Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists - C.J.lsham.pdf

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Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists
Modern Differential
Geometry for Physicists
World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics
Vol. 47: Some Elementary Gauge Theory Concepts
H M Chan and S T Tsou
Vol. 48: Electrodynamics of HighTemperature Superconductors
A M Portis
Vol. 49: FieldTheory, Disorder and Simulations
G Parisi
Vol. 50: The Quark Structure of Matter
M Jacob
Vol. 51 : Selected Topics on the General Properties of Quantum Field Theory
F Strocchi
Vol. 52: Field Theory: A Path Integral Approach
A Das
Vol. 53: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamicsfor Physicists
H D I Abarbanel, et a/.
Vol. 54: Introduction to the Theory of Spin Glasses and Neural Networks
V Dotsenko
Vol. 55: Lectures in Particle Physics
D Green
Vol. 56: Chaos and Gauge Field Theory
T S Biro, et a/.
Vol. 57: Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics (2nd edn.)
T Muta
Vol. 59: Lattice Gauge Theories: An Introduction (2nd edn.)
H J Rothe
Vol. 60: Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics
R N Mohapatra and P B Pal
Vol. 61: Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists (2nd edn.)
C J lsham
World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics - Vol. 61
Modern Differential
Geometry for Physicists
Second Edition
Chris J lsham
Theoretical Phvsics Grow
Imperial College of Science, fechnolog y and Medicine
World Scientific
Singapore New Jersey. London Hong Kong
Published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. Re. Ltd.
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
First published 1999
Reprinted 2001
World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics - Vol. 61
Copyright 0 1999by World Scientific Publishing Co. Re. Ltd.
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ISBN 981-02-3555-0
ISBN 981-02-3562-3 (pbk)
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