1953_Procedure Of JWs Under Selective Service.pdf

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di Univd2Militarg Tstining and Service Act, as amended;
(P$ bo~tiour
obje&&~ opposed to combatant and non-
cbmbatsnf semoe under Won 6 (j) of kid aat.
White oubmittlng this- M-enp -dr@ft bo8rql
ot: ~violrt...:~L.8aIa6tiv&. Sqnrice-;. Ra@u@tlo.ns, It
I&&#;adviubk~riit;dor#). N&-ialt materiai Intwi#
*.W-k. WUI!
,%..ChC drafh,bmrd8,.bgcCu#.It #orhino
to,.tho rtahts offthe rtgiatr@n.$s.and no%@--tho d~tyof
the board mambprr;, If.the regiptnnt ,.wan& :to: uu ' any
1th8::mSiteriaII-l,nt@ any documant! filed .piw ithp local
boa~e. I)(~..;-aholil#.: :be-
woupenh; aPpearlng hemin: .gr>hl$. own: he i may
~p!!tinent to ,thg oaw. : Irrelevant :.milte~~+:;~qvrb~diur&r
up %he Ble and undulg burd:dm;-drqfi; wq memb'(~k
me- Watchtower 8ocfety may have pr ntod matorb1
takea mot to ,fit& q~t@ri@
. bsarlna ,Oh'~*hr2c@a tJ?att Mf kigmlpertinent and
Qui*ablp$C.oubmitt.to the looal. bpard"
.Madela:- United. State+ .oi &n.rlea
law and
g, W of religion under Sections 6 (g) and 16 (g)
e dectme mce~
comes liable for tratning-and mrvk
~t anyVtia--
upon tha? h1%1?8 Uwonlsined
+iar of mhgron" and regular minister of religm" would
include a minister who
at sbcular work dnring tbsr
mmpt or defend &it&
thefifth birthday.
A liberal in~rpretstian gw
such as some company servants and company publishers. But
Senate Re ort No. l268, dated May 12, 1948, states that the ex-
emption o! ministers of religion "is a narrow one" as defined
in Section 16 (g). A narrow interpretation may be placed upon
the exemption by the draft boards and the courts so as to deny
the exemption to one who is a company publisher or who has a
secular job during the week while preaching part time. The
exemption certainly would seem to be available even under a
narrow interpretation to all registrants who are pioneers.
The regtilar preaching, to entitle one to claim exemption,
must be done aa the "regular and customary vocation" of the reg-
istrant claimin exemption as a minister. The word '%cationn
means a stad or regular occupation, a calling. It has also
been defined as "a call to, or fitness for, a certain career, espe-
cially a religious osition". (New College Standard Dicti
Funk and ~ajpabs, 1947) The words of the act that
ministers '%rho irregularly or incidentally" preach and who do
not "as a vocation" preach may be construed so as to exclude
from the exemption company publishers.
Ia view of the fact, however, that the courts may interpret
the adotherwise, and since kome company ublishers preach
regularly as a vocation and do not "irregular$ or incidentally"
preach, some company publishers may be justified in niaking a
claim, supported by proof submitted to the draft board, for ex-
e~ptionundei. %he act as regular or duly ordained ministers of
It is always best to communicate with the local board irt
whting. Where the regulations require something to be submitted
to 'the bbhrd,,it must be done in writing. Do not rely on a
statement from a member or clerk of the local board that an oral
request for something required by the law to be done in writing
is suillcient. No draft board official has the authority to au-
thorize a registrant to make anoral request when the regulations
require such to be written.-See Sections 1624.1, 1626.2, 1626.2,
1626.11, 1627.4, printed in the booklet entitled Excerpts.
If a registrant is away from his home or permanent address
for more than a few days he ought to leave instructions to have
his mail from the draft board opened and the message relayed to
him by telephone or telegram. This must be done so that the
ten-day p&od for complying with notices will not expire. By the
time, he receives the notice through regular mail it would be too
late to take action within the ten-day limit.
He must carry his last classification card at a11 times.
Failure to carry either the registration card or classifiecltion
card is an offense punishable by imprisonment.
