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Handcannon, Issue 5 - Page 1
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Handcannon: Issue 5
Table of Contents
Editorial by The Editor Page 2
The PC-omicon: Featuring Llaelah by blackdwarv Page 4
Rivethead’s Mechanika Guide #1 by Rivethead48 (aka Sethlcat) Page 6
Juggernaught & Kodiak for d20 by blackdwarv Page 19
Cover illustration ‘MageHunter’ by Warcaster_Fann
Interior art ‘Bile Thrall School’ (p20 ) by Pydracor
Welcome to HANDCANNON issue 5 !
Q: Why the new layout? Do I have to turn my computer on its side to print? What is a Chunter anyway? Where can I find the rest of Handcannon?
A: Because. No. Look it up in a dictionary. http://hc.bodhihouse.com/
Now all that’s out of the way, sit back, pop your Acrobat reader into ‘full screen mode’, and enjoy the show. If you think you have an idea, art, or fic-
tion for an IK or WM article, check out the yahoogroups site (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/handcannon) and get involved!
This is a pretty “non-standard” Handcannon in a lot of ways, but what can you expect from an all-volunteer production? We would have liked more
WM material in the content, but we more than made up for it with Sethlcat/Rivethead28’s “Mechanika Guide #1”. If you think Chunter is funny, send in any
jokes or dialgue for him (it?).
Enjoy` - This issue’s Editor (patrickjftaylor)
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The NPC-onomicon
Being a tome detailing some of the more
useful, interesting, and colorful characters in the
Iron Kingdoms. In this issue, Llaelah Clapton, the
lost her unborn child as well.
Reeling from the shock, she flung herself
into the only thing that made sense at the time;
making sure no one would ever have to endure the
existance of a troll again. She spent virtually every
hour that she wasen’t out in the wilds or under
bridges researching the beasts. It was during one
of these hunts that she met the Zhu mystic Agredl
Foror, who took her as an apprentace after they
took down a paticularly large Dire Troll.
her hated foe only made it easier for her to hunt
more. So far, she has limited her research and
skills upon Trolls and Bridge Trolls. She hasen’t
revealed her knowledge to the Order yet, and most
likely will not do so, choosing instead to vent her
hatred upon that specie. This and several small
‘incidents’ have worried her higher-ups in the
She is currently working with limited
success upon a poison that works upon trolls, and
a potion that will shut down their regeneration
without damaging their bodies.
Caw! Troll! Caw!
-- Herecules
Two years ago, a young alchemist in the
Order of the Golden Crucible found love with the
city guard in Merywyn. Things were looking up
for the young couple, both had good jobs and were
likely to succeed in their fields.
Then came the dreadful spring of 604.
More Bridge Trolls were reported and killed that
year then previously in Merywyns long history.
Unfortunately it also meant that more cases of
attacked and missing persons were reported that
wet spring as well. One of those misfortuneate
ones happened to be Tomas Clapton, while
escorting his wife home one night.
