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・                   The Phone Losers Of America Present                     ・・           Information Gathering On Anyone - RedBoxChiliPepper             ・跡ユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユオ
・Written On March 20, 1993               Last Revision on February 12, 1995 ・跡ユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユオ
・For Informational Cactuses Only. We're Not Responsible For Your Stupidity. ・・20ユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユユ020・
This file will contain just about every way there is that I know of and have
used to gather information on an individual. Also included throughout the
file are samples of conversations you would use to get what you want. Most
methods I've outlined here are completely annonymous and over the phone.

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS:

         1.  Residential Billing Office
         2.  Finding Out Info With Address (Library Methods)
         3.  Using Radio Shack as a CNA
         4.  Pretend To Be An Ameritech Recording
         5.  Pretend To Be A Manager
         6.  Become An Activist
         7.  Answering Machine Hacking
         8.  Impersonating The IRS
         9.  Getting Copies Of Their Phone Bill
         10. Finding Out What Their Number Is After They Changed It
         11. Getting His New Number From ANI

Residential Billing Office:
Method one is called the phone company's Residential Billing Office which is
the place you call up when you want to make changes in your phone service or
to have a new phone service installed. When you get a phone service installed,
you give them all kinds of useful information like your full name, address, 
where you work, your birthdate, social security number, etc.       

You also give them the name of a friend or relative who they can contact in
case they need to get in touch with you and so the long distance companies can
call them everyday and beg them to sign up for their service. Is what I do to 
get all of this info on anyone I want is call up the residential office and 
pose as the owner of the phone wanting to make a change in my service. Of 
course, I cancel the change a few hours later so no one will ever know I was 
there. And it rarely fails to work for me. You can even get someone's private 
second number using this method. 

When you call the office and say you want to make a change in your service,
they immediately ask you for your phone number. When they type in your number
they see on their computer screens a whole page of information on you. Hell,
I wouldn't be surprised if they knew my dog's name. They'll usually say
something like, "Okay, and you are Rich?" Presto! You now have their first 

If they don't give you the name right away, ask for it. Say you're not sure
who's on the bill now because you have so many roommates that live with you.
They never fail to tell you. 

Problems With This Method:
I've only found two problems with this method. One would be a paranoid gimp
such as Darin McCall. If a person suspects someone is fooling around with his 
phone line and trying to make changes he can call up the residential office and 
ask them to password protect his line. This means that anyone who wants to do 
anything with his line including finding out any kind of information would have 
to tell the residential operator this password. 

One way to get around this is to call your victim and pretend to be with the
phone company, saying there's been some unusual activity on their account, etc,
etc, and ask them what their password is. Another way I've gotten away with is
to call the billing office and say I'd like to change my password. They ask for
my number and then ask what I'd like my new password to be, forgetting to ask
me what my current is. This has worked twice for me.

The second problem is people like me who give false information when they hook 
up their phone. When I got my phone service, I gave them a fake last name, a 
fake social security number, a billing address at a post office box and tell 
them I work for a bank or something like that. (That'll be the day.) Most people 
don't give the phone company false information because they really have no 
reason to. So don't rely on the information you gather 100%. There's a small 
chance that it could be bogus. (Very small!)

Sample Conversations:
Now I'll type out some sample conversations that I've had with the billing
operators to show you how it's done, some problems you run in to and how to
cover them up. 

Dialing 800-244-4444...ring...ring...ring...
After selecting the correct information on their automated introduction, I'm
connected with a live operator who has a terrible hangover from a bell party
she went to last night...
HER:  Residential Billing, this is Sheila. May I help you?
YOU:  Naw, I was just calling for my health. I need to make a change in my
      service. I want call forwarding.
HER:  Okay, could I have your complete phone number?
YOU:  Sure, it's 618-797-2339. Do you want me to spell it?
      (Note, I'm exaggerating the sarcasm just a tad bit.)
HER:  Okay...(type type type!)...Alright and who am I speaking to?
YOU:  Uhhh, this is Scott.
HER:  That's funny, I have a Robert as the billing name.
YOU:  Oh, him. That's my roommate. Robert Dawson, right?
HER:  No, Robert Coyner.
YOU:  Oh, yeah, him. We have two Roberts living here.
HER:  Okay, I see. (gives me a fake bell-type laugh.)

See how easy that is? Now the conversation would go on with her trying to
sell you the special rate you get when you order three services or more. 
NEVER hang up as soon as you get the information. Always finish out the 
conversation and then call back later that day and cencel the service you
ordered. Or you could do something like this...

HER:  Okay, we'll have call forwarding hooked up for you this Tuesday
      morning and the hook up fee will be a one-time charge of $15.65. Would
      you like that billed to you all at once or in payments?
YOU:  Oh, goodness gracious heavens to betsy! (Sounding shocked) That's a lot
      of money. I had no idea it would cost me that much. Maybe I should wait
      until Robert gets home and ask him if it's okay to pay that much since
      he is the one who pays the bill. He's my sugar daddy, you see. Could you 
      take my order off and I'll have him call back this evening?
HER:  Sure, Scott, no problem. (I hear her scratching her underarm in the 
      background.) Will there be anything else for you then?
YOU:  No, I think you've done just about enough for me today. (smirking)
HER:  Alright, well you have a really nice day.
YOU:  And you have a cheesy evening. Happy Haunaka.

So now you've got the name. It's Robert Coyner. So you call up the billing
office again and of course you get a totally different operator. I have 
called them many times and never get the same operator more than once. Kind
of like lightning never striking twice in the same place.

YOU:  Hi, this is Robert and I want to make some changes in my service.
HER:  Okay, could I have your billing number?
YOU:  No...Just kidding! It's 618-797-2339.

I won't go into detail on this. Just order call forwarding again and near 
the end of the conversation say...

YOU:  Oh, by the way I'm employed by a different company now. Do you want to
      put the new one in there?
HER:  (Surprised because no one ever asks this.) Oh, sure! Where do you work
YOU:  (Proudly) I'm a garbage man for the city of Roxana. (Wiping a tear from
      my eye.) Is my old job at 7-Eleven still listed in there?
HER:  No, we still have you listed as the assistant manager of K-Mart.
YOU:  Yeah, that's where I worked at before I went for my career as a stock
      boy at the supermarket.

Presto, you now know where they worked when they installed their phone 
service. Of course, they could have changed jobs by now but at least you have
something. You want the social security number? Well, on a totally different
call you do basically the same thing.

YOU:  Oh, by the way, I finally found my social security number. Do you want
      me to give that to you?
HER:  (Confused) What are you talking about? We have your social security
      number right here in the computer.
YOU:  Well, that's strange. When I applied for my service, I couldn't find
      my social security card and never gave it to them. Maybe my wife 
      called and gave it to you. What number do you have there?
HER:  341-69-3926
YOU:  Hmmm, well that's my number. My wife must have called already. That
      bitch, I'm going to have to beat her when she gets home.

Just don't forget to call back and cancel the services you've ordered after
a few hours. (Or right away, it doesn't matter.) A word to the wise, if 
you're planning to make some harrassing changes in their service, don't do
it from your home phone. This IS an 800 number and they can find out where
the call is comming from if they need to. This happened to me when I canceled
a former boss's phone service. My district manager confronted me saying 
that the call had come from my work phone. (Where I had made the call from.)

The Public Library:
Every library has what is called a criss-cross directory, usually published by
Haines or Cole's. This book will list every listed phone number in order. You
simply find the phone number you're looking for and if it's listed, the name 
and address will be next to it. 

Another method of searching is by address. All the addresses in the city are
also listed in order so you can look someone up by their address. To get the...
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