
(1 KB) Pobierz
[           Legend           ]
[ + added feature            ]
[ - bug fixed                ]
[ * improved/changed feature ]
[ ! major improvement        ]

[+]   First public version

[*]   Renamed the "unlock cars in car lot (not bonus cars)" -> "unlock stock cars"
[+]   Added unlocks for bonus cars
[+]   Added unlocks for custom cars

[!]   Updated the code for unlocks: the 3391526480 array that holds IDs is now
      automatically repaired and ajusted, so potential bugs causing incomplete
      unlocks are now avoided (I hope)
[+]   Added unlocks for reward cards

[*]   Renamed "make all reward cards "open"" -> "unlock all reward cards" (because
      it really instantly unlocks the corresponding bonuses, however the messages
      about them are displayed only after at least one of the reward card conditions
      is met, for example, "win a single career race")
[*]   Updated technical detais

[-]   An error message was displayed when tried to edit the profile with incomplete
      career start sequence (crew name was empty)
[-]   "Save Changes" button was enabled when the profile was reloaded in Tools section
      via the "Browse..." button but no changes were made
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