The troll sprung up from the side of the
bridge, throwing Llaelah to the side with his
massive claws while leaping for Tomas. She lept
back to her feet and fighting off the pain, began
casting devistating spells upon the troll, eventually
finishing it off. When the guard found them,
Llaelah was holding the corpse of her husband and
screaming, her face and shoulder cut open. It was
only later when the healers were stitching her right
side back together that she found out that she had
Llaelah Clapton, Troll hunter and
Female human (Ryn) Wiz 5/BnGr 1
CR 6, Size M (5’ 3”), 6 HD (21 hp), Spd 30’, AC 12 (DR
Atk dagger +2 melee, +4 throw;
SV Fort +4, ref +3, will +4;
Str 10 (0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 6
(-2), Cha 14 (+2)
Languages spoken : Llaelese, Caspian, Cygnarian
Agredl began trading some of his ‘Zhu alchemy’
for Order trade secrets from Llaelah. It was only
after the two had joined in several hunts together
that he begain revealing more about the greater
art of Bone Grinding. Recoiling in horror, Llaelah
at first shunned Agredl, then later came to realize
that the using of these secrets upon the corpses of
Skills : Appraise +6/+8 (0 ranks, +3 int, +3 raven,
+2 alchemy items), Concentration +3 (2 ranks, +1
con), Craft (alchemy) +12 (6 ranks, +3 skill focus, +3
int), Craft (bone grinding) +4 (1 rank, +3 int), Craft
(dissection) +7 (4 ranks, +3 int), Craft (leatherworking)
+4 (1 rank, +3 int), Creature Lore +10 (5 ranks, +3
int, +2 syn), Handle Animal +3 (1 rank, +2 cha),
Knowledge (arcana) +9 (6 ranks, +3 int), Knowledge
(nature) +10 (5 ranks, +3 int, +2 syn), Knowledge
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(tactics) +4 (1 rank, +3 int), Listen +0/+2 (0 ranks, -2
wis, +2 familiar), Profession (bone grinder) -1 (1 rank,
-2 wis), Spot -1/+1 (1 rank, -2 wis, +2 familiar), Survival
+2 (4 ranks, -2 wis)
Feats : Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus
(Craft [alchemy]), Aurum Ominus Alchemist, Craft Arms
& Armor, Quicken Spell, Track, Favored Monster: Trolls
+1, Bone Grinding (enhancers), Unearthed Arcana
(trolls & bridge trolls)
4 Silent spell (slot 2 levels higher), 2 Still spell (slot 2
levels higher).
The Order of the Golden Crucible has
become increasingly worried about the erratic
behavior of Llaelah. To prevent a stain of a rogue
alchemist tarnishing the local chapter’s reputation,
the PCs are hired to snoop around and find out
some more information about her. The Order
would dearly love to find the secrets of Bone
Grinding out, but Llaelah is no fool.
Also usually has on hand: 1 dose Troll antitoxin (+8
fort, +1 str or con restored), 2 doses Blackroot Balm
(1d6 heal, Fort 16 or secondary 1d6+3 heal. -1d6 dex
temp dam), 2 jars Cure-All Cream (1d8 heal in 1d4+1
minutes. 3 doses/jar), 1 jar Balelight, 5 jars Sharpsalve
Hercules, raven familiar
Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8 (10 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 familiar), touch
17, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–11
Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2–5)
Full Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2–5)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: deliver touch spells
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, bestows
Alertness if in Arm’s reach
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14,
Cha 6
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Evasion, Share
spells, speaks Llaelese
Magic : (4/4/3/2/-) All 0-level spells plus: Comprehend
Languages, Magic Weapon, Mage Armor, True Strike,
Sleep, Burning Hands, Grease, Color Spray, Acid
Arrow, Web, Spider Climb, Mirror Image, Greater
Magic Weapon, Deep Slumber
On their last adventure the PCs have come
across a referance to the legendary book “ Upen
Thee Naturef of Thee Troll-Folk ” by Faulus, a +4
Tome of Troll Lore that is rumored to contain a
recipie for a poison so toxic that it will kill even
the largest of Dire Trolls instantly. Needless to say,
Llaelah is quite interested to find out about this
book. Whether the PCs (especially any Trollkin
ones) are willing to help out this insane woman in
her quest of genocide is up to them. Llaelah can
be quite... persuasive. Especially if the PCs don’t
cooperate at first...
Gear of note : Bridge Troll jacket (DR 4/+1), barbed
quenched Serricsteel punching dagger (+1 to
hit, 1d4+1 dam, x3 crit, ignore hardness <15), 6
throwing knives (1d4+1 dam, 19+/x2 crit, 10’ range,
sharpsalved), Ring of Regeneration (carved troll bone),
Alchemist’s Lab, masterwork Bonegrinder’s tools,
Healer’s Kit, much used copy of Chronicles of the Troll
Hunter (+2 tome of Troll lore)
Potions & Alchemerie: 4 doses Vitrol (1d6+2 dam, 1
pt splash), 2 throwing bags Burning Powder (DC 15
itching on contact), 2 flasks Hot Grease (Reflex 15 or
fall. If fall 1d4 dam for 5 rounds), 1 stick sleep gas (Fort
18 or 1 Con dam, secondary sleep 10d6 minutes (if
woken -4 skills, attack, AC, reflex)),
The easiest hook is to have Llaelah hire
the PCs to join her on a troll hunt. Whether to
the swamps to hunt a Dire Troll, or under a few
bridges, she will be there.
