop:
I desire to connect your name with whatever may be useful and valuable in this work, to show my high
appreciation of your fervent piety, varied learning, and elegant literary accomplishments; and, also, far more
than this, to record the personal acknowledgment that no man ever had a more constant, judicious, generous
and affectionate brother, than you have been to me, for forty years of intimate and unbroken association.
Most affectionately and faithfully yours,
Henry Coppee.
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History
It is not the purpose of the author to add another to the many volumes containing a chronological list of
English authors, with brief comments upon each. Such a statement of works, arranged according to periods, or
reigns of English monarchs, is valuable only as an abridged dictionary of names and dates. Nor is there any
logical pertinence in clustering contemporary names about a principal author, however illustrious he may be.
The object of this work is to present prominently the historic connections and teachings of English literature;
to place great authors in immediate relations with great events in history; and thus to propose an important
principle to students in all their reading. Thus it is that Literature and History are reciprocal: they combine to
make eras.
Merely to establish this historic principle, it would have been sufficient to consider the greatest authors, such
as Chaucer, Spenser, Shakspeare, Milton, Dryden, and Pope; but it occurred to me, while keeping this
principle before me, to give also a connected view of the course of English literature, which might, in an
academic curriculum, show students how and what to read for themselves. Any attempt beyond this in so
condensed a work must prove a failure, and so it may well happen that some readers will fail to find a full
notice, or even a mention, of some favorite author.
English literature can only be studied in the writings of the authors here only mentioned; but I hope that the
work will be found to contain suggestions for making such extended reading profitable; and that teachers will
find it valuable as a syllabus for fuller courses of lectures.
To those who would like to find information as to the best editions of the authors mentioned, I can only say
that I at first intended and began to note editions: I soon saw that I could not do this with any degree of
uniformity, and therefore determined to refer all who desire this bibliographic assistance, to The Dictionary of
Authors , by my friend S. Austin Allibone, LL.D., in which bibliography is a strong feature. I am not called
upon to eulogize that noble work, but I cannot help saying that I have found it invaluable, and that whether
mentioned or not, no writer can treat of English authors without constant recurrence to its accurate columns: it
is a literary marvel of our age.
It will be observed that the remoter periods of the literature are those in which the historic teachings are the
most distinctly visible; we see them from a vantage ground, in their full scope, and in the interrelations of
their parts. Although in the more modern periods the number of writers is greatly increased, we are too near to
discern the entire period, and are in danger of becoming partisans, by reason of our limited view. Especially is
this true of the age in which we live. Contemporary history is but party−chronicle: the true philosophic history
can only be written when distance and elevation give due scope to our vision.
The principle I have laid down is best illustrated by the great literary masters. Those of less degree have been
treated at less length, and many of them will be found in the smaller print, to save space. Those who study the
book should study the small print as carefully as the other.
After a somewhat elaborate exposition of English literature, I could not induce myself to tack on an
inadequate chapter on American literature; and, besides, I think that to treat the two subjects in one volume
would be as incongruous as to write a joint biography of Marlborough and Washington. American literature is
too great and noble, and has had too marvelous a development to be made an appendix to English literature.
If time shall serve, I hope to prepare a separate volume, exhibiting the stages of our literature in the Colonial
period, the Revolutionary epoch, the time of Constitutional establishment, and the present period. It will be
found to illustrate these historical divisions in a remarkable manner.
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