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Beast Master
Beast Master
As Ber, Beast Master of the Puma clan, prowls Puma Mountain, he tracks down an
unexpected intruder and finds not a foe, but the last thing he ever expected to find—the
woman who can answer to the sexual beast inside him. But more than his needs are at
stake. Luann’s Deer clan is dying, and she is their only hope.
The Beast, a massive and ancient puma and Ber’s companion, watches their every
movement. Even as Ber comes to see his captive as a human being, as the woman who
could be the answer to years of loneliness, the Beast reminds Ber of his savage roots.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Beast Master
ISBN 9781419925917
Beast Master Copyright © 2009 Vonna Harper
Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication November 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Vonna Harper
Beast Master
Chapter One
The whisper of a smile touched Ber’s lips. His muscles were loose and ready as
befitted the Beast Master of the Puma clan. He wore leather sandals and a loincloth of
soft, black-dyed leather. A sheath attached to his waistband held the knife he was never
without. Otherwise, he was naked and unarmed.
As he’d done almost daily since their birth, he’d spent the morning watching twin
puma cubs as they played around their dozing mother. Although he wanted to protect
the cubs from predators such as wolves and eagles, his role was simply to observe.
Fortunately, the twins were now large enough that they could defend themselves
against most of their enemies. He’d been looking forward to announcing to the rest of
the clan that two of this year’s puma offspring would most likely survive, at least until
Only moments ago he’d been engulfed in musing about what winter might be like
in Puma Mountain, but he no longer pondered how much snow might fall. A stranger
had entered Puma land.
He hadn’t yet spotted the intruder, but his well-honed senses assured him there
was only one newcomer. Moving like the cat his clan was named for, he slipped quickly
and silently through the forest. If it had still been spring, countless lush ferns would be
growing at the base of the massive trees, but except for a few close to ancient evergreens
with countless branches, summer’s heat had dried the rain-fed vegetation. He had to
keep looking down to ensure he wouldn’t step on anything noise-making. The rest of
the time he moved to the rhythm of his senses.
Becoming one with his surroundings fed his sense of belonging. Because his role
within the clan required him to spend his days staying as close as possible to pumas, he
often felt set apart from the others, but at moments like this he didn’t care. The forest
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