
(29 KB) Pobierz
{531}{612}{y:i}To the untrained eye, it may look|like just another day at school.
{614}{656}{y:i}But actually, it was a very special week.
{658}{717}{y:i}Or in Neil's case,|a very special needs week.
{719}{751}Bollocks! No way is that right!
{753}{818}You all right, Neil?|What are you playing?
{820}{875}Oh, behave. That's well too hard.
{877}{935}- Brain Training?|- Stupid thing.
{937}{974}Why is that wrong?
{976}{1045}- What does it say your brain age is?|- I got it up to 12 a minute ago.
{1047}{1113}12? 12 years old?
{1115}{1205}- Have you caught Down's syndrome?|- Has it asked if Santa is real yet?
{1208}{1259}Don't listen to them, Neil.|He does exist.
{1262}{1339}Yeah, and he's just sorted our Saturday|night out with the gift of gash.
{1341}{1411}Sexy soiree? That sounds sexy.
{1413}{1487}Fucking hell, is that Louise Graham?|She doesn't normally look like that.
{1490}{1549}Oh, she'd definitely get it.|Right in the bum hole.
{1552}{1585}Lucky girl.
{1587}{1647}This is amazing! We've actually|been invited to a cool party.
{1650}{1691}Yeah... kind of.
{1694}{1784}I nicked it out of Sadie Cunningham's bag|during registration. We should try and go.
{1787}{1893}{y:i}Another cool party we're specifically|not invited to. Good job, Jay.
{1895}{1973}Um... isn't there something else|on Saturday night, anyway?
{1975}{2005}Don't think so.
{2007}{2042}It's my birthday.
{2071}{2106}I'm having a dinner party.
{2108}{2195}- I sent you the invites a month ago.|- Is that really happening?
{2197}{2228}I thought it was a joke.
{2230}{2311}It's a joke that we've got to go|to a dinner party rather than a sex party.
{2313}{2438}Two things. One, it won't be a sex party -|it's Louise Graham we're talking about.
{2440}{2500}And two, even if it is,|you were invited to my party first.
{2502}{2567}Just cancel yours, Will.|You can have your birthday any weekend.
{2569}{2636}Thanks, Neil. Simon, you don't want|to go to Louise Graham's,
{2638}{2711}- do you?|- Me? No. God, no. No.
{2713}{2765}Not unless you're going to cancel yours.
{2767}{2791}I'm not.
{2793}{2910}Sure. Sure. Oh, except my French|exchange bloke's arriving today.
{2912}{2980}- I'm meant to look after him all week.|- Bring him along.
{2982}{3038}It'll be nice to have|some sophistication at the party.
{3040}{3130}I'm not sure he's that sophisticated. Some|friend of my mum's asked if we'd have him.
{3132}{3209}- He might be a massive twat.|- So, what? The French version of you?
{3211}{3298}Don't forget you've got to bring a girl.|I'd like this to be a proper dinner party.
{3300}{3345}- Can I ask your mum?|- No!
{3347}{3435}{y:i}So after school,|we went to say bonjour to Patrice.
{3437}{3474}What's France like, then, Patrice?
{3513}{3584}Cool. And are the French birds dirty?
{3622}{3728}He doesn't get any. Look, he's all greasy.|Birds don't go for that, French or not.
{4024}{4096}- Yeah. I think you'll be OK round here.|- What did he say?
{4098}{4149}Do you not speak any French?
{4152}{4222}No. That's why my mum was keen for him|to come over - try and teach me a bit.
{4224}{4271}- I've picked up "clope" so far.|- What's that?
{4274}{4358}- Cigarette. He smokes like a chimney.|- Simon, you have porn?
{4361}{4421}Oh, for fuck's sake!|I keep saying - no, I don't.
{4424}{4466}- Internet?|- No.
{4469}{4553}- You can't get any porn on the internet?|- That's not the internet, Si.
{4555}{4608}Are you trying to find porn|on your washing machine?
{4610}{4662}My mum and dad have got a filter on it.|I can't see any.
{4664}{4759}Oh, that is fucking tragic!|What are you, 11?
{4815}{4838}All right, mate.
{4887}{4964}- See you later, Patrice.|- He seems a bit weird.
{4966}{5015}He asked if I'd tried|the "sleeping beauty".
{5017}{5063}- Oh, it's good, that.|- You know it?
{5065}{5187}Yeah. You sit on your arm till your hand|goes dead - ten, 15 minutes, usually.
{5189}{5242}Then, when you wank,|it feels like someone else is doing it.
{5244}{5285}How do you know these things?
{5287}{5350}Everyone knows the "sleeping beauty".|That's old.
{5352}{5407}- Is it?|- Yeah, my mate's brother invented it.
{5409}{5488}He and his mates used to be called|the Dead Hand Gang.
{5490}{5546}They had a gang|based on masturbation?
{5548}{5596}Oh, there's nothing gay about that
{5598}{5654}Yeah, well, he's in the Air Force now,|so how gay is that?
{5656}{5689}Still quite gay.
{5691}{5767}{y:i}So my dinner party guest list|was shaping up nicely -
{5769}{5806}{y:i}four idiots and a racist Frenchman.
{5808}{5870}It's gonna be tricky to get girls|to come to your dinner party.
{5872}{5920}Because you forgot and it's short notice?
{5922}{5999}No, cos Louise Graham's quite popular.|Most people will be at hers.
{6001}{6059}{y:i}Please say you'll at least try|and bring girls.
