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prepared by
The Structure and Evolution of the Universe
Roadmap Team
January 2003
Einstein images are used by permission of Roger Richman Agency representing Hebrew University and the
Albert Einstein estate. Image of Einstein riding bicycle (pg. 91) courtesy of the Archives, California Institute of
Time magazine cover (pg. 21). Time is a trademark of AOL-Time-Warner, Inc., which has no connection to the
NASA program.
Photo of Richard Feynman (pg. 13) by Floyd Clark/Courtesy of Caltech Archives.
Einstein letter to Georges Lemaître (pg. 13). Permission to quote granted by the Albert Einstein Archives, the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as by the Einstein Papers Project.
At the beginning of time, the Universe was formless energy. This energy transformed into
the richly complex matter of which we and all we touch are made. The Structure and
Evolution of the Universe (SEU) theme within NASA’s Office of Space Science seeks to
explore and understand the dynamic transformations of energy in the Universe—the en-
tire web of biological and physical interactions that determine the evolution of our cosmic
habitat. This search for understanding will enrich the human spirit and inspire a new
generation of explorers, scientists, and engineers.
This roadmap is about the future of the SEU theme. Many science objectives encom-
passed by the SEU theme have been given high priority by the science community through
working groups, roadmap teams, and strategic planning processes. This roadmap draws
upon broad community input, including the specific recommendations of recent consen-
sus reports of the National Academy of Sciences such as Astronomy and Astrophysics in
the New Millennium (2001) and Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos (2002).
Many of the community’s science priorities could be realized within the next 25 years.
This roadmap recognizes that, within the resources available, not all of these science ob-
jectives can be undertaken immediately. Constructing a roadmap clearly entails making
hard choices.
In this roadmap, the science objectives for SEU are presented and prioritized. The
research programs and space missions required to address the science objectives are iden-
tified. The roadmap lays out a path that begins at the completion of the present program
and leads to the future.
The SEU theme’s highest priorities are presented
in the Beyond Einstein program (Part I). A roadmap
is presented for realizing these objectives starting
now. The science objectives described in the Cycles
of Matter and Energy program (Part II) are presented
with the understanding that this program will be
undertaken after Beyond Einstein has begun. Part
III details continuing activities vital to maintaining
the technical base to implement these missions and
develop future ones.
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