Do oobe.doc

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Table Of Contents

i. Introduction              ..................................................................................................................................              5

ii. Distribution              ..................................................................................................................................              5

ii. Contacting the author              ..................................................................................................................              5

iv. About the author              .........................................................................................................................              5

v. Special thanks              .............................................................................................................................              6

I. WHAT IS ASTRAL PROJECTION?              ........................................................................................              7

A. Introduction:              ............................................................................................................................              7

B. What Is Astral Projection?              .....................................................................................................              7

C. Different Views of Astral Projections.              ...................................................................................              8

1. Occult Views              .........................................................................................................................              8

2. Scientific Views              ...................................................................................................................              18

a) Parapsychology - OOBEs              ...............................................................................................              18

b) Psychology - Lucid Dreaming              .........................................................................................              20

D. Tying It All Together              ............................................................................................................              21

E. Radio Station Theory of Consciousness - The Subplanes              ...................................................              24

F. Mystical View of Consciousness              ..........................................................................................              29

II. HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT              ...............................................................................................              30

A.  Using Dreams As A Springboard For Astral Projection              .....................................................              30

B. Self-conditioning exercises              ...................................................................................................              37

C. Trance Methods              ....................................................................................................................              41

1. Putting Yourself into a Trance              ...........................................................................................              42

a) Hypnogogic Imagery              .......................................................................................................              44

b) Kinesthetic Sensation              .....................................................................................................              50

D.  Don's Actual Experiences On The Border Between Waking And Projecting              ..................              54

E. Other Techniques For Getting Out Of Body              ........................................................................              62

1. Visualization Methods              ........................................................................................................              62

2. Drugs, Tapes And Other Devices              .....................................................................................              64

III.  IN THE OOBE REALM              .......................................................................................................              66

A.  Describing OOBEs with words              ............................................................................................              67


B.  The State Of Your Mind In The OOBE State              ....................................................................              68

C.  The OOBE World: Objective or Subjective?              ......................................................................              68

D.  The Dweller At The Threshold              ............................................................................................              69

E.  Things You Can Do There That You Can't Do Here              ..........................................................              74

1. Moving, Flying and the "Wind"              ........................................................................................              75

2. Moving Through walls              ........................................................................................................              79

3. Exercising Psychic Powers              .................................................................................................              81

F. Places you can go: Sights and vistas              ....................................................................................              87

1. Life in the void              ....................................................................................................................              88

2. Life on the planes              ...............................................................................................................              90

a)  The Lower Realms              .........................................................................................................              90

b) The Middle Realms              ........................................................................................................              93

c) The Higher Realms              .........................................................................................................              97

d)  The Surreal Regions              ......................................................................................................              99

G.  Things And People You Meet              ...........................................................................................              105

1. Nonhuman Denizins Of The Planes              .................................................................................              105

2. Meeting People: Dead Verses Dreamers              .......................................................................              113

a)  The Character of People In OOBEs              ...........................................................................              116

H.  Getting Into Trouble              ..........................................................................................................              133

IV.  Waking Up - Returning Back To The Physical Realm              ......................................................              135

VI.  Astrology and OOBEs              .........................................................................................................              137

VII.  Wrapping it all up              ...............................................................................................................              139

A. Review.              ................................................................................................................................              139

B. OOBEs: Subjective Or Objective?              .....................................................................................              140

C. Maya and Buddhi              ................................................................................................................              141

VIII  ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY- Recommended Reading List              ..................................              144

Plane Talk: Astral Meanderings: Introductions and Update              ....................................................              152

Plane Talk: Astral Meanderings: Astral Projection or Lucid Dreaming?              ...............................              156

Plane Talk: Astral Meanderings: More About The Trance State              ...........................................              165

Plane Talk: Astral Meanderings: ABOUT THE WORLD OF DREAMS              ..............................              171


You    are    reading    a    relatively    comprehensive    lesson    on    how    to    achieve    astral projections/OOBEs.  The file you are reading (DO_OBE.PDF) is the version of this book being released in cyberspace in Adobe Acrobate 4.0 format. A text file (unformated) version of do_obe (DO_OBE.TXT)  is  available,  and  information  for  obtaining  the  unformated  version  can  be obtained by going to the web link:


This  file  was  written  as  notes  for  an  on-line  class  I  gave  in  the  New  Age  forum  on CompuServe  during  May  and  June  of  1994.    I  am  releasing  these  notes  to  the  Public  Domain essentially as a free book on how to lucid dream/astral project/OBE.  Please note however that all of the material is copyrighted.

