Steve G Jones Explorations - Understanding Astral Viewing by Steve G Jones.pdf

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Table of Contents
An Introduction And Explanation To Astral Viewing
Understanding Astral Viewing
The History of Remote Viewing
The Importance of Binaural Tones
How To Astral View And The Common Mistakes You Must Avoid
Eliminating Mental Barriers
Special Techniques for Astral Viewing
Getting the Edge in Life - How To Use Astral Viewing To Get Ahead
Dear Seeker of Exploration and Adventure,
Iʼve created this eBook with the mission that I will be able to pass on the amazing and
incredibly beneficial skill that is astral viewing. From the history of astral viewing to the
modern day applications, this eBook will equip you with all that you need to embark on one of
the most glorious journeys ever. Once youʼve mastered astral viewing, you will be able to
explore the physical world and the Universe on a much deeper and intimate level.
So enjoy and have an amazing adventure!
Steve G. Jones
Introduction: An Explanation to Astral Viewing
Exploration is key to life. Those who venture
out and explore the unknown are those who
make the discoveries. These individuals often
find their lives enriched in the process. This is
a simple fact that has been understood by
people living in every era of human history and
still rings true today. Venturing into the
unknown, like an explorer, takes courage and
a degree of vision.
tested. While that may sound extraordinary, it
is indeed true.
In a sense, Astral Viewing is a combination of
two techniques you probably have heard of,
namely, astral projection and Remote Viewing.
Todayʼs visionaries realize that there indeed
may be something over the horizon.
Something around the bend, and something
that isnʼt quite on the map… just yet. In this
way, they are like the explorers from hundreds.
and even thousands of years ago. Often,
these are the people that society remembers.
In fact, they are often the ones credited with
moving civilization forward. Much of that spirit
and that appreciation of those who explore the
unknown is infused into this book.
Astral Viewing is a remarkable secret, but it is
far less “new-agey” than many other
techniques and/or philosophies that you may
have heard about or explored in the past.
Indeed astral projection may seem a bit “out of
this world” for many people to assimilate into
their lives, but it can indeed be done and with
a surprisingly minimal amount of effort.
However, it does take quite a bit of dedication.
This book will expose many of the secrets of
Astral Viewing. In all likelihood, you may not
be familiar with this term. It might be new to
you. However, Astral Viewing provides a
remarkable tool that will change your life
forever in many ways you may have never
dreamed possible.
And to make
Astral Viewing
e v e n b e t t e r
yet, there is a
that has
It is often stated that a great deal can often be
gleaned from where people or organizations
put their money. And this does make a good
deal of sense, for money is after all an
allocation of resources. Interestingly enough,
one of the worldʼs most conservative
organizations has actually spent millions of
dollars researching a field closely related to
Astral Viewing, namely Remote Viewing.
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scientists somewhere in the U.S. government
concluded that Remote Viewing might be
“worth a look.” This fact alone makes Remote
Viewing nothing short of fascinating.
The fact that the U.S. government has spent
millions of dollars on Remote Viewing is
probably a big surprise for most readers. Yet,
this is a verified fact that has been the subject
of much research. Furthermore, many people
involved in these activities have written books
recounting their participation in these
In todayʼs world, everyone wants quick results.
Therefore, although astral projection sounds
intriguing to many, they are afraid to potentially
waste their time on something that sounds a
bit “woo-woo.” Yet, the realm of Remote
Viewing is different, but why? Remote
Viewing, for many, is seen as being less
ethereal and a bit more concrete .
Remote Viewing is looked upon as a practical
technique even by many hardened skeptics.
But the fact of the matter is that the U.S.
government had enough belief in Remote
Viewing that they spent over $20 million
dollars to research its potential usage for
military applications. Remote Viewing has
enough substance to it that a major
government spent considerable time and effort
researching it definitely lends credence to the
fact that Remote Viewing is legit. Itʼs the
reason why many people are drawn to Remote
Viewing -- because of the simple fact it seems
more like hard science .
Through Remote Viewing experiments,
participants are more readily able to point to
results or experimental data of some sort. The
world of astral projection is much more difficult
to quantify in a method that is, in any fashion,
satisfactory to current scientific and research
methods. Thus, the edge goes to Remote
Viewing. In short, it is easier for researchers
to show results and create more concrete and
more observable experiments. This translates
to a clear advantage to Remote Viewing.
What happened then was that many very
bright, well-educated people within the U.S.
government felt that the evidence concerning
Remote Viewing was strong enough that a
further exploration was warranted. This
exploration was deemed as being worthwhile
enough to spend several more million dollars.
But you might be asking why you would want
to explore or study a technique such as Astral
Viewing. Perhaps you are asking, what there
is to gain from such a technique? Some of the
answers are very obvious.
For example,
exploring Astral
Viewing is
a way
While it is true that government money does
often get allocated on seemingly odd scientific
research projects, it is quite unusual for this
money to be allocated to a field or area that
seems so far out of step with the
mainstream scientific community. The
sheer fact that this happened at all is
enough to make many pause and
scratch their head. Even a casual
contemplation of this topic would
seem to lend credence to the
notion that experts and
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