The Perfect Wife by rmcrms5.pdf

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Warning : The material contained in this story is highly offensive and of a Mature nature. There are
graphic examples of murder, rape, molestation, & emotional/physical abuse against women. While
wedon’tbelieveincensorshipwewouldadvisecautionwhenreadingthisstoryThisficis NOT for
readers under 18 years of age!!
The Perfect Wife
by rmcrms5
Summary: After Renee and Phil die in a car accidentonBella’s17thbirthdaySheissenttolive
with her father, Charlie and brother, James in Forks WA after being separated for 10 years with no
to be educated with a purpose.
The Perfect Wife – Chapter 1
learn how to survive.
My parents divorced when I was seven and my brother James was ten. I went with my mom and James stayed
with my dad, Charlie. Maybe if Renee had fought for both of us I could have had a normal life. But she met
Phil, her other half, and the two of them raised me. She never mentioned my dad or brother to me, and
talked about their weekends or summer vacations going back and forth. I never did that, and James never
came here either.
My life was wonderful and full of love. Renee remarried Phil, like I said, who played baseball. He was the best
dad ever. He treated me like his own child even though Iwasn’tbiologicallyHeandReneeneverhadany
instilled a drive, and a fire within me, a light of life she called it. She told me that identity and dignity were
Every person held their own torch, and it was their decision what to do with it. According to her, I was
luminousIwassaucyopinionatedandintelligentIt’sreallysuchashamemy own candle would be blown
otherwise was fine. It was so surreal, just one minute they were there, being my parents, and then the next...
they were just...gone. Forever. I never felt so alone.
NowI’mwaitingattheairportinSeattleformy‘real’dadtopickmeupSinceheandmybrotherwhom I
father very well. Just images mostly. Flickers of memories that seemed so far away, as if they existed in
another world. I remember being pushed on a swing, back rubs, and tight hugs. All I remember of James is he
I saw a police car pull up in front of the airport. An older man and young man, maybe late teens, got out and
started walking in. I knew it was them. I decided to use these few minutes before they saw me to get a
glimpse of them to see if I could get any sense of what my life was going to be like. I wish I had a clue, or a
sign, a warning to tell or show me the hell my life was going to become. I would have run as fast and as far as I
could. To get away from them.
Charlie was a big man. He looked as tall as Phil who had been6’4”ButwherePhilhadbeenaleanmuscular
ball player, Charlie was like a bear. He was very broad across his shoulders and his arms were huge. I guess
being Chief of Police you have to look intimidating since you spend all day dealing with criminals. He was
attractive with sandy brown hair and mustache. I could see what my mom must have seen in him when she
married him.
I looked over at my brother. He was like looking at a younger version of Charlie. He was 20 now and as tall as
Charlie. He was almost as wide across the chest and his arms were just as muscular. He had dirty blonde hair
butanglesandstronglinesJames’hadalittleofRenee in him. It softened his face a little. Not much, but just
enough that he was very attractive.
They walked in through the doors of the airport and stopped, looking around for me. James saw me first and
nudged Charlie pointing my direction.
had a heart shaped face, long mahogany hair and big dark brown eyes. My body had filled out nicely as well. I
at my feet. I saw Charlie glance at James and look where he was pointing. He looked over and seemed to be
cleared the expression from his face and plastered on a smile as they walked up.
“Wellwellifitisn’tlittleIsabellaGivedaddyahug”Hepulled me up from the bench and lifted me off my
feet. I got one of those tight hugs I remembered. His right hand was under my bottom and his left hand was in
the small of my back holding me up. I was a little uncomfortable like this, especially in public.
he was making me uncomfortable. I wanted to start on the right foot with him since I would be living with him
tone that made my heart race a little.
Gods sake.
He squeezed my bottom as hesetmedownWhoaI’mnotsevenyearsoldanymoreI’mseventeenandfully
I looked at James who seemed to have enjoyed observing my interaction with Charlie. He had a glint in his
eyes that scared me. Another part of my fire, I was perceptive. I could read eyes and the emotions they
conveyedsowellmostpeopledidn’tneedto talktomeTheireyessaiditallndJames’spokenothingbut
creeping suspicion.
James laughed and pulled me up into a hug similar to the one CharliehadgivenmeButwhereCharlie’shand
had been above and below my bottom, James grabbed me putting his hands on both my cheeks to lift me up
to him and squeezed.
IsquealedinsurpriseandfrightIdidn’tknowwhattodoHewasfacingCharlieandI had my back to Charlie
What the hell? Red Light! He was my brother.
“YesI’ve missedmylittlesissomuch”HestartedsqueezingharderIwashurtingandIfeltatearslipoutof
the corner of my eye.
He looked pointedly at James, glancing around us.
James seemed to take the hint and slowly let me down dragging my body down his as he did.
I shivered as I tried to catch my balance. They both grabbed my bags and handed me my carry on. I wished, as
I walked out of the airport, that I was back inPhoenixwithmomandPhilbeinghappyandsafeorthatI’dat
least died with them in the accident. I missed them so much, my heart tightened in my chest.
Charlie told me to get in front as he opened the trunk and he and James put all my bags in. I got in and looked
the shotgun that was propped against the seat. I starred at it wide eyed.
I heard Charlie and James get in and he must have seen my expression at the shotgun. He started laughing
and turned toward James in the back.
“Sorryaboutthatit’s justthatwedidn’thavegunsinthehousebackhomeI’mnotusedtobeingaround
CharliefromgettingmadatmeagainIjustcouldn’tfiguremyway with him.
I tried to smile and put onabravefaceasIlookedathim“Wellit’sagoodthingI’magreatlistener”
I looked at him. My eyes got wide. My breath hitched. I was scared.
“Daddy”Iwhispered to him.
He smiled as he squeezed and patted my thigh again before starting the car and pulling out.
James and Charlie just laughed like it was the biggest joke. I was never more scared in my life at what was to
comeIwasn’teventomynewhomeyetNot such a good start.
We pulled up to a small 2-story white house on a quiet, quaint street. As I got out I noticed that it was on a
largelotandthereweren’tmanyhousesaroundTherewasalsoaforest that backed up to the privacy fence
on the property and surrounded everything. It felt very isolated. I walked up the sidewalk with Charlie and
James as they unlocked the door.
James held the door for me to walk in ahead of him then slapped my backsideasIwalkedpast“Welcome
I started looking around. There was a living room to the left with a TV and two recliners and a small sofa.
There were plaques on the walls and a bookshelf with trophies. They looked like they were for marksmanship
and different sports. To the right was a small dining room. It looked like it was used more as an office than to
eat in. I could see the kitchen through the door at the other end. There were stairs in front of me and a hall
that went beyond, next to the dining room.
Charlie and James had started up the stairs with my bags so I followed. There were several doors at the top.
They turned to the left to the last door and walked in.
I smiled at him. A real smile to let him know I appreciated everything“ThanksDaddyIliketheroom”Iwas
quick to remember, wanting him to be happy with me.
I looked between them, not really understanding what was going on.
His smile got even bigger. He really liked the whole ‘daddy’thingIguessifthat’sallIhadtodotomakehim
be so bad after all.
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