Power Rangers - 03x16 - A Ranger Catastrophe Part 1.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  512x384 25.0fps 174.8 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1540}{1595}Well, she's got a clean bill of health!
{1609}{1686}This is so great, I'm glad I got a|chance to work with you.
{1686}{1757}Volunteers like you are what|keep this place going, Aisha.
{1757}{1844}There's just never enough money|to fully staff the Animal Shelter.
{1850}{1926}Well, it's getting kinda late, I'd better|get home so I can do some studying!
{1926}{1985}- Okay. Same time tomorrow?|- You bet.
{2106}{2154}Oh, how did it go at the Animal Shelter?
{2154}{2222}Oh, it's great,|I love working with the animals.
{2222}{2289}Doesn't it make you sad when you|know that they don't have any home?
{2289}{2366}Well yeah, I mean that's the hard part, but|Dr Wheeler takes really good care of them.
{2366}{2409}- Oh, that's good.|- Yeah.
{2420}{2450}Hey, look.
{2460}{2532}- Ohh, so cute!|- Hi, kitty!
{2562}{2607}I wonder whose it is?
{2612}{2677}I don't know... it doesn't have a tag.
{2770}{2805}Are you lost?
{2805}{2847}I don't see anybody around.
{2870}{2941}- You sure are beautiful!|- Mm, pretty!
{3018}{3078}I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!
{3103}{3183}What in the name of Evil|are you ranting about NOW?
{3183}{3276}Be nice, or else I won't let you play|"Pulverise the Power Twerps" with me!
{3276}{3347}Oh boy! Here we go again!
{3355}{3473}- Exactly what are you up to?|- Just the most brilliantly engineered
{3473}{3576}plan is 10,000 years!|Take a look down there, Zeddy!
{3576}{3605}What do you see?
{3605}{3655}Oh... what do I see?
{3665}{3740}I see two Power Rangers and|a stray cat!
{3755}{3795}I loathe cats!
{3805}{3915}Well you're gonna love this one! As of|this moment, the plan is officially on!
{3915}{3975}- Alert the dimwit.|- You rang?
{4004}{4099}- What's with her?|- I... thought I smelled something!
{4115}{4150}Nice of you to notice!
{4164}{4258}Hey! I heard something about|a big plan! What's the scoop, sis?
{4261}{4365}If this plan has anything to do with|this bag of bones, leave me out of it!
{4365}{4470}Listen me, all of you! The Rangers|have taken the bait, and fallen
{4470}{4577}for our feline friend!|Fasten your seatbelt, boys...
{4577}{4655}the Rangers are in for a bumpy ride!
{4759}{4809}Aisha! Over here.
{4817}{4855}Look, she brought the kitty!
{4863}{4892}- Hey, guys.|- Hey.
{4892}{4965}- Do we get to keep the cat?|- Well, they have to try to find her
{4965}{5057}a home at the Animal Shelter, but if|on-one claims her by today, she's ours.
{5060}{5112}- All right, that's great!|- Yes!
{5128}{5170}I always wanted a pet!
{5235}{5295}Who told you that you could bring|that cat in here?
{5295}{5341}Do you know how many health|codes you're violating?
{5341}{5407}- Tell 'em, Skull!|- Um... it's... in here somewhere!
{5410}{5502}Relax, Skull. I'm taking her to the Animal|Shelter to see if anyone claims her.
{5502}{5569}The owner, huh?|Well, ah, you do that.
{5569}{5636}Come on, Skull, we got,|ah... work to do!
{5636}{5669}We do?
{5778}{5823}Bulky, I thought we didn't|have any assignments!
{5823}{5884}Lt Stone said keep an eye on|things, and call him if...
{5884}{5975}I know what he said, I was there!|I'm talking about the cat.
{5975}{6035}Cute, isn't it?|I always wanted a kitty...
{6035}{6080}- Please concentrate.|- Sorry.
{6080}{6140}- We... find out who the owner is, right?|- With ya.
{6140}{6235}Then we return it and become|heroes! Parents will thanks us!
{6235}{6330}Kids will love us!|Lt Stone will promote us....
{6344}{6380}Bulky, you're amazing.
{6385}{6425}I'm in awe.
{6527}{6635}Oh, she's a beautiful cat, Aisha. I'm sure|if someone lost her, they'll contact us.
{6635}{6737}And if no-one does, you, Kimberly,|and I, are going to be room-mates!
{6775}{6809}Hey, baby...
{6815}{6907}Someone other than those Rangers|is going to adopt that cat,
{6907}{6963}and when they do, your plan's finished!
{6963}{7019}You should have made the cat ugly,|like your brother here!
{7019}{7040}- Yes!|- Hey!
{7040}{7107}Though I doubt you could have|made it really stupid!
{7107}{7173}- Gee thanks, Ed!|- The name is Zedd!
{7173}{7264}Right! You got it, big guy!|Whoa, I'm going to take my little nap!
{7264}{7376}Wrong! You're going to make sure|the Power girls end up with that cat!
{7451}{7526}Everyone back off!|No-one gets that cat except...
{7526}{7582}Hey! There's no-one here!
{7673}{7760}Better hide! Ambushes just|aren't like they used to be!
{7760}{7810}I wish they'd hurry up already!
{7872}{7940}Surprise! No kitty for you today!
{7965}{8041}Ohh, I love this bad guy stuff.
{8058}{8111}Let's that again! Now...
{8200}{8268}Dr Wheeler, did you hear|anything outside?
{8268}{8316}It's hard to hear anything|but barking in here!
{8334}{8396}Could you run and, ah, get me some|pet vitamins from the office?
{8396}{8449}- Oh, sure.|- Great. Thanks.
