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The Diamond Heartstone
The Diamond Heartstone by Leila Brown
The Diamond Heartstone
Leila Brown
The Diamond Heartstone by Leila Brown
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
The Diamond Heartstone
Copyright© 2007 Leila Brown
ISBN: 978-1-60088-193-0
Cover Artist: Emma Petersen
Editor: Devin Govaere
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.
Cobblestone Press, LLC
The Diamond Heartstone by Leila Brown
There are so many wonderful people who helped me get to where I
am today. First and foremost, my husband. Thank you for believing in me,
pushing me, dragging me, reading for me and editing for me. I can never
express my thanks for all the things you've done for me.
To my beta readers Nakia, Nicole, and Chaya. You were right, the
book is good. Thanks for reading for me.
To Grandma, thanks for always telling me I could do anything.
And finally to my children. Thanks, Andre, for keeping me on my
toes, physically and mentally. And to Mason and Leila, you are my
constant inspiration.
The Diamond Heartstone by Leila Brown
Belusian Prime, Theta Galaxy
‚You have the credits?‛ The woman in the dark hood reached out to
him with a wrinkled hand from the dark shadows of the abandoned
transport room.
Barrick held out the small black card charged with one hundred
thousand credits. An extreme amount. But he was willing to pay any
amount for her services. Her knobby fingers snagged the card without
ruffling the fur lining his hand. Faster and more agile than she looked.
She put the card into a reader. Three beeps later and he could almost
see the grizzly white of her smile. It seemed jagged. Like an animal who
knew how to render flesh from bone.
‚Ahh We are agreed I need just one more thing from you‛ The
woman reached out to him again. This time she bypassed his hand and
ground her palm against the fur on his chest. Her furless skin felt warm
and smooth.
She flexed her fingers and white-hot blinding pain pulsed through
him. Her fingers seemed to slip through his skin. They closed around his
heart and squeezed the organ He couldn’t breathe couldn’t move Was
she trying to kill him? Had he been duped? Unfortunately, this part of the
ship was barely used since each of the crew now had personal wrist
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