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Copyright © 2005 by Sage Publications, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of public relations / edited by Robert L. Heath.
p. cm.
“A Sage reference publication.”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7619-2733-6 (cloth)
1. Public relations—Encyclopedias. I. Heath, Robert L. (Robert Lawrence), 1941-
HD59.E48 2005
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Acquisitions Editor:
Margaret H. Seawell
Editorial Assistant:
Jill Meyers
Developmental Editor:
Paul Reis
Production Editor:
Diane S. Foster
Copy Editor:
David Mason, Publication Services
C&M Digitals (P) Ltd.
Libby Larson
Jeanne R. Busemeyer
Cover Designer:
Ravi Balasuriya
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Editorial Board vi
List of Entries vii
Reader’s Guide xi
Illustrations and Tables xv
Contributors xix
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxix
About the Editor xxxi
Volume I: A-L 1–498
Volume II: M – Z 499–1025
Appendix 1: The Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics 907
Appendix 2: International Association of Business Communicators Code of Ethics 913
Appendix 3: Milestones in the History of Public Relations 915
Appendix 4: Public Relations Education for the 21st Century: A Port of Entry 919
Appendix 5: The Corporate Annual Report: An Evolution 951
American Bell Telephone Company Annual Report, 1881
AT&T 2002 Annual Report
Appendix 6: Public Relations Society of America Local Chapters 981
Appendix 7: Public Relations Online Resources 989
Appendix 8: Where to Study Public Relations 993
Appendix 9: Dictionary of Public Relations Measurement 1013
Index 1027
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