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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
Structural Plasticity of
Motoneuron Dendrites
Caused by Axotomy
P. Kenneth Rose, Victoria MacDermid, and
Monica Neuber-Hess
Most neurons have two distinct compartments. As described almost 100 years ago
by Ramón Y Cajal, 1 the dendritic domain is composed of relatively short branches
that gradually taper and form acute angles between sibling branches. In contrast,
processes belonging to the axonal compartment travel for long distances with little
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tapering and branches usually occur at right angles. Ultrastructurally, the most
conspicuous difference is visible at synapses where dendrites are most commonly
postsynaptic to presynaptic axonal specializations. 2 These structural differences are
matched by an equally distinctive set of molecular characteristics. 3 This morpholog-
ical and molecular polarity is related to a functional polarity where, with a few
notable exceptions, dendrites integrate synaptic signals and axons transmit action
potentials that trigger the release of neurotransmitters. 4 Thus, the concept of neuronal
polarity as a means of emphasizing the unique features of dendrites and axons,
whether at a structural, molecular, or functional level, has become a fundamental
principle of cellular neuroscience. The intricately orchestrated steps leading to the
formation of axons and dendrites in the developing nervous system 3,5 and the numer-
ous mechanisms that are involved in maintaining neuronal polarity 6,7 have reinforced
the importance attached to this integral property of neurons.
Implicit in most descriptions of the polarity of adult neurons is the assumption
that it is static. This assumption is questionable. The results of recent experiments
suggest that the structural and molecular polarity of adult neurons can be disrupted
following long-term axotomy. This plasticity has important consequences for under-
standing the capacity of the nervous system to recovery from neurotrauma. Much
of the evidence in support of a reorganization of neuronal polarity in the adult
nervous system is based on studies of permanently axotomized spinal motoneurons.
The goal of this chapter is to review and critically evaluate this evidence.
The first descriptions of the effect of axotomy on motoneuron structure provided no
evidence for alterations in their polarity. These studies, however, demonstrated that
dendritic structure of adult motoneurons was not fixed.
In what would become a landmark paper, Sumner and Watson 8 reported that
axotomy leads to a reduction in the size of the dendritic tree of hypoglossal moto-
neurons. Dendrites of these motoneurons also retracted following intramuscular
injection of botulinum toxin, indicating that dendritic loss is partly a consequence
of a failure of neuromuscular transmission and not axonal damage alone. The
retraction was reversible upon reinnervation or upon regaining functional transmis-
sion several weeks after the botulinum toxin injection. The results of the axotomy
experiments were subsequently replicated in spinal motoneurons. 9 However, both of
these studies suffered from a serious methodological flaw. At the time of these
studies, the full extent of the dendritic trees of motoneurons was not fully appreci-
ated. It was standard practice to describe motoneuron dendrites based on Golgi-
stained dendritic branches contained in a single histological section. Based on the
results of studies employing serial reconstructions of the dendritic trees of intracel-
lularly stained motoneurons, it is now apparent that this practice will exclude most
distal branches due to the complex three-dimensional distribution of the dendritic
trees of motoneurons. 10–14 As an example of the seriousness of this problem, Standler
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m thick section. In
contrast, the average total length of intracellularly stained and reconstructed dendritic
trees of rat spinal motoneurons is 35.7 mm, 13 a 30-fold difference! Thus, the retrac-
tion of dendrites following axotomy, reported by Sumner and Watson, 8 may be an
artifact of the techniques used to measure dendritic tree size.
In 1992, Brännström and colleagues 15,16 re-examined the issue of dendritic shrinkage
following axotomy of spinal motoneurons. This study avoided the short-comings of
the earlier investigations. All motoneurons were identified physiologically and mea-
surements were based on detailed reconstructions of intracellularly stained cells.
These measurements provided unequivocal evidence that a permanent axotomy of
12-weeks duration causes shrinkage of the dendritic trees of hindlimb motoneurons
in the adult cat. The shrinkage was evident in measurements of total dendritic length,
total surface area, and total number of dendritic branches ( Fig. 11.1 ). Cable theory
predicts that neuronal input resistance is inversely related to the size of the dendritic
trees. 17 Thus, the numerous electrophysiological reports of an increase in the input
resistance of motoneurons following axotomy 18–21 were consistent with the morpho-
logical results and provided a firm basis for the wide consensus that axotomy of
motoneurons leads to a decrease in the size of their dendritic trees.