Enhancers (from Bridge or other Trolls) All are effective
for Evocaiton spells, 3rd level or lower. Because she is
a somewhat humane sort, they generally are powders.
2 Empower spell (slot 3 levels higher), 1 Enlarged
spell (slot 2 levels higher), 2 Extend spell (slot 2 levels
higher), 3 Heighten spell (slot up to 3 levels higher),
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photocopies to allow one for each accumulator you carry.
(these are copyrighted by me, however you the right to
photocopy for personal use.) Also you will find a Mechanika
sheet to keep track of your items for future reference, so that
you do not have to refigure every step along the way for a
particular item, and it provides the PRICE.
rune plate construction. (PHB pg. 70-71)
3. Other Skills- There are other skills which
may come in handy(IE- craft (clockwork)),
however basic construction as detailed in the
IK:CG does not require them.
B: Feats:
1. Craft Wondrous Item- This is necessary
to finish mechanikal components as well as
fuse them all into a finished working device.
(PHB pg. 92-93)
2. Scribe Scroll- This is used in the creation
of rune plates. (PHB pg. 99-100)
STEP by STEP Primer:
I. Requirements:
A: Skills:
1. Craft (Mechanika)- This is used in the
creation of schematics / diagrams, as well as
for the construction of individual components
and the final fusion and assembly check. (IK:
CG pg. 146-148)
a. These rolls are always made on the
last day of construction (be that for
an individual component or the entire
b. For a normal failure (IE: <5) you must
add construction time to the project to fix
your mistakes. This is figured as ½ total
time rounded up. (must be at least 1 full
c. On a failure of 5 or more then you must
add the extra time as above but must
also replace ½ X Cost in materials.
(additional rules for skill failures can be
found in IK:CG (pg 377)
d. The base DC for all checks (unless
noted) during construction is 15.
2. Craft (Alchemy)- This is primarily used in
This document is a basic outline to the onstruction
of mechanical items for the Iron Kingdoms D20
RPG by Privateer Press. It originally appeared on
(and can still be found there in an earlier form)
on the Privateer Press Forums. The rules and
stats presented here are all taken from the Iron
Kingdoms Character Guide: VOL 1 by Privateer
Press and the copyright on the information is held
by them. I have only reorganized the information
into a for which is easier to understand and
reference with some speed.
If you have any questions of see something that
isn’t correct, please let me know so I can post the
errata on the forums as well.
Thank you for all your patience and I hope you
find this both usefull and enjoyable.
II. Understanding the terminology:
A: COST: In the creation of mechanika, this
refers to a number of gp for parts + a number
of XP that are necessary to make schematics,
specific components, or conduits. This is
represented as such: 125gp + 18XP.
B: PRICE (market value): In the creation of
mechanika, it is not necessary to create each
and every individual component yourself (the
advantage that mechanika technology has over
traditional magical items). If you are able to
find a seller, this figure refers to the average
price that you would pay to buy the piece
already made. This is on average 2 X the cost
(gp) to make it yourself. This is represented as
such: 1200gp.
C: Days: Each phase of mechanika construction
takes a certain length of time to draw, collect
parts, build parts, fuse, calibrate, etc. This is
NOTE: At the end of this document you will find a set of
accumulator charge cards (light, standard, heavy) which you
should print, cut out, fold and place inside a card protector.
This will allow you track the charges in your accumulators
with dry erase markers. I suggest making enough
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