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Toxins: Established and Emergent Threats
Chapter 19
Toxins: EsTablishEd and EmErgEnT
Patrick Williams, ms * ; scott Willens, DVm, P h D ; Jaime anDerson, DVm, P h D ; michael aDler, P h D § ;
a n d corey J. hilmas, mD, P h D ¥
nature of the Threat
Established Threats
Emergent Threats
Tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin
* Research Biologist, Department of Neurobehavioral Toxicology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010
Major, Veterinary Corps, US Army; Chief of Department of Neurobehavioral Toxicology, Analytical Toxicology Division, US Army Medical Research
Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010
Division Chief, Analytical Toxicology Division, Department of Neurobehavioral Toxicology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense,
3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010
§ Research Pharmacologist, Neurobehavioral Toxicology, Department of Neurobehavioral Toxicology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010
¥ Research Physiologist and Pharmacologist, Analytical Toxicology Division, Department of Neurobehavioral Toxicology, US Army Medical Research
Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
in its definition of “toxin,” the 1993 chemical
Weapons convention includes “any chemical which
through its chemical action on life processes can cause
death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to
humans or animals,” regardless of its origin or method
of production. 1 Because there is no consensus on the
inclusion criterion for toxins, international law regards
a wide range of biological and chemical substances
as toxins.
an array of toxins exists among the species of all
kingdoms (table 19-1). many of these toxins have well-
characterized and therapeutic effects and have been
employed as medical treatments and scientific tools.
however, many can have nefarious applications, espe-
cially when used outside of their therapeutic indices.
the wide spectrum of toxins includes the follow-
ing three categories: 1) bacterial toxins (eg, botulinum
neurotoxin and staphylococcal enterotoxin), which
are high-molecular–weight proteins produced in
large quantity by industrial microbiological methods;
2) snake poisons, insect venoms, plant proteins, and
marine algae, which are either naturally occurring
or chemically synthesized (eg, curare, batrachotoxin
[BtX], and ricin); and 3) small molecules, such as
potassium fluoroacetate, which are synthesized by
chemical processes and produced by living organisms.
this chapter focuses on the second toxin group.
(tons) to produce an effective weapon. similarly, toxins
that produce mild effects following intoxication, or ef-
fects for which there are readily available treatments or
antitoxins, are less likely threats. many toxins can be
discounted as potential candidates for weaponization
based on this criterion alone.
second, the requirement to stockpile toxin suggests
that terrorists must possess the storage capability to
maintain toxin potency and prevent toxin degrada-
tion. Unstable toxins with short half-lives or toxins
that require special handling or storage conditions are
typically undesirable. terrorists’ surroundings must be
considered when assessing the stability of a potential
toxin threat. For example, terrorists operating out of
caves in mountains or tent encampments in the desert
will not possess the necessary equipment to handle and
store some toxins, but a small cell of college students or
a state-sponsored group might have access to storage
containers, a variety of solvents and acids to properly
buffer a toxin for long-term storage, temperature- and
humidity-controlled environments, and other special
handling equipment.
third, for a toxin to create mass casualties, a source
of the toxin must be readily available. it is unlikely
that terrorist groups would tend large snake farms, for
example, to harvest snake toxin for weaponization. in
addition to other logistical challenges, such an under-
taking would be conspicuous and time consuming.
however, if a commercial source of a particular toxin
is available, the toxin becomes more attractive to a ter-
rorist organization, particularly if the organization has
the secure infrastructure available to acquire, purify,
concentrate, and properly store toxin stocks. many
toxins have been chemically synthesized and are com-
mercially available to researchers and scientists. com-
mercially available toxins are typically sold in small
quantities for research purposes and are not cost pro-
hibitive; however, some terrorist organizations are able
to purchase and store toxins for future weaponization,
and the chemical reactions for the synthesis of many
toxins have been published in scientific literature and
are therefore available to these organizations. chemi-
cal synthesis begins with readily available, simple,
and nontoxic compounds, which could be easily and
inexpensively obtained from many scientific supply
houses. in many cases, the requisite knowledge, skills,
and apparatus to perform such synthesis are not trivial;
however, for the well-equipped and skilled terrorist,
there are no impediments to the synthesis and storage
of very large quantities of toxin.
a suitable delivery method must also be designed in
advance of bioweapon deployment for toxins to cause
a significant threat. While some toxins are lipid soluble
nature of the Threat
an attack involving a mass-casualty–producing
weapon, whether biological or chemical, can no longer
be anticipated only from hostile states. some nonstate
and terrorist entities have limited moral or social reser-
vations about attacking civilian populations with the
intent of causing large numbers of casualties. agents
considered “classical” chemical or biological weap-
ons, such as mustard gas, organophosphorous nerve
agents, botulinum toxin, and anthrax, threaten the
health and safety of civilian and military populations.
throughout the 20th century, numerous countries have
developed and stockpiled chemical and biological
agents. changes in the geopolitical climate over the
last 30 years have made it possible for these weapons
to fall into terrorists’ hands.
