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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
Spinal motoneurons have long been the focus of studies of synaptic action and mem-
brane properties, and the general firing properties and morphological features of both
alpha and gamma motoneurons are well-known. 1 In a variety of mammalian and non-
mammalian vertebrate species both types of motoneurons are intermingled in topo-
graphically organized elongated columns of cell bodies in lamina IX. 2–6 Whereas moto-
neuron cell bodies are positioned in circumscribed locations or “pools”, their dendritic
trees exhibit complex branching architecture. Archetypically, alpha motoneurons inner-
vating hindlimb muscles in the cat have radially organized dendrites, with profuse
extensions throughout the ventral horn and adjacent white matter. These dendritic trees
are relatively symmetrical, although regions just ventral to or dorsal to the soma have
fewer dendritic projections than expected. Dendritic trees of gamma motoneurons inner-
vating the same muscle groups are generally less symmetrical, have fewer branch points
and less total membrane area, but have dendrites that can be just as long as those of
alpha motoneurons. Notably, alpha motoneuron dendritic morphology deviates from
the radially symmetric pattern in a number of motoneuron pools, such as those inner-
vating neck muscles or muscles of respiration, where dorso-medial and dorso-lateral
bundles of dendrites are prominent. Detailed quantitative light microscopic descriptions
of various alpha and gamma motoneurons are available. 7–22
Throughout the nervous system, the critical role of the dendrites in neuronal
function is emphasized by the fact that they provide more than 95% of the available
membrane surface area for reception of synaptic contacts; for alpha motoneurons,
this receptive area must accommodate approximately 50,000 synaptic inputs from
a variety of segmental and supraspinal sources. 23 Despite broad recognition that
neuronal dendrites have active properties (see below), there is consensus that the normal
site of action potential initiation is at the axon initial segment or first node of Ranvier
on the axon, even though under certain input conditions action potentials can be initiated
in the dendrites 24–26 (see also, Reference 27). Ultimately, therefore, cell firing is depen-
dent on the amount of current that reaches the cell soma/initial segment from active
synapses that are widely distributed over the dendritic surface. 1,28–31
Thus, although both presynaptic and postsynaptic factors play critical roles in
synaptic efficacy per se, the amount of current delivered to the soma, and hence the
overall integrative properties and general excitability of a neuron, is strongly influ-
enced by the interaction of postsynaptic factors such as intrinsic membrane properties
and the distribution and density of receptors and ion channels over the somato-
dendritic membrane as well as by the spatial distribution of the synapses on the
complex branching dendritic tree. From an historical perspective the study of moto-
neuron dendrites has been particularly influential in promoting these concepts and
this chapter will review some issues of continuing relevance to neuronal integration,
with particular focus on spinal motoneurons that innervate skeletal muscles.
The synaptic terminals that are present on the motoneuron soma (and dendrites) can
be classified into a relatively small number of categories based on ultrastructural
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criteria such as the size of the terminal, the shape of the synaptic vesicles contained
in the bouton, and the disposition of the postsynaptic densities at the synaptic
junction. 32–34 In general, four main types (S-, F-, C-, and M-type boutons; see
Figure 2 in Reference 33) of boutons are described on alpha motoneurons, although
modifications to the classification scheme have been introduced by subsequent
authors 23,35 (see also, Figure 3.4 in Reference 1), in part because contemporary
labeling techniques used to visualize identified motoneurons or boutons may obscure
some of the defining features in the pre- or postsynaptic elements of the synapse.
