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W09-P09 butterflies
3¼ (3¾, 4)”
2¼ (2¼, 2¾)”
3¾ (4, 4¼)”
rep rows 11-60.
Fully-fashioned dec At beg of row,
selvage st, k2tog; at end of row, work
to last 3 sts, SKP, selvage st.
Special symbol key
= 1 st and 1 row in St st with plum
= 1 st and 1 row in St st with purple
29 sts and 32 rows = 4”/10cm in Fair
Isle pat on larger needles.
With smaller needles and plum, cast on
155 (167, 179) sts. Work hem Work in
St st for 15 rows, leave sts on needle.
Hem joining row * Insert smaller
needle into cast-on sts at lower edge.
Next (WS) row Holding needles paral-
lel, p2tog first st from front piece and
first st from back piece across row to
join all cast-on sts for hem. Change to
larger needles and work Fair Isle pat ac-
cording to chart A as foll: Selvage st, 7
(13, 19) sts bet arrow a (b, c) and dou-
ble arrow A, work 48 sts bet double ar-
row A and B 3 times, 2 (8, 14) sts bet
double arrow B and arrow d (e, f), sel-
vage st. Work as established for
5”/13cm. Shape sides Working fully-
fashioned decs, dec 1 st each end of needle on next
row, then every foll 10 th row 5 times—143 (155,
167) sts. Work as established until piece measures
11¾”/30cm in pat A. Next, work Fair Isle pat accord-
ing to chart B as foll: Selvage st, rep 6 sts bet arrows
a and b across row, 3 sts bet arrow b and c, selvage
st. Work 8 rows of chart. Next, k 1 row with plum
and dec 1 st—142 (154, 166) sts. Beg with a WS
row, work in rib pat as foll: Selvage st, p1, k2, [p2,
k2] to last 2 sts, p1, selvage st. On foll rows, work sts
as they appear. When rib pat measures about
2¾”/7cm, p 1 WS row and inc 1 st—143 (155, 167)
sts. Next, work Fair Isle pat according to chart A, po-
sition pat as previously. Work as established for
5½”/14cm. Shape armholes Bind off 3 sts at beg
of next 2 rows, work 2 rows even, bind off 2 sts at
beg of foll 2 rows, 1 st at beg of foll 16 (20, 24)
rows; * work 2 rows even, bind off 1 st at beg of foll
2 rows; rep from * twice more—111 (119, 127) sts.
When armhole measures 7 (7½, 7¾ )”/18 (19, 20)
cm, bind off all sts.
With smaller needles and plum, cast on 77 (83, 89)
½ ½”
6¼ (6¾, 7)”
10¼ (11, 11¾)”
½ (1, 1½)”
Bust 38¾ (42, 45)”/98 (106, 114)cm
Length 30 (30½, 31)”/76.5 (77.5, 78.5)cm
Upper arm 12½ (13¼, 14)”/32 (34, 36)cm
Gedifra “Merino de Luxe” (super-fine-weight yarn);
100% extra-fine superwash merino wool;
165yd/150m; 1¾oz/50g
• Color #07899 plum: 11 (12, 13) balls; 1815 (1980,
2145)yd/1650 (1800, 1950)m
• Color #07898 purple: 6 (7, 8) balls; 990 (1155,
1320)yd/900 (1050, 1200)m
• Size 2 (2.75mm) needles
• Size 3 (3.25mm) needles
• Size 2 (2.75mm) circular needle, 32”/80cm long
• Size B/1 (2.25mm) crochet hook
• Seven ¾”/2cm buttons
Stitch symbol key See page 48.
General instructions for charts See page 50.
Fair Isle pat Work in Fair Isle technique (page 49
according to charts A, B, C. Position pat as given in
instructions. For chart A, work rows 1-70 once, then
sts. Work hem as for back. Beg at right edge, position
pat as for back. Work side and armhole shaping at
left edge as for back—55 (59, 63) sts. When piece
measures 9¼ (9¾, 10)”/23.5 (24.5, 25.5)cm after rib
pat, shape neck as foll: Bind off 8 (9, 10) sts at
right edge once, 4 (5, 6) sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts 3
times. Working fully-fashioned dec, dec 1 st at right
edge every RS row 9 times—25 (27, 29) sts. Next,
inc 1 st at right edge every RS row 3 times for back
neck shaping. Bind off all sts.
Work as for right front, rev all shaping and position
of pat.
With smaller needles and plum, cast on 85 sts. Work
hem Work in St st for 9 rows, then work hem joining
row as for back. Change to larger needles and work
Fair Isle pat according to chart A as foll: Selvage st,
19 sts bet arrow c and double arrow A, 48 sts bet
double arrow A and B, 16 sts bet double arrow A and
arrow g, selvage st. Work as established for
7½”/19cm. Shape sleeve Inc 1 st each end of nee-
dle on next row, then every foll 16 th row 4 times (ev-
ery foll 12 th row 6 times; every foll 8 th row 9 times)—
95 (99, 105) sts. Work even until piece measures
10”/25.5cm from first inc. Shape sleeve cap Bind
off 3 (4, 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of
foll 2 rows. Working fully-fashioned decs, dec 1 st
each end of needle every other row 18 times, then
bind off 2 sts at beg of next 8 rows. Bind off rem 33
(35, 39) sts—sleeve cap should measure 6”/15cm.
Work as for left sleeve, rev position of pat.
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W09-P09 butterflies page 2
Sew shoulder seams. Collar With smaller needles
and plum, pick up and k127 (133, 139) sts around
neck edge. P 1 WS row. Next, work Fair Isle pat ac-
cording to chart C as foll: Selvage st, rep 6 sts bet ar-
row a and b across row, 5 sts bet arrow b and c, sel-
vage st. Work 22 rows of chart. Next, work 22 rows
in St st with plum. Fold collar in half and sew to WS.
Front edging With circular needle and plum, pick
up and k200 (203, 206) sts along each front edge,
including collar. Work in St st for 1¼”/3cm. Fold edg-
ing in half and sew to WS. Buttonhole loops With
crochet hook and plum, join yarn to bottom edge of
collar at right front. Make a 1”/2.5cm chain and join
1”/2.5cm down for first button loop. Make 6 more
loops, joining 2 nd and 3 rd loop evenly spaced bet col-
lar and rib pat, 4 th loop at top of rib pat, 5 th loop at
bottom of rib pat, then 6 th loop 7”/18cm and 7 th loop
3½”/9cm from bottom edge. Sew buttons. Sew side
and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.
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