{6061}{6111}This birthday can't be|as depressing as last year's.
{6113}{6166}- Why, because you got that briefcase?|- No, Neil.
{6168}{6237}- Because my father left my mother.|- Maybe I'll see what Carli's up to.
{6239}{6302}Not being seen dead with you|in a million years is what she's up to!
{6304}{6385}Oh, I'm sorry, Russell Brand|Who are you bringing again?
{6387}{6460}Don't worry about me.|I'm up to my neck in sluts at the moment.
{6462}{6531}Maybe I'll bring my new fuck buddy -|that little blonde barmaid
{6533}{6597}- from the Fox and Hounds.|- You've pulled a barmaid? Nice.
{6599}{6646}Has she got special dietary requirements?
{6649}{6700}I've never cooked|for an imaginary woman before.
{6702}{6747}I know she's not allergic to nuts.
{6749}{6802}{y:i}- My nuts.|- Brilliant.
{6805}{6850}- Or my cock.|- She only eats small portions, then.
{6852}{6930}I didn't hear your mum complaining,|although her mouth was full at the time.
{6933}{6991}- Good one|- Can you just drop us off here, Si?
{6994}{7065}- Don't you want a lift to school?|- This is close enough.
{7068}{7116}Don't wanna be seen|getting out of this shit heap.
{7119}{7180}- No offence, mate.|- See you later.
{7240}{7321}- Actually, I might get out, too.|- Fine! See you at school.
{7425}{7476}- Do you want to get in the front?|- No.
{7508}{7594}{y:i}They say the quickest way|to a man's heart is through his stomach.
{7596}{7660}{y:i}But I was hoping it would also be a way|into my female guests' knickers.
{7673}{7714}What about chicken casserole?
{7716}{7796}Why are you even asking?|If it was up to me, we'd have Big Macs.
{7798}{7834}Did you not see Super Size Me?
{7836}{7890}Yeah. It just made me|really want a Big Mac.
{7935}{7991}- Oh, shit! Charlotte's online.|- Have you asked her along yet?
{7995}{8074}- No. I don't know if I should.|- Go on, it'll be great.
{8076}{8120}- Message her now.|- Do you think so?
{8122}{8219}- Yes, it'll be cool. Just say hi.|- All right...Done it.
{8221}{8265}Oh, wow, she's come straight back.
{8267}{8332}She says, "Hi, whassup?"|Smiley face. Urgh.
{8334}{8392}- Ask her out.|- No, I can't just jump in,
{8394}{8467}not the way things have been with us.|Have to charm her a bit first.
{8469}{8556}I've written, "Just hanging out with Si|and his French exchange."
{8558}{8602}She thinks you're handsome?!
{8659}{8704}Oh, no. She means Patrice.
{8706}{8762}Thank God! I'm a div.
{8783}{8838}Hmm, another smiley face.
{8840}{8886}Can't bring myself to send a smiley back.
{8888}{8976}- I could write "LOL" if I had to.|- Do that.
{9049}{9112}- It's going well, mate. Ask her out.|- It is going well, isn't it?
{9171}{9215}"It's my birthday.|Come for dinner?"
{9413}{9448}That pause isn't good.
{9450}{9491}Calm down, it's only been a second.
{9493}{9540}She was straight back|every time before.
{9543}{9591}Holy shit!
{9594}{9680}She's gone offline rather than answer|whether or not she'll come to my birthday.
{9683}{9737}- Maybe the connection's dropped.|- No, it was back and forward.
{9740}{9804}Then a question about dinner|and she's gone.
{9806}{9851}Oh, brilliant, perfect. Thanks a bunch
{9853}{9927}- Look, she didn't say no, did she?|- No. But she did hang up.
{9929}{9975}So I'm sure she'll be there.
{9977}{10039}Well, not sure, but... you know.
{10041}{10080}Oh, hello, Simon. Oh.
{10116}{10191}Oh, goodness, you're French.
{10193}{10266}This is Patrice.|He's my sort of French exchange,
{10268}{10330}Patrice, this is Will's mum.
{10396}{10515}Well, um, I'm just off to play tennis.|Um... don't know why I mentioned that.
{10545}{10575}Bye, then.
{10577}{10616}Au revoir, Patrice.
{10618}{10650}Au revoir.
{10826}{10903}- Your mother is very sex.|- Sorry?
{10905}{10947}She has the sex.
{11073}{11127}He's a strange one, isn't he?
{11129}{11185}Yeah, but he's French.|They're all weird, aren't they?
{11187}{11275}- Oh, God, please don't be racist.|- That's not racist.
{11277}{11329}I'm just saying|he barely says anything
{11331}{11387}and when he does speak,|it's always about sex...
{11389}{11426}just like all French people.
{11504}{11584}{y:i}The next day was my birthday|and Mum was serving me up
{11586}{11676}{y:i}her speciality -|scrambled eggs and disappointment.
{11678}{11737}- Happy birthday, petal.|- Thanks, Mum.
{11739}{11778}Here's your present.
{11780}{11847}It's nothing big. I'm saving up|for something special next year,
{11849}{11949}- when you can drive.|- Next year? I can drive this year.
{11951}{12033}- I thought you had to be 18 to drive.|- No, it's 17.
{12035}{12095}Oh, right.
{12098}{12158}Sorry, your father used to deal|with things like that.
{12185}{12288}Oh, thanks, Mum. Calvin Klein. It's...
{12291}{12371}- It's a tight vest top.|- Don't you like the colour?
{12374}{12416}Is this the only present you've got me?
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