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· age · friend               · police  · ail               · handsome               · policeman  · a lot of               · happy               · school   · at  · have (had)               · so · bad · his  · son  · be (was/were, been) · in               · still  · because               · inspector · story · be going to  · live they  · but married · today · call  · name · very · children · of course · wife · citizen               · old · with · daughter               · other · work  · day · parent               · year


His name was Paulo Donletti. He was handsome, because in American stories all Americans are handsome. He had Italian parents, but he was a citizen of the United States. He was thirty seven years old, married, with two children: Angela, the daughter, aged 16, and Robert, the son, aged 14. His children were still at school, of course, and his wife worked at the university. He worked for the police. They lived in Chicago, so they had a lot of Polish friends. At work, other policemen called him Inspector Donletti. Inspector Donletti was not very happy today, because he was going to have a very bad day.


1. Oni są, rodzicami Betty. 2. To jest moja żona. 3. On jest żonaty. 4. Jej przyjaciel jest policjantem. 5. Ich syn jest w szkole. 6. Nasz wiek jest dla nich ważny (important). 7. To sa dzieci jego i jego żony (To sa jego i jego żony dzieci). 8. Jesteśmy starzy. 9. Lubię go. 10. Jego praca jest nudna (boring).


1. They are Betty's parents. 2. This is my wife. 3. He is married. 4. Her friend is a policeman. 5. Their son is at school. 6. Our age is important for them. 7. They are his and his wife's children. 8. We are old. 9. I like him. 10. His. work is boring.                           



· about · for · please · answer · give (gave, given) · say (said) · ask · good · something · begin began, begun) · him · thing · best · it · think (thought) · boss · job · this · those · man · want · detail · meeting · well . will· difficult · more · do (did done) · often · your


It was not a good thing to begin his day with a meeting with another handsome man - his boss, Arnold Furguson. This man was not Donletti's best friend - your boss is not often your best friend. Furguson had a job for him.

- The case is very difficult - he said.

- Very difficult? - asked Donletti - Tell me the story.

- Yes, but I think you can do it. You are a good policeman - answered his boss.

- Is the thing very bad?

- Well, I think you will have a lot of work with this case today. Paulo Donletti wanted to know something more about this job.

- Will you please give me the details now, please? - he asked his boss.

- Yes, of course.


Przetłumacz poniższe zdania.

1. Nasz szef jest trudny. 2. Ich praca jest ciekawa (interesting).  3. Nasze rzeczy są w domu Susan. 4.Ten przypadek jest bardzo trudny.  5. Myślę, że jutro będziesz miał ciekawe spotkanie.  6. Chciałem coś wiedzieć o szczegółach sprawy. 7. Opowiedz mi ich historię. 8. Nie było dobra rzecza rozpoczynać dzień od spotkania z rodzicami żony. 9. Myślę o niej. 10. Jego odpowiedź była dobra. 


1. Our boss is difficult. 2. Their work is interesting. 3. Our things are in Susan's house. 4. This case is very difficult. 5. I think that you will have an interesting meeting tomorrow. 6. I wanted to know something about this case's details (about the details of this case). 7. Tell me their story. 8. It was not a good thing to begin the day with a meeting with his wife's parents. 9. I think about her (I am thinking about her). 10. His answer was good.


c1 Zamień na zaimki elementy zdań. Przykład: Tom is a policeman. He is a policeman.

1. Susan is very tired, but Johnafan can still work.

2. I and my family live in Poland, but you and youir family live in France.

3. Who is this man? Who are the people?

4. Tim and Terry are going to school, but I and Mary are staying at home.

5. My dog is very big, but my cats are small.


c2 Zamień wyróżnione kursywą części zdań (określające osoby) na zaimki. Przykład: This is Tom's car. This is his car.

1. Mary's husband is an engineer. John's wife is a nurse.

2. Mary and Tom's house is not big. Your and my house is not very small.

3. My and your country is beautiful. Adolf and Berta's country is not beautiful.

4. John's job is very interesting, but Vera's job is more interesting.

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