Because postsynaptic structural elements can be obscured in this way, synaptic
vesicle shape (and distribution of vesicles within the terminal) and bouton size were
used as the main classification factors in intracellular staining studies, resulting in
use of a tripartite system encompassing F-type (which contain pleomorphic synaptic
vesicles) and two categories of S-type (small and large boutons with spherical
synaptic vesicles) boutons. An additional bouton type, the P bouton, makes presyn-
aptic connections with some of the other bouton types in contact with the motoneuron
surface and may form triadic arrangements. 33,36
Detailed synaptological studies have attempted to determine the frequency of
each bouton type on different areas of the surface membrane, and where possible,
their origin. The task of systematically surveying the complete motoneuron surface
is daunting and unrealistic, if not impossible, because the surface area of an alpha
motoneuron often exceeds 5
10 5
m 2 , most of which is dendritic membrane, and
m. Electron microscopic studies can only sample
a very small fraction of that area, and typically, a detailed study can only be expected
to sample from at most a few neurons. Quite justifiably, quantitative electron micro-
scopic studies of bouton frequency and packing density have focused on the somatic
membrane, and to a lesser extent on selected dendritic regions at various distances
from the soma. Estimates of overall bouton frequency and total number of synapses
are then based on extrapolation of data from these sampled regions.
Identification of motoneuron somata for the purposes of ultrastructural analysis
may be based on intracellular labeling, on the transport of markers from the periph-
ery, or on soma size and location in the ventral horn. Although primary dendrites
are easily recognized as they emerge from the soma, ultrastructural analysis of
identified thin distal dendrites requires the use of intracellular staining strategies and
subsequent light–electron microscopic correlation of selected labeled profiles. Cou-
pled with 3-dimensional reconstruction of dendritic paths, this approach provides
an accurate measurement of distance from the soma. Even if labeled dendritic profiles
are not rigorously connected to a full reconstruction of an individual neuron their
approximate position can be estimated if their diameter is known, because of the
fairly consistent relationship between dendrite diameter and distance that has been
revealed by quantitative light microscopic studies of neurons reconstructed in three
dimensions. 37 Surprisingly, in view of the inherent technical difficulties and the
uncertainties about conclusions drawn from “small” samples (which may actually
represent thousands of electron micrographs and measurements), there is a growing
consensus from quantitative ultrastructural studies that spinal alpha motoneurons
receive approximately 50,000 synaptic boutons over their total somatic and dendritic
surface membrane. 23 Other recent studies have placed the number of synapses in the
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total dendritic lengths exceed 10 5
m 2 of somatic mem-
brane, thus suggesting that there may be around 500 to 1000 synapses on each alpha
motoneuron cell body. This represents only 1 to 2% of the total number of synaptic
inputs on each motoneuron.
Despite the well-recognized problems associated with sampling and classifying
bouton types, elegant quantitative ultrastructural analyses have also reached a rela-
tively strong consensus regarding the frequency of boutons on the soma surface and
on the proportion of surface membrane occupied by the various synaptic types. For
cat and primate alpha motoneurons, the percentage of somatic membrane covered
by bouton profiles is usually around 50% (range 40 to 60%) 23,33,34,38–41 but may be
as high as 70% in neck motoneurons. 35 In contrast, gamma motoneurons exhibit
fewer somatic synapses and a lower (20 to 40%) level of membrane coverage. 40,42,43,45
In alpha motoneurons, the percentage of proximal dendritic membrane in contact
with axon terminals is generally about the same, or slightly higher, than for the
soma. However, dendritic membrane coverage declines markedly at greater distances
from the soma, to levels around 20 to 30% or less. 23,35 The frequency of occurrence
of different bouton types also varies from cell to cell and in different regions of the
dendritic tree, as discussed in the following sections.
