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Carcassonne – Barbarian Horde
A Carcassonne Central expansion by JPutt927
The Barbarian horde has declared war on Carcassonne, ransacking cities and
destroying the surrounding area. Carcassonne’s only hope for survival may
lie in the resident’s ability to defend against these ruthless attackers...
13 barbarian pieces
6 new barbarian tiles
1 large fortress tile
1 large beseiged City of Carcassonne tile
15 barbarian defence tiles ( 8 pits, 2 catapults, 2 archery towers, 2 swordsmen, 1 archer)
8 barbarian direction tiles
18 coloured tokens (3 in each player’s colour)
12 barbarian reward cards
4 barbarian reference cards
This expansion is designed to be played with the City of Carcassonne from the Count of Carcassonne expansion. If playing
without the Count of Carcassonne , players should still use the City of Carcassonne as the starting tile. However, all other rules
accompanying the Count of Carcassonne may be ignored. The City of Carcassonne tile may be found on the Carcassonne Central
website, in the Downloads > Accessories section.
At the beginning of the game, shuffle the 6 barbarian tiles with the rest of the tiles. All other tiles and cards should be set
aside until the Barbarian attack occurs (see below).
1. Place a tile
All new tiles are to be placed in accordance with the normal rules. However, special rules apply for some of the Barbarian
defence tiles (see below).
2. Deploy a follower
When a tile featuring a barbarian icon is drawn, place the tile as usual. A player may deploy a follower to any feature on
the tile, as per the normal Carcassonne rules. Throughout the game, followers may also be deployed to the fortress as a
Defender (see The Fortress ).
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Carcassonne – Barbarian Horde
Barbarian Attack
As soon as a player draws a tile featuring a barbarian icon, they must immediately replace the original City of Carcassonne
tile with the besieged City of Carcassonne. After placing the besieged city tile, 3 Barbarians must be placed in the city on the
Cathedral tile shown below.
After drawing a tile featuring the barbarian icon for the first time, the City of Carcassonne is
considered under attack. Players must place 3 Barbarians into the city on the exact tile shown in the
example on the left. If using the Count of Carcassonne rules, any followers deployed to the city
must immediately be returned to their respective owners. The count pawn should be placed lying
down within the city quadrant. All normal functions of the City of Carcassonne are suspended
until all Barbarians have been eliminated from the game. In other words, no followers may be
deployed to any quadrant within the city as long as any Barbarians remain in play.
After drawing the barbarian icon tile, all subsequent tiles containing a barbarian icon will result in more Barbarians entering
the game. For every additional barbarian icon tile that is drawn throughout the game (as long as they have yet to be
completely eliminated), 2 Barbarians must be placed into the City of Carcassonne on the starting tile shown in the example
Barbarian Movement
After the City of Carcassonne has been attacked and the Barbarians have entered the game, they will have the ability to move
throughout the entire playing area. Whenever any player earns at least 6 points via the scoring of any features , ALL
Barbarians will move as individuals. The amount of spaces moved depends on the amount of points a player has earned
from any scored features. The movement will occur immediately after scoring the appropriate points. The spaces moved can
be determined by looking at the diagram below (also featured on the barbarian reference card).
If any player scores 7 points on a turn, all Barbarians will move 1 space on the board. A
player that earns 16 points on a turn will cause all Barbarians to move 4 spaces. Any
features providing 22 or more points causes all Barbarians to move 6 spaces.
As stated, Barbarians will only move when points are earned from completed features, as opposed to any other means of
scoring (such as catapult tokens). If more than one feature is completed upon the placement of a tile, players should add
together all of the points earned to determine how many spaces each Barbarian will move. If multiple players earn points
upon placing a tile, players should calculate the total points earned by all players to determine the Barbarian’s movement.
The compass, located on the besieged City of Carcassonne tile, should be used as a basis for which direction the Barbarians must
move in.
After determining how many spaces each Barbarian that is on the board will move, players must determine which direction
each one will move in. Players should start by selecting the Barbarian they would like to move first. They must randomly
draw a directional tile. The selected Barbarian must move in the direction shown on the directional tile, and they must move
the appropriate number of spaces. If the Barbarian is unable to move at least one tile in the direction that is drawn, players
should redraw a directional tile until the Barbarian is able to do so. If a Barbarian is able to move at least 1 tile and
encounters an empty space, or a player’s follower while moving, their movement for that turn will end prematurely.
The Barbarian in the example is unable to move at least 1 space SW or
E. Tiles must continue to be drawn until the Barbarian may move in a
direction, such as NE.