Dendritic retraction appears to be part of a larger, well-organized strategy to reduce
the integrative capacity of axotomized motoneurons. Other changes that led to the
same result include loss of synapses, 18–29 reduction in choline acetyltransferase, 30
and down regulation of neurotransmitter receptors. 31–34 Even the outputs of the
motoneuron are not immune to this transformation. Many of the axon collaterals
that form the basis for recurrent inhibition are lost following axotomy, 35 leaving the
motoneuron deprived of both inputs and outputs. Thus, the prevailing view of
axotomy-induced changes in motoneuron dendritic structure emphasizes degenera-
tive events and provides little basis for claims that one of the principal outcomes of
axotomy of spinal motoneurons is a change in their polarity. What has happened to
change this view?
As described above, the remodeling of motoneuron dendritic structure following
axotomy is most consistent with a degenerative process. However, some morpho-
logical changes appear to contradict this conclusion. As described by Brännström
et al. 15 and shown in Fig. 11.2A , a small number (2 of 234) distal dendrites from
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and Bernstein 9 reported an average total length of 1.14 mm for dendrites belonging
to rat spinal motoneurons that were captured on a single, 200-
FIGURE 11.1 Comparison of the change in dendritic tree size of hindlimb and neck moto-
neurons following permanent axotomy. Three indices of dendritic tree size are illustrated:
total dendritic length (the sum of the lengths of all dendritic segments for a single motoneu-
ron); total surface area (the sum of the surface areas of all dendritic segments for a single
motoneuron); and the total number of dendritic segments per motoneuron.The total number
of dendritic segments was not reported. This number was calculated based on their values of
the number of stem dendrites per motoneuron and the number of terminal dendrites per stem
dendrites, where the number of all dendritic segments per stem dendrite equals the number
of terminal dendrites + 1. (Data for axotomized neck motoneurons from Rose and Odlozinski,
J. Comp. Neurol., 390, 392, 1998.) As indicated by the direction of the arrows, axotomy
caused a decrease in the size of the dendritic trees of hindlimb motoneurons. In contrast, the
dendritic trees of neck motoneurons expanded. (Data for total dendritic length and surface
area for axotomized hindlimb motoneurons are based on the study of Brännström et al. 15
Comp. Neurol., 318, 439, 1992.)
axotomized motoneurons exhibited signs of expansion, instead of retraction. The
putative expansion appeared in two forms: a tangle of short preterminal and terminal
dendritic segments or a long, meandering, usually thick process that ended simply,
with no branches. The meandering trajectory is peculiar because this feature is a
hallmark of axons, not dendrites. Moreover, the swelling found at terminations of
last-order processes were, as described by Brännström et al., 15 typical of boutons on
axon collaterals. The similarity between these expanding dendrites and axons proved
to be only light-microscopically “deep”. Electron microscopic observations revealed
typical dendritic features, such as synaptic contacts, although contacts were rare on
one branch and dense collections of mitochondria were unusually frequent. 15
In the studies of Brännström et al., 15 the axon of the motoneuron was transected
close to muscle, a distance of approximately 15 to 20 cm from the soma. Cutting
motoneuron axons much closer to the soma led to a different result. In a brief report
that was subsequently followed by a more detailed description, Lindå, Risling, and
Cullheim 36,37 described the structural consequences of a parasaggital incision through
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FIGURE 11.2 (A) Unusual distal dendrites of axotomized hindlimb motoneurons. The distal
dendrite in (i) gave rise to a complex arbor composed of numerous interwoven and sinuous
branches. An expanded view is shown in the inset. The distal dendrite in (ii) did not branch
and, unlike dendrites of intact motoneurons, followed a long and meandering path. (From
Brännström, T., Havton, L., and Kellereth, J.-O., J. Comp. Neurol., 316, 1, 1992. With
permission.) (B) Two examples of dendraxons. These axon-like processes (indicated by thick
lines) arose from dendrites of intraspinally axotomized hindlimb motoneurons and projected
toward the ventral roots. Only the portion of the dendritic tree that gave rise to the dendraxons
is shown. (From Lindå, H., Risling, M., and Cullheim, S., Brain Res., 358, 329, 1985. With
permission of Elsevier.) (C) Supernumary axons. The supernumary axon in (i) (double arrow)
projected dorsally and medially. Like axon collaterals of the original axon (single arrow), the
branches from the supernumary axon, formed numerous en passant and terminal boutons.
The supernumary axon in (ii) traveled rostrally in the lateral funiculus, for a distance of more
than 1 mm. The branches in the gray matter were thick and contorted. (From Havton, L. and
Kellerth, J.-O., Nature, 325, 711, 1987. With permission.) CC, central canal; L, lateral; V,
ventral; Cr, cranial; Ca, caudal.
m from their somata. Unlike dendrites of distally axotomized motoneurons,
where the vast majority of dendrites have a morphology typical of dendrites of
motoneurons with intact axons, many distal dendrites of intraspinally axotomized
motoneurons were aberrant. The most distinctive feature of these odd dendrites was
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the lateral and ventral funiculi of L7. This injury transected motoneuron axons 400
to 1400
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