Copies of all papers and letters submitted to tfi''lwa1 board
should be kept by the registrant. Answers to questidns and
information put in his classification questionnaire 'sad con-
scientious objector form, or any other form, ought to be copied
and kept in his personal me. One who fails to keep a complete file
of everything makes a mistake. Great diftlculty will be experi-
enced later because of not knowing what information has been
filed. A registrant ought to inspect his file and make copies of any
material that he does not have. However, if his case is on appeal,
he will have to wait until the file is returned and he is notified
thereof by receipt of notice of the appeal board classification.
All forms, statements, affidavits, letters and other material
submitted by the registrant to the boards should be neat9 writ-
ten (with tvuewriter if nossible) and in orderlv and lo~icalar-
rangbment.-All communi&tions written to the local boad should
contain the registrant's full name and address and selective serv-
ice number. - c I
All communications received from the Selective Service Sys-
tem, including all classification cards, should be carefully pre-
, <
tained in chapters XIX and o! 'Zet God Be Tnre" (S~cqnd
ages 21-29 of Defendzng and Legally Estpblzshzng
iYEknPstus, pages 3-5 oi hnselon Theocratic Organization,
pages 3-15 of Memo~andumin Reference to the Clasgific,atwn of
Jehovah's Witnesses, and other available material. : . ,
A Memorandum in Reference to the Classification of Jehovah's
Witnesses was submitted to the National Selective Service Ap-
peal Board and to the Director of Selective Service in November
1950. This memorandum should also be studied in advance by
every person who files a questionnaire claiming Class IV-D and
also by Jehovah's witnesses who claim classification as conscien-
tious objechrs. Ask your company servant or a male pioneer
for his copy. Each company servant should make it available on
loan to any one of Jehovah's witnesses in the congregation re-
quired to file the classification questionnaire and the special
form for conscientious objector. A close and careful study of
such memorandum, together with this pamphlet, will assist the
minister in properly submitting his proof as a minister-or-as
The minister desiring to claim exemption needs much advmce
preparation and study along with his ministry in the .field:This
should be started when he is approaching the age of registration
and should be continued until the time arrives when it is re-
quired. He should be thorough1 familiai. #i+%thvthe
one conscientiously opposed to participation in combatant and
noncombatant service.
The registrant should refer to and study the parts of the
booklet Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News deal-
ing with information concerning children as ministers, door-to-
door distribution of literature as preaching, accepting contri-
butions not selling, preaching not peddling, and part-time sec-
ular work proper. These points also are more extensively dis-
cussed in the above-mentioned memorandum.
Following registration the local board will mail to the regis-
trant a classification questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100). This
is an eight-page printed document with blanks that must be
filled out by the registrant. Regardless of whether a registrant
is entitled to exemption he is required to fill out and file the
questionnaire .with the local board.
The questions ask information on identification, education,
prior military service, family status, dependents, present occu-
pation, agricultural occupation, status as a student, citizenship,
court record, physical condition, conscientious objection to war,
and ministerial training and status.
One who claims to be a minister of religion as defined in the
act should carefully and neatly fill out the form concerning proof
of ministry. Also he should submit an abundance of supporting
evidence to prove his ministry. This would include affidavits
from other brothers and people of good will, a certificate from
the' Society (if he is a pioneer or servant in a congregation) and
other data showing in detail his ministerial activity and standing.
,One of Jehovah's witnesses who regularly preaches and who
has been baptized may properly answer in Series VI on page4
of the questionnaire that he is a minister of religion and has been
"formally ordained". He can show as the date of ordination the
date he was baptized and that the one in charge of the baptismal
services was the ordaining official. Separate papers and letters
should be submitted to support these statements.
Series XIV, page 7, contains the statement in reference to
conscientious objection. A man having conscientious objections
to his participation in war or service in the armed forces in any
capacity should sign his name on the signature line, requesting
the mailing of the special form for conscientious objector.
Also on page 7 of the questionnaire is registrant's statement
regarding classification, which has a space for the classification
the registrant believes he should be given. If he is a minister
within the meaning of the act he may properly state "Class
IV-D", which is the classification for a minister of religion. In
the space following that the registrant may refer to his attached
statement for further information concerning his claim for
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