{8482}{8522}This is boring!
{8568}{8646}- Skull, did you see that?|- Yeah! We'd better call for backup!
{8651}{8718}What, are you crazy?|We are going to keep an eye
{8718}{8774}on that creep until we find|out what he's up to!
{8774}{8833}Then we're going to move in|and... bust him!
{8833}{8894}Oh, but Bulky, what about the... cat?
{8894}{8957}Forget about the cat! C'mon, let's go!
{9089}{9148}Bulky... I don't think this is|such a good idea!
{9161}{9216}Oh, I always get the dull assignments!
{9216}{9270}- Don't move! You're under arrest!|- Yeah!
{9270}{9299}- Beat it!|- Don't move!
{9299}{9325}- Scram!|- Please?
{9325}{9402}Go on, you guys, get outta here!|Can't ya see I'm busy?
{9402}{9485}- Maybe we better call for backup!|- Backup!
{9585}{9630}Now that was definitely a scream.
{9755}{9830}Rito? What in the world|is he doing here?
{9845}{9870}Oh, man...
{9897}{9938}Ninja Ranger Power now!
{10011}{10091}Oh, gee... am I supposed|to run away now?
{10091}{10143}What in the world are you|doing here, creep?
{10143}{10225}Haven't you heard what curiousity|did to the cat, Yellow Ranger?
{10225}{10267}Let me show ya!
{10454}{10488}Give it up, Rito!
{10511}{10578}I've been waiting all day|for this, guys!
{10857}{10900}Zordon, this is Tommy, we read you.
{10900}{11005}Tommy, you and other Rangers must|teleport to the Angel Grove Animal Shelter.
{11005}{11062}/Aisha is under attack.
{11067}{11116}We're on our way. Let's go, guys.
{11116}{11163}Ranger Ninja Power now!
{11181}{11288}Well, well! You're not so tough without|your friends around, are you?
{11290}{11356}Hey! What was that?
{11361}{11407}Your worst nightmare, Rito!
{11466}{11495}Hi, guys!
{11495}{11553}- All right! Thanks for coming, guys.|- No problem.
{11553}{11585}- You okay?|- Yeah.
{11585}{11658}All right, Rito! Why don't you go|back to where you came from?
{11683}{11739}I take back what|I said about your brother.
{11739}{11797}He's not a fool, he's a brainless twit!
{11797}{11872}I can't believe we're going through|all this over a stupid cat!
{11872}{11957}This had better be a good plan, Rita,|my patience is wearing thin!
{11957}{12034}Send in the Tenga Warriors, Evil One!
{12034}{12097}Of course I will, you bird brain!
{12097}{12189}So! Ganging up on old Rito, huh?|Well...
{12202}{12229}What took you guys?
{12229}{12335}Now the foot's on the other hand...|you know what I mean!
{12335}{12388}Whatever you're up to,|you're not gonna get away with it!
{12388}{12452}- Yeah, and we'll make sure of that!|- Yeah.
{12454}{12512}Hey! What are you doing?
{12643}{12692}Fancy shmancy!
{12725}{12836}If you're done with the show, we got|a battle to fight! Get 'em, boys!
{12865}{12899}Let's do it!
{13337}{13382}Gonna have to be quicker than that!
{13636}{13686}- Let's ground these birds!|- Right!
{13807}{13869}Here you go, boys! I brought|a couple of presents for ya!
{13936}{13991}Got a little kick to 'em, don't they?
{14022}{14072}Hey! Check this out!
{14089}{14167}Maybe there's a door!|There's gotta be a door!
{14173}{14207}There's no door!
{14282}{14297}Heads up!
{14297}{14353}- Hey, did you feel that?|- No, I didn't feel anything.
{14353}{14400}- What was that?|- I don't know.
{14447}{14507}Pretty wild, huh? Bye-bye!
{14604}{14699}You've gotta watch out for those trees...|especially when they branch out!
{15141}{15182}Hey! Stand still!
{15197}{15229}Over here!
{15231}{15266}Why you...
{15292}{15326}Can't catch me!
{15455}{15506}Hey! Hey! Where'd she go?
{15546}{15606}I hate it when she does that!
{15719}{15778}Okay! Now I'm mad!
{15803}{15867}Why don't you give it up,|Rito? You're not gonna win!
{15867}{15932}Give up? Why?|Me and the Tengas are gonna...
{15964}{15991}They were here a minute ago!
{15991}{16063}Looks like your big bad Tenga|birds chickened out!
{16112}{16178}Well, I guess you're just gonna|have to take us on yourself!
{16188}{16220}I'll repay you!
{16220}{16258}You're a heck of a warrior, Rito.
{16258}{16319}- Not bad!|- Love that smile.
{16344}{16404}- Can I help you?|- Yes.
{16411}{16468}I wanted to talk to someone|about an animal.
{16468}{16542}- Oh, you lost your pet?|- No, I'd like to adopt one?
{16547}{16602}- A puppy.|- Of course.
{16605}{16650}You're new in the country, I take it?
{16650}{16721}- What makes you say that?|- Your accent's wonderful!
{16727}{16798}- Australian?|- Yes, I'm new here.
{16798}{16850}I thought an animal would help|me feel less lonely,
{16850}{16938}being away from my friends and all.|It's this way, isn't it?
{16943}{16985}Yes, yes it is!
{17074}{17135}Man. That fight made me|even hungerier!
{17137}{17184}Hope my sandwich is still there...
{17184}{17240}- You'd better hurry.|- Hey!
{17270}{17330}- We'll catch up with you guys later.|- Yeah, see you guys.
{17335}{17400}I almost forgot...|it's almost time to close...
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