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The Grave of the Prince of Lies
by Mario Barbati
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Graphic Design by O’Bully
English Editor/Proofreader: Gaming Frontier
Cartography by Guido Barbati and O’Bully
Art by Stefano Guida
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Master Adventures and The Grave of the Prince of Lies © by Øone Roleplaying Games
430600539.004.png 430600539.005.png
3 Background
3 Clues
5 1, Entrance
6 2, Antechamber
6 3, The Crypt
8 Monsters
8 Ice Keyguardian
9 Ice Warrior
10 Icelord
11 Map
In this small encounter you will meet three hideous undeads
featured in Øone Game’s adventure: “Deadly Ice”. These
monsters will provide an interesting challenge because some
of them have abilities that require more than just brute force
to defeat them. If your referee plans to run “Deadly Ice”
please note that this encounter could spoil some fun aspects
of the adventure for a player.
against dark elves. For over a year, Anhaeym claimed to
be making diplomatic missions in the newly discovered
friends all the while bringing treasures and information to
the priestess. Eventually the entire dwarven army was lured
into an underground ambush and exterminated by the dark
elves. The dwarven kingdom was conquered and the priestess
proclaimed herself queen.
Setting the Stage
You can place this encounter in your ongoing campaign. It
is suitable for a standard party of 4-5 level but can easily be
scaled up. Since all the monsters are undead, a cleric or a
character with turning ability would prove useful; a rogue
would also be useful for detecting trap.
From that day forward. the surviving dwarven people called
Anhaeym “The Prince of Lies”. Years later, the dwarves
gathered an army and regained their stolen land. In the last
few moments of the battle, The Prince of Lies was betrayed
and killed by the priestess herself who then committed
suicide. A proper burial was denied to the Prince of Lies and
his men. Their bodies were thrown in a glacier and forgotten
as the shame of their people, forever branded as traitors.
This encounter is set in a cold environment; if you don’t have
this feature in your dungeon you may assume the entire area
is enveloped in magical cold.
This three-room encounter can be plugged into an existing
dungeon or placed in a cave complex. If you wish to expand
the adventure you will ind useful information in the
background below.
Many years later an evil necromancer named Zhamyl
found the frozen bodies. He discovered the prince and his
bodyguards had transformed into a rare form of undead. The
necromancer, through his art, discovered Anhaeym’s story
and decided to use the powerful Icelord and his dreadful Ice
Warriors to protect his own treasure. He then built the Grave
of the Prince of Lies.
The Prince of Lies was a renegade dwarf who lived about
two centuries ago. The dwarf, named Anhaeym, was, in the
beginning, considered a great warrior. His father, the king,
ruled over a wealthy underground kingdom, which knew no
The referee may want to scatter some clues or hints before the
encounter takes place. These clues can be found in another
part of the dungeon or during a previous game session.
A vicious dark elf priestess who dwelled with her minions
far below the dwarven realm, was bent on conquering all
the realm. But she knew meager minions could not face the
awesome force of the entire dwarven army. Treachery and
deceit were going to be necessary for her to succeed. Using
all the means at her disposal she studied all the royal family
members, looking for a candidate for her subtle plan. She
discovered that Anhaeym was not the bold warrior the people
said: the dwarf was a coward and a luxury slave. The priestess
returned in her hideout and organized her plan. She sent one
of her minions, polymorphed as dwarf, to be ambassador
to the king. He claimed a peaceful realm of dwarves, their
kingdom deep in the earth, would like to discuss an alliance
between the two people. The dwarven fraud requested the
sending of a bold and noble warrior to return with them as
an ambassador.
-The party inds the body of a former adventurer with a
scratched note in his pocket which reads:
“Find the Grave of the Prince of Lies but beware its guardians,
they protect an evil but valuable treasure: the keys lie.”
-The party inds a spellbook in the treasure hoard of a
defeated enemy. The spellbook is bound in black leather and
contains a number of irst level arcane necromantic spells.
Seamed under the cover of the book (Search DC 20) there is
an old map. The map shows a location (the referee can place
the grave wherever it best its into his campaign) which is
labeled : the Grave of the Prince of Lies. A sidenote, written
in a different script than the map, says: Great treasure, but you
must be afraid of the lies.
-The party inds a stone box during their journey into a
dungeon. The box lid is engraved with: “Six Keys, Six Lies
for the Prince Of Lies” . Inside the box there is a sheet of blue
velvet with the discolored outlines of six large keys.
The king, hoping to break his son of his cowardly ways,
sent Anhaeym himself with a number of loyal guards.
The group was quickly overwhelmed by the dark elves. All
but Anhaeym were slain. The dwarf was taken before the
priestess. She knew of Anhaeym’s weaknesses and took
advantage of them. In a brief time, the dwarf became a willing
slave of the priestess. He returned to his kingdom weaving
a tale of a powerful dwarven realm who needed assistance
Scaling the Encounter
Scaling this encounter is quite easy since two of the monsters
presented here (the Icelord and the Ice Warrior) probably
won’t be defeated by simply bashing them with weapons.
Magic, especially ire-based, will be more effective but
ultimately sound reasoning is the key to success in this
encounter. To make it suitable for a 6-7 level party add a +2
turn resistance to the Ice Keyguardians (you may assume that
the area is cursed and the undeads gain beneit from ancient
evil magic). Add a +2 turn resistance and a Spell Resistance 18
to the Ice Warriors (and eventually pump up their hit points).
Add a Spell Resistance 20 to the Icelord.
To downgrade the encounter to a party level 2-3, halve
the number of Ice keyguardians and the Ice Warriors and
eliminate the turn immunity of the Icelord. Then consider
the magical traps on the false door already discharged or
substitute them with less damaging magical traps.
to surround a PC and kill him.
Ice Keyguardian (Dwarves) (6): CR 2; Medium-Size
Undead (cold); HD 3d12; hp 20, 19, 13, 21, 18, 25; Init +6
(+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 15 (+ 2 Dex,
+3 natural); BAB +1; Grp +2; Atk Keyring slam +3 melee
(1d8); Full Atk Keyring slam +3 melee (1d8); SA Blocking
Ice; SQ Undead, immunities, cold subtype; AL N; SV Fort
+1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10,
Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Exotic Weapon Proiciency (keyring),
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse.
The Grave
The Keyguardians are the tireless guardians placed by the evil
necromancer to protect his treasure. Each carries a rusty key
ring he uses as a weapon. One of the keys on the key ring is
different from the other, being bigger and made of bronze.
These keys each it into a different keyhole of the bronze
If the Icelord in room 3 is not destroyed, these Keyguardians
reform in 1d4 days.
As the PCs approach the area where the door is situated, they
begin to feel colder; a Listen check (DC 20) could reveal an
unnerving ice-on-ice noise.
Six hideous Ice Keyguardians lurk in the shadows here, they
attack at irst sight using their blocking ice ability, then trying
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