any toxin is a putative, mass-casualty–producing
weapon, and to objectively estimate the threats they
might pose, toxins must be evaluated against several
criteria. First, the potential weapon agent must be
suitably toxic. Groups who intend to injure or kill will
not waste time or limited resources on agents that are
harmless irritants to humans. marginally toxic com-
pounds must be stockpiled in very large quantities
Toxins: Established and Emergent Threats
TablE 19-1
lisT oF KnoWn Toxins and ThEir sourCEs
α-aminitin Death cap mushroom , Amanita phalloides
α-latrotoxin Black widow spider venom, Latrodectus mactans
abrin, crystalline Jequirity beans, the seeds of Abrus precatorius
aconitine roots of monkshood, Aconitum napellus
aerolysin Aeromonas hydrophila
aflatoxin molds Aspergillus flavus and A parasiticus
anatoxin cyanobacteria, Anabaena flosaquae
atelopidtoxin Atelopus zeteki
Batrachotoxin Frogs, Phyllobates terribilis and P aurotaenia
Bee venom (apamin) honey bees, Apis mellifera
Botulinum toxin type a-G Clostridium botulinum bacteria
Brevetoxin Dinoflagellate algae, Ptychodiscus brevis or Gymnodinium breve
Brown recluse spider venom Loxosceles reclusa
c2 toxin, c3 toxin Clostridium botulinum
c-alkaloid e calabash-curare arrow poison
cholera toxin Vibrio cholerae
ciguatoxin Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus
clostridium difficile toxin a and B Clostridium difficile
cobra neurotoxin indian cobra venom, Naja naja
conotoxins Pacific cone snails
Dendrotoxin Green mamba snake, Dendroaspis anguisticeps
Dermonecrotic toxin, pertussis toxin Bordetella pertussis
Diphtheria toxin Corynebacterium diphtheriae
d-tubocurarine tube-curare arrow poison
edema factor Bacillus anthracis
enterotoxins, exfoliative toxins, toxic-shock toxin Staphylococcus aureus
epsilon toxin
Clostridium perfringens
escherichia coli toxins (cytotoxic necrotizing
Escherichia coli
factors, heat-labile toxin, heat-stable toxin,
cytolethal distending toxin, heat-stable
exotoxin a
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Venom of the green mamba snake
rhododendron and other ericaceae
Escherichia coli
colombian frog, Dendrobates histrionicus
israeli scorpion venom (charybdotoxin)
Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraues
kokór arrow poison
colombian frog, Phyllobates aurotaenia
lethal factor
Bacillus anthracis
listeriolysin o
Listeria monocytogenes
marine dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus
cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa
Nicotiana tobacco plants
north american scorpion venom
Centruroides sculpturatus
Strophanthus gratus seeds
soft coral , Palythoa toxica
Perfringolysin o
Clostridium perfringens
Picrotoxin (cocculin)
Cocculus indicus, Anamirta cocculus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Formicine ants of genera Brachymyrmex and Paratrechina and frog Den-
drobates pumilio
Pyrogenic exotoxins
Streptococcus pyogenes
( Table 19-1 continues )
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
Table 19-1 continued
ricin, amorphous and crystalline
castor beans, the seeds of Ricinis communis
russell’s viper venom
Vipera russelli
salmonella toxin, cytotoxin, enterotoxin
Salmonella Typhimurium and S Enteritidis
Dinoflagellate marine algae, Gonyaulax catenella and G tamarensis
shiga toxin
Escherichia coli/Shigella dysenteriae
staphylococcus aureus α - toxin
Staphyloccocus aureus
streptolysin o
Streptococcus pyogenes
Stryhnos nuxvomica bark or seeds
australian taipan snake, Oxyuranus scutellatus
tetanus toxin
Clostridium tetani bacteria
Puffer fishes and certain salamanders
australian common brown snake, Pseudonaja textilis
Brazilian scorpion, Tityus serrulatus
trichothecene mycotoxin (t-2)
Fusarial species of fungus
Western diamondback rattlesnake venom
Crotalus atrox
and readily absorbed through dermal layers (posing
contact hazards), most are water soluble. Water-soluble
toxins can be aerosolized for delivery to target popula-
tions, which allows toxin access to the more vulnerable
inner surfaces of the lung. aerosol particles between
0.5 and 5 µm in diameter are typically retained within
the lung, but smaller particles are not retained in the
airway and most are exhaled. Particles between 5 to 15
µm are generally sequestered in nasal mucosa or in the
trachea. a large percentage of aerosol particles larger
than 15 µm drop to the ground or onto flat surfaces in
the environment. Water-soluble toxins are generally
not volatile, and those particles falling onto the ground
no longer pose a respiratory threat. 2
many cases of accidental exposure to toxins in hu-
mans, especially from marine toxins, occur by inges-
tion. intoxication by agents such as tetrodotoxin (ttX;
isolated from the Japanese puffer fish) or brevetoxin
(Pbtx), implicated in neurotoxic shellfish poisoning
(nsP), suggest that water or food supplies could be
targeted for large-scale delivery of weaponized toxins
to civilian populations. several recent publications
have presented mathematical models of toxin weapons
delivered into food or water supplies. 3 these data sug-
gest that this means of toxin delivery would impose a
significant financial burden to diagnose and treat the
affected population, a compromise to key infrastruc-
ture, and a reallocation of resources to deliver clean
supplies to the effected population.
