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User Interface Design for Programmers
by Joel Spolsky
Apress © 2001 (144 pages)
The author of this book proposes simple, logical rules that can be applied without any
artistic talent to improve any user interface, from traditional GUI applications to Web
sites to consumer electronics.
Table of Contents
User Interface Design for Programmers
Chapter 1 - Controlling Your Environment Makes You Happy
Chapter 2 - Figuring Out What They Expected
Chapter 3 - Choices
Chapter 4 - Affordances and Metaphors
Chapter 5 - Broken Metaphors
Chapter 6 - Consistency and Other Hobgoblins
Chapter 7 - Putting the User in Charge
Chapter 8 - Design for Extremes
Chapter 9 - People Can't Read
Chapter 10 - People Can't Control the Mouse
Chapter 11 - People Can't Remember
Chapter 12 - The Process of Designing a Product
Chapter 13 - Those Pesky Usability Tests
Chapter 14 - Relativity—Understanding UI Time Warps
Chapter 15 - But… How Do It Know?"
Chapter 16 - Tricks of the Trade
Chapter 17 - Designing for the Web
Chapter 18 - Programming for Humans
Shockingly Selective Bibliography
List of Figures
List of Sidebars
User Interface Design for
Joel Spolsky
Copyright © 2001 Joel Spolsky
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Dave Winer, CEO, UserLand Software
I remember as if it were yesterday my first experience with a user. I had been developing a
software product for three years, all the while thinking it was easy to use. A friend who had
been listening to me gush about how great it was asked if he could try it. Hesitantly, I said
I launched the program and we switched seats. I tried to say nothing as he wondered what
to do. The software didn't have anything to say. "What should I do?" he asked. I thought to
myself, "I have some work to do."
This is the moment of truth for any software developer, and one we avoid. In The Soul of a
New Machine , Tracy Kidder tells about the first problem report from "the field" about a
computer system developed at Data General in the late 1970s.The lead developer was
surprised. In his mind the computer was a development project; that real people would try to
use it attacked his perception of his own product.
We all go through this; at a superficial level we think we're designing for users, but no matter
how hard we try, we're designing for who we think the user is, and that means, sadly, that
we're designing for ourselves. Until you prove that it's usable by other people, your software
is certainly not designed for them.
Until you make the shift and let the users tell you how your software works, it simply can't be
usable. Every successful software product is proof of this, as is every failure. How many
times have you installed some software or visited a Web site and wondered, "What does this
do?" Now, understand that other people are asking the same question about your software.
It's a puzzle, to solve it you must figure out how to get your software into a user's mind, and
to learn how to do that, you must learn how that mind works.
Joel's book is a milestone built on a strong foundation of practical experience. He's
absolutely right that user testing is easy.You don't need a lab to do it, although many people
think you do.You just need a computer and a person who doesn't know your software. It's an
iterative process. Do it once, it'll change your whole perspective. Do some engineering. Do it
again with a new person. Repeat the process until the first-time user knows what to do and
can actually use the software to do what it was designed to do.
Joel's book is about more than software design and user-centricity. Once you learn how to
communicate with users through software, it's inevitable that all your communication will
improve. The central "aha" is to realize that other people use your software, and they don't
know what you know, and they don't think like you think they do.
There are some very simple truths in this book, and sometimes the simplest truths can be
most difficult. But Joel makes it so easy! His stories are clear and human and fun. And that
may be the biggest lesson, if you haven't been designing for users, you're not having as
much fun doing software as you could.
I can tell you from personal experience that there's nothing more satisfying as a professional
software developer than to have a product resonate with the market, to have thousands of
people tell you that they couldn't work without your software.To get there, you have to learn
from them as you teach.Yes, your software is great, I believe you, but if no one uses it, it
can't make the world a better place. (Dave Winer, http://www.scripting.com/ )
Most of the hard core C++ programmers I know hate user interface programming.This
surprises me because I find UI programming to be quintessentially easy, straightforward,
and fun.
It's easy because you usually don't need algorithms more sophisticated than how to center
one rectangle in another. It's straightforward because when you make a mistake, you can
see it right away and correct it. It's fun because the results of your work are immediately
visible.You feel like you are sculpting the program directly.
I think most programmers' fear of UI programming comes from their fear of doing UI design .
They think that UI design is like graphic design: that mysterious process by which creative,
latte-drinking, all-dressed-in-black people with interesting piercings produce cool-looking
artistic stuff. Programmers see themselves as analytic, logical thinkers: strong at reasoning,
weak on artistic judgment. So they think they can't do UI design.
Actually, I've found UI design to be quite easy and quite rational. It's not a mysterious matter
that requires an art school degree and a penchant for neon-purple hair. There is a rational
way to think about user interfaces with some simple, logical rules that you can apply
anywhere to improve the interfaces of the programs you work on.
This book is not Zen and the Art of UI Design . It's not art, it's not Buddhism, it's just a set of
rules. A way of thinking rationally and methodically. This book is designed for programmers.
I assume you don't need instructions for how to make a menu bar; rather, you need to think
about what to put in your menu bar (or whether to have one at all).You'll learn the primary
axiom which guides all good UI design and some of the corollaries.We'll look at some
examples from real life, modern GUI programs.When you're done, you'll know enough to be
a significantly better UI designer.
I would like to thank Gary Cornell at Apress for making this book possible and Allen Holub
for reviewing it.Without the encouragement of Noah Tratt, I never would have started writing
down my experiences in the software trenches, and without the support of Dave Winer and
his public EditThisPage.com system, I wouldn't have had a forum for writing the original
online version of this book. Many thanks also to the hundreds of readers of Joel on Software
( http://joel.editthispage.com ) who responded to the original articles, proposed numerous
corrections and enhancements, and whose frequent fan mail kept me going. I also want to
thank Andrew Kwatinetz at Microsoft who taught me a lot of what I know about UI design;
Ken Dye, who taught me most of what I know about usability testing; and Joseph Roberts,
who taught me all the tricks of localization. I am also grateful to Jared Samet for
proofreading the final document, encouraging me, and believing in me, and my parents, who
made me grow up thinking that all adults write books.
Chapter 1: Controlling Your Environment Makes
You Happy
My first real job was in a big industrial bakery that churned out hundreds of thousands of
loaves of bread every night. The bakery was designed to have six bread production lines.
For every two production lines, there was a dough mixer, which produced these gigantic 180
kg lumps of dough that could be dumped to the left or the right, as shown in Figure 1-1 .
Figure 1-1: The bakery, as designed
Well, this was the design. In reality, Mixer C hadn't been built yet, nor had lines three or five.
So the arrangement was more like Figure 1-2 .
Figure 1-2: The bakery, as implemented
Alert readers will be wondering, "how did the dough get from Mixer B to production line six?"
Well, that's where Wee Joel came in. My job, if you can believe this, was to stand to the left
of Mixer B, then catch these walrus-sized lumps of dough as they flew out of the mixer in a
big bathtub with wheels, then roll the bathtub over to production line six, and using a
winchlike device, heave the dough onto the line. I had to do this once every ten minutes from
about 10 P.M. until 4 A.M.
There were other complications. Line six couldn't really handle 180 kg of dough all at once,
so I had to slice each blob with a giant knife into about ten pieces. I don't even want to go
into how absurdly difficult that was.
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