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Carcassonne – Barbarian Horde
Barbarian Impact
Once entering the game, Barbarians have a huge impact on the features around them. All Barbarian pawns contain a value
of 2. If a Barbarian is standing anywhere on a tile that contains a player’s incomplete feature, the Barbarian is considered to
have a claim in that feature. If a feature is completed while a Barbarian is present in that feature, players will only earn points
for that feature if the value of their own followers is greater than or equal to the value of the Barbarians within. A Barbarian
will only have control over a cloister if they are standing on the tile containing the cloister.
The city on the left is controlled by the Barbarian. The green player has only 1 normal follower with a value of 1
deployed to the city. The Barbarian is standing on a tile that contains a piece of the city as well. Because a
Barbarian pawn has a value of 2, the green player will receive 0 points upon completion of this city. In the event
that the road below the city had also been completed at this time, the Barbarian would also have a value of 2 on
the road. Barbarians reign over all features on the tile in which they are standing.
Players’ followers are also vulnerable to the Barbarians. If a Barbarian ever encounters a player’s follower during its
movement, the Barbarian will immediately come to a stop on that space, and any followers on that space will be taken
prisoner by the Barbarians. Prisoners should be immediately removed from their current space and placed lying down within
the besieged City of Carcassonne. Prisoners will remain captured until all Barbarians are eliminated from the game.
However, a player may choose to pay a ransom of 5 points at the beginning of their turn to return a prisoner to their supply.
5 points must immediately be subtracted from that player’s score. Builders, pigs, mayors and wagons are all able to be taken
prisoner as well. However, all barns are invulnerable to the Barbarians.
A player has the option of bargaining with the Barbarians in order to protect their follower from being taken prisoner. At any
time when a Barbarian enters the same space as a follower, the owner of that follower may prevent them from being taken
prisoner by paying the Barbarians a price of 8 points. Players must immediately turn their follower sideways on that feature
to signify that they have paid off the Barbarians. This follower will be protected until the feature they are deployed on has
been completed. If playing with the Traders & Builders expansion, the option of paying 8 points is NOT
available to players. Instead, players may permanently give the Barbarians a trade good token in exchange for remaining
in place. Players must place the trade good underneath their follower to signify that they are protected from being taken
prisoner. Once that follower’s feature has been scored, they are returned to their owner and the trade good token should be
set aside and taken out of play for the remainder of the game.
If playing without Traders & Builders, players may protect followers when they
encounter a Barbarian by paying 8 points (left). If playing with Traders &
Builders, players may only protect themselves by giving up a trade good (right).
Defending against the Barbarians
Once the City of Carcassonne has come under attack and the Barbarians enter the game, players have the option of
defending themselves in an effort to eliminate the Barbarians. Players may choose to work together to defend against the
Barbarians, or may choose to work alone.
Building the Fortress
In order to build a defence against the Barbarians, players must start by building the fortress. The fortress may only be built
once the Barbarians have attacked the City of Carcassonne. The fortress can be built at ANY time, during ANY players turn.
However, the fortress requires a number of points in order to be built. Depending on the number of players, the cost to build
the fortress will vary. The costs are listed below (as well as on the Barbarian reference card).
2 players: 15 points 3 players: 20 points
4 players: 25 points 5 players: 30 points
6 players: 35 points
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Carcassonne – Barbarian Horde
The cost to build the fortress is NOT per player. Instead, it is the total number of points that must be split amongst the
players. It is entirely up to players to determine how to split the cost of the fortress, as the distribution does NOT need to be
even. A player may even choose not to help with the cost of building the fortress. After players agree on how the cost will be
split, the respective points should be subtracted from each player on the scoreboard. If players are unable to agree on how to
split the cost, the fortress may not be built until an agreement is reached. After players pay the cost of the fortress, the large
(2x2) fortress tile may be placed on the board according to the normal tile placement rules. The tile acts as if it is 4 normal
size tiles, and only 1 tile needs to connect to an already placed tile upon it’s placement.
Once the fortress has been constructed, players may deploy their followers (with the exception of the mayor, barn, pig, or
builder) to the fortress as a Defender. A player may choose to deploy a follower to the fortress at the end of their turn instead
of deploying a follower to the tile they just placed. As players deploy followers (as Defenders) to the fortress, they will earn
different means of defence against the Barbarians. Depending on the number of players, it will take different numbers of
followers to attain the various means of defence. A large follower counts as 2 Defenders. The grid below (and on the
Barbarian reference card) displays the number of Defenders required at one time to earn each defence.
The grid depicts the total number of Defenders combined that players must have in the fortress in
order to place the various defences. For example, during a 2-player game, players need only 2
Defenders to earn the ability to place the 8 pit trap defences. In a 4-player game, 10 Defenders
are needed to place the archery towers.
Once players have reached the value of Defenders needed for each defence, they will earn the ability to place that respective
defence on the board. Players may retrieve a Defender of their own in the same manner in which they deployed it. Once
receiving a particular defence, players may decrease the number of Defenders so that it falls below the number required for a
specific defence. This IS allowed and will NOT require players to remove a defence from the playing area.