features with chemical warfare agents. toxins and
chemical warfare agents interfere with important
biological processes (eg, synaptic transmission, Dna
replication, and protein synthesis) and produce inca-
pacitation and death following acute exposure. 4 toxins
that are generally considered to be battlefield or bioter-
rorist threats include anthrax, botulinum neurotoxin,
staphylococcal enterotoxin B, t-2 mycotoxin, and ricin.
these five biotoxins are thought to be most likely used
in the event of warfare or bioterrorism, although they
represent a small subset of all lethal toxins known. 5
Potency, ease of production, stability, and prior his-
tory of weaponization are all factors hostile forces
must consider before deploying bioweapons. 4–6 the
centers for Disease control and Prevention (cDc)
have designated anthrax and botulinum neurotoxin
as category a threat agents, and staphylococcal en-
terotoxin B and ricin as category B agents (table 19-
2). 7 category a agents are defined as those that “can
be easily disseminated or transmitted from person
to person; result in high mortality rates and have the
potential for major public health impact; might cause
public panic and social disruption and require special
action for public health preparedness.” 7 category B
agents are defined as those that “are moderately easy
to disseminate; result in moderate morbidity rates and
low mortality rates; and require specific enhancements
of cDc’s diagnostic capacity and enhanced disease
surveillance.” 7 For example, t-2 mycotoxin, a category
B agent, is specifically addressed by the cDc as a select
agent and toxin and additionally regarded as a threat
because of its documented use in laos, Vietnam, and
cambodia during 1975–1978. 8 category c agents, the
third highest priority, “include emerging pathogens
that could be engineered for mass dissemination in
Established Threats
toxins of concern to the Us military and the De-
partment of homeland security comprise a group
of structurally diverse substances that share many
Toxins: Established and Emergent Threats
TablE 19-2
CEnTEr For disEasE ConTrol and PrEvEnTion ClassiFiCaTion oF bioTErrorism
Category a
Category b
Category C
emerging future toxin threats
Botulism epilson toxin of Clostridium perfringens
Plague Food safety threats ( Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, o157:h7,
smallpox Shigella )
tularemia Glanders
Viral hemmoragic Fevers meloidosis
Q Fever
ricin toxin from Ricinus communis
staphylococcal enterotoxin B
Viral encephalitis
Water safety threats (eg, Vibrio cholerae , Cryptosporidium parvum )
Data source: Bioterrorism agents/diseases: emergency preparedness & response Web site. available at:
agentlist-category.asp. accessed February 10, 2007.
the future because of availability; ease of production
and dissemination; and potential for high morbidity
and mortality rates and major health impact.” 7 these
emerging toxin threats are the focus of this chapter,
toxins that possess the properties of the more well-
known category a and B agents but that have not been
considered likely threats to date (see table 19-2).
death is potentially very large and includes the so-
dium channel toxins BtX, 9 Pbtx, 10 saxitoxin (stX), 11
ttX, 12 and pumiliotoxin. 13 others include palytoxin
(PtX), which alters the sodium-potassium exchanger
(sodium-potassium atPase), 14 and the nicotinic re-
ceptor agonist, anatoxin-a. 15 Because these toxins are
employed as pharmacological tools for studying ion
channel properties, active efforts to optimize their
synthesis are being developed. 16 if these efforts are
successful in generating large quantities of toxin,
members of this group will need to be reevaluated for
their potential as threat agents.
Emergent Threats
the group of biotoxins not considered immediate
threats with the potential to cause human illness and
the primary source is most likely a bacterium associ-
ated with soft corals that inhabit the digestive tract of
filefish (Figure 19-1). PtX is a large (molecular weight
2,678.5), water-soluble, nonproteinaceous polyether,
with molecular formula c 129 h 223 n 3 o 54 . PtX has an
exquisitely complex structure (see Figure 19-1). it was
first elucidated and synthesized in 1982 28 and is cur-
rently available from several commercial sources.
PtX is an extremely potent marine neurotoxin that
acts on sodium-potassium ion pumps. First isolated
from the zoanthid coral (genus Palythoa ) by moore
and scheuer, 17 PtX has long been categorized as a
marine animal toxin. it has been identified in several
species living in close contact with zoanthid anemo-
nes (eg, some dinoflagellates, Ostreopsis species); 18
Polychaete worms; 19 several species of xanthid crab
( Lophozozymus pictor and Demaina toxica ), 20 and several
species of fish. 21–23 PtX is found in the red alga Chondria
aramata . 24,25 PtX has also been associated with the blue
humphead parrotfish, 26 filefish, and serranid fish. 27
Mechanism of Action and Toxicity
PtX affects all excitable cells by inducing the ac-
tivity of a small conductance (9–25 ps), nonselective,
cationic channel, which triggers secondary activations
of voltage-dependent calcium channels and of sodium-
calcium exchange. in addition to electrically excitable
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