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71069-feuillet 01.qxd
Cylindrical Technology
and flexibility . It distinguishes itself by its versatility
and represents the best choice for contractors
specialized in repointing, glazing, E.I.F.S., metal framing,
etc. Used with one or two masts, this system of
extensions and bridges is the solution to vertical access
challenges encountered during inspection, restoration
and maintenance of buildings and structures. It is also
an access solution for industrial projects.
The endless screw mechanism of the ACT-8 allows
elevation at variable speed and an exact positioning of the
platform. Assembled with one mast, this system offers:
The multi configuration
system of the ACT-8 can be
completed by overhead and
weather enclosure systems.
An easy to install monorail
system is available to
facilitate the positioning of
light loads on buildings.
Furthermore, the freestanding
universal base can be
transformed into a mobile
wheeled base that allows
moving of the platform on
job sites. Finally, a hydraulic
portable crane can be used
to feed the platform with
material when heights
become an issue. Both the
mobile wheeled base and
the portable crane can be
connected to the ACT-8
engine block.
• a maximum length of 58 ft (17,7 m)
• a load capacity of 8 000 lb (3 630 kg)
• a lifting speed of 39 ft (11,9 m) per minute
• Max. length of platform single mast (double)
58 ft (118 ft 2 in)
17,7 m (36 m)
• Max. load capacity (single mast configuration)
8 000 lb / mast
3 630 kg / mast
• Lifting speed
0 to 39 ft / min
0 to 11,9 m / min
• Max. width of upper step working area
5 ft 10 in + 5 ft
1,78 m + 1,52 m
• Max. widthof lower step working area
5 ft
1,5 m
• Max. height (on ground base with anchoring)
550 ft
168 m
• Max. height (on freestanding universal base)
45 ft
13,71 m
• Standard distance between anchors
30 ft
10 m
• Lifting system
Endless screw mechanism
• Type of engine
24 H.P. gasoline engine (electrical, diesel also available)
• Freestanding universal base – (L x W) / weight
12 ft 5 in x 8 ft 1 in / 2 150 lb
3,78 m x 3,93 m / 975 kg
• Mast section (L x W x H) / weight
20 in x 20 in x 5 ft / 330 lb
0,5 m x 0,5 m x 1,5 m / 149,6 kg
• Motorized unit (L x W x H) / weight
3 ft 8 in x 6 ft 2 in x 10 ft 4 in / 2 877 lb
1,2 m x 1,88 m x 3,15 m / 1 305 kg
• Modular extensions & bridges lenght / weight
2 ft 6 in / 305 lb
0,76 m / 140 kg
3 ft 4 in / 285 lb
1 m / 130 kg
5 ft / 500 lb
1,5 m / 227 kg
• Modular extensions are 5 ft 9 in (1,8 m) wide
• Also available, non-modular extensions are 3 ft 6 in
(1,07 m) wide and require side brackets to
extend work area
• 10 ft (3 m) taper extension requires an adaptator
to be used with the ACT-8
6 ft 8 in / 595 lb
2 m / 270 kg
10 ft / 830 lb
3 m / 375 kg
10 ft / 1215 lb (taper)
3 m / 550 kg (taper)
15 ft / 1 288 lb (hybrid bridge)
4,6 m / 584 kg (hybrid bridge)
20 ft / 1 660 lb (central bridge)
6 m / 750 kg (central bridge)
20 ft / 1 690 lb (hybrid bridge)
6 m / 770 kg (hybrid bridge)
USA 1-888-372-2648 CAN 1-800-267-0094 • 450-658-0094 WWW.FRACO.COM
T he ACT-8 work platform combines safety , power
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