The different means of defence are detailed below:
Pit Traps
Pit traps are always the first defence mechanism earned from the fortress. Players must place all the pits they would like to use
IMMEDIATELY after reaching the level of Defenders needed to attain them. Pits must be placed on an empty field
segment of an already placed tile. They may NOT be placed on a tile that is occupied by any other follower, including
Barbarians. Likewise, a follower may NOT be deployed to a tile containing a pit trap. The pit only affects the tile in which it
is placed on. If a Barbarian encounters a tile containing a pit trap anytime during it’s movement, both the Barbarian and
the pit trap are permanently removed from the game.
Catapults work similar to pit traps. Players must place both catapults IMMEDIATELY after reaching the required level of
Defenders in the fortress Catapults must also be placed on an empty field segment of an already placed tile. They may NOT
be placed on a tile that is occupied by any other follower, including Barbarians. A follower may NOT be deployed to a tile
containing a catapult (though it can be deployed to a tile within its range of defence). A Barbarian will be removed from the
game if it encounters a tile containing a catapult during it’s movement. However, a Barbarian will also be removed if it
encounters any tile that is directly horizontal or vertical to the catapult. A catapult may NOT be placed so that it
removes a Barbarian upon placement. Unlike the pit trap, the catapult will remain on the board (and will remain a
danger to the Barbarians) after removing any Barbarians.
The example on the left displays the range of tiles which will remove a Barbarian. If any Barbarian encounters any of
the 4 outer tiles during its movement, the Barbarian will be permanently removed from the game. If a Barbarian lands on
tile containing the catapult, nothing happens. Both the catapult and the Barbarian remain on the board.
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Carcassonne – Barbarian Horde
Archery Towers
Both archery tower tiles must be placed at the time of attaining the needed Defenders. Archery tower tiles must be placed
according to the normal Carcassonne tile placement rules and will remain in place for the remainder of the game. An
archery tower may NOT be placed so that it removes a Barbarian upon placement. If a Barbarian ever
encounters any of the tiles adjacent to the archery tower, the Barbarian will be immediately removed from the game.
As the picture on the left shows, all tiles adjacent to an archery tower will remove a Barbarian from the playing area.
Immediately after attaining the level of Defenders needed for the Swordsman, players may choose up to 2 Defenders from
the fortress to be used as a Swordsman. A Defender that is being used as a Swordsman is still considered a part of
the fortress, and DOES count as a Defender. Players must agree on which Defenders they would like to use as a
Swordsman. They must place the selected followers on a sword token. From this point on, any player may choose to move a
Swordsman up to 3 spaces, horizontally or vertically, at the end of their turn. Moving a Swordsman can occur instead of
deploying a follower, or any other actions that are carried out instead of deploying a follower. If a Swordsman moves onto
the same space as a Barbarian, or vice versa, the Barbarian must be removed from the game. A Swordsman may not
continue moving after eliminating a Barbarian from the game. In other words, a Swordsman may eliminate only 1 Barbarian
per turn. A Swordsman cannot move onto a space occupied by any other followers. Furthermore, a Swordsman is
invulnerable to the dragon, catapult tokens, and towers. A Swordsman may be retrieved by it’s owner at any time, but
another may only be deployed again if the required number of Defenders is achieved.
The Swordsman only has an attack range consisting of the tile it is standing on. In order to remove the
Barbarian in the example, any player (it does not have to be the blue player) may use the end of their turn to
move the Swordsman 2 spaces to remove the Barbarian from the game.
The final means of defence that players may achieve is an Archer. Upon reaching the highest number of Defenders, players
may deploy 1 Archer. The Archer works like a Swordsman. Players must choose 1 Defender from the fortress to place on the
bow and arrow tile. This Defender (now considered an Archer) may move in the same manner as a Swordsman. An Archer
may move up to 3 spaces , horizontally or vertically, at the end of any player’s turn. This action also occurs instead of
deploying a follower, or any other actions that are carried out instead of deploying a follower. An Archer is different from a
Swordsman in that its range of attack is every tile adjacent to the tile it is standing on. If a Barbarian is ever within the
Archer’s range, they are permanently removed from the game. Much like the Swordsman, an Archer can be retrieved by its
owner at any time, but may only be redeployed if the fortress contains the highest number of Defenders required.
The Archer has an attack range that consists of every adjacent tile. Any Barbarian that enters this area (via the Archer’s
movement, or the Barbarian’s movement) must be removed from the game.
The Fortress
The fortress is protected from any Barbarians as well. If a Barbarian ever moves onto one of the four tiles belonging to the
fortress, they are eliminated from the game.
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