F-type boutons are the most numerous type of synapse on the somatic surface of
alpha motoneurons, comprising more than half (usually 50 to 60%) of the contacts
at the soma, and accounting for a similar proportion of the synaptic membrane
coverage. F-type bouton frequency remains relatively high, comparable to somatic
levels, on the proximal dendrites but declines on more distal dendrites. F-type
boutons contain pleomorphic (elongate or irregular shape) synaptic vesicles, usually
form symmetric synaptic junctions, and are generally assumed to represent inhibitory
terminals. In keeping with this assumption, boutons of this class arising from iden-
tified inhibitory interneurons, 44 and F-type boutons in contact with the somata or den-
drites of presumed motoneurons, 37,40,46 are enriched with glycine-like immunoreactivity. Colocalization of Glycine and GABA at Ventral
Horn Synapses
Glycine and GABA are the two major inhibitory amino acid transmitters in the
spinal cord and are involved in a variety of inhibitory actions on motoneurons. A
number of specific antibodies that were developed to reveal the presence of GABA,
glycine, and their respective receptors and vesicular transporters, have been used
extensively in investigations of inhibitory inputs to motoneurons in cat and rat
spinal cord. 37,39,46–53 These studies substantiate the link between F-type bouton
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range of 50,000 to 140,000 on alpha motoneurons. 37 In the following discussions it
is tacitly assumed that the value is closer to the lower end of that range, i.e.,
approximately 50,000 synapses per motoneuron. Although it is difficult to define
accurately the area of the soma surface, 11 various quantitative electron microscopic
studies provide estimates of around 10 to 12 synapses per 100
morphology and an inhibitory role for this type of synapse, and importantly, have
helped to consolidate the idea that classical amino acid neurotransmitters may
coexist and act in concert at fast central synapses. It is now clear that motoneurons
receive inputs from glycine, GABA, and mixed glycine and GABA synapses in
various proportions.
One commonly used marker of presumed inhibitory synapses is gephyrin, which
is a peripheral membrane/cytosolic protein involved in the clustering and/or stabi-
lization of postsynaptic receptors at glycinergic and GABAergic synaptic sites. 54,55
On motoneuron cell bodies the vast majority (approx. 90%) of synapses formed by
F-boutons exhibit postsynaptic gephyrin immunoreactivity. 52 Interestingly, in Ren-
shaw cell interneurons a very high proportion (around 90%, compared to 50 to 60%
on alpha motoneurons) of all somatic synapses are formed by F-boutons, and vir-
tually all of these synapses (96%) are immunopositive for gephyrin. 52
Although initially discovered in association with glycine receptors, and known
to be tightly associated with membrane-spanning subunits of the glycine receptor
in spinal cord synapses, especially in the ventral horn, 48,56–58 gephyrin is also involved
in the clustering and/or stabilization of GABA A receptors in many brain regions,
including the spinal cord. 57,59,60 A major challenge in recent years has been to
untangle the intricate relationships between the molecular components that underlie
inhibitory transmission mediated by glycine and GABA in the ventral horn of the
spinal cord; in this effort, the detailed studies from the laboratories of F.J. Alvarez,
A.J. Todd, and A. Triller have been particularly illuminating. 57,58,61–63 Related studies
of retinal synapses have provided similar findings. 64 Cumulatively, the studies of
motoneurons and Renshaw cells indicate that
1. Immunoreactivity for glycine receptors and certain GABA A receptors is
colocalized with gephyrin at synaptic specializations in the spinal cord.
2. Virtually all (90 to 98%) of the gephyrin-immunoreactive postsynaptic
sites are associated with glycine-enriched presynaptic terminals; a signif-
icant minority (around 30 to 35%) of the terminals also contain GABA
(this proportion is much higher on Renshaw cells); very few (around 2%)
of the presynaptic boutons contain only GABA.
3. Glycine receptors and GABA A receptors are colocalized in at least two thirds
of the gephyrin-labeled synapses; of the remainder, the majority have glycine
receptors exclusively, and only 2 to 3% have GABA receptors exclusively.
4. There are many synapses on motoneurons and Renshaw cells at which
both glycine and GABA are enriched presynaptically, and at which both
glycine and GABA A receptors (and gephyrin) are present postsynaptically.
Although interpretation of these results is complicated (for example, they suggest
the existence of some synapses at which GABA A receptors are present postsynap-
tically, but GABA is not in the apposed presynaptic bouton), the significance of
mixed glycine–GABA synapses is emphasized by functional confirmation that core-
lease of GABA and glycine occurs at synapses of spinal neurons. 65
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