I  hope  you  will  find  this  material  useful  and  enjoyable.    I  have  stressed  a  practical approach  to  inducing  astral  projections/OOBEs  while  at  the  same  time  trying  to  provide

a reasonable balance between differing views of this phenomena.

iv.              About the author

Since 1987, I’ve had numerous lucid dreams/projections, OBEs or whatever you want to

call  it.  I’m  an  avid  student  of  occultism,  science,  history,  social  science,  philosophy  and  Marvel comic books.  My whole orientation towards the OOBE involves a point of view that seeks to synthesize  scientific  and  occult  knowledge.    I  have  a  Bachelors  of  Science  degree  in  chemistry,and  a  Ph.D.  in  neurophysiology.    I  work  as  a  biochemical  researcher  in  the  field  of  cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, and has published a number of papers in this area.

v.              Special thanks

Special  thanks  goes  to  my  wonderful  wife  Kathy,  who  had  the  patience  and  excellent grammar  skills  to  proof  and  edit  these  notes.  Thanks  also  goes  out  to  Jeff  Wiley,  a  fellow traveler/dreamer  for  his  helpful  suggestions,  and  to  Rilla  Moulden  for  giving  me  the  impetus  to write these notes.


A.              Introduction:

Before saying anything else I would like to thank and congratulate everyone who is taking this class.  Whether you know it or not, by taking an interest in achieving the types of experience we will discuss here, you are opening yourself up to a greatly expanded view of yourself and the life and world around you.  Hopefully, by the end of this class you will have a deep appreciation of what I mean in saying this. I wish everyone the best of luck!

B.              What Is Astral Projection?

Just what exactly is astral projection?  Well, we can get very academic and erudite about this, and we will do this to some extent below. But for now, for starters, what we want to do is lay out a definition of astral projection that is practical.  There are numerous ways we can view and define astral projection, but the most central point is that it is an  experience,  a  special  type  of experience.      No   matter   how   you   look   at   it,   astral   projection   is   an              altered   state   of


So, what is an altered state of consciousness?  Well, it is a state of consciousness that is

NOT our normal waking state of consciousness.

There is one altered state with which we are all very, very familiar and that is the dreams

we experience when we sleep at night. Dreaming itself is an altered state of consciousness. And, as we will see as we progress, dreaming and astral projection are very closely related states of consciousness.

Now,  astral  projection  goes  under  a  variety  of  names.  Some  other  names  for  the  astral projection  experience  are  the  following:  1.  lucid  dreaming,  and  2.  out-of-body  experiences (OOBEs). Some people will debate that astral projections, lucid dreams and OOBEs are different things. We will discuss these distinctions below. However, I want to stress that such distinctions amount  to  splitting  hairs,  and  are  not  that  important.  For  our  purposes,  I  will  use  these  3  terms interchangeably.  That  is,  whether  I  say  "astral  projection",  "lucid  dream"  or  "OOBE",  I  am referring to the same thing. Actually, I will probably use OOBE a lot since it is the easiest to type. What is really important is not what we call the experience, but LEARNING FOR YOURSELF HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS EXPERIENCE.   And everything I will stress here is geared to this all important end.So, for the sake of gearing all this to helping you actually have an OOBE, there are two main things we will focus on: theory and practice. You need to understand both. Either alone is useless.  Theory by itself is just empty talk. Practice without theory just leads to confusion, and in the case of OOBEs, it can lead to real psychological danger as well. By themselves, OOBEs are NOT dangerous. However, if you don't know what you are doing, they can be. So, you need the theory  to  understand  what  is  going  on,  and  you  need  the  practice  to  put  the  theory  into  action. So, in this course, we will cover both: theory and practice. However, as you will see, I personally  lean much more towards the practical, and this is what I will stress throughout.  We will pay lip service to theory, but again, theory is useless without putting action behind the ideas. Finally, I want to say this: I will attempt in these lessons to make the information I provide as self-contained as I can. That is, I want to really try to provide a comprehensive overview of OOBEs and really give you your money's worth.  However, there is just a tremendous amount of information  related  to  OOBEs.  For  example,  some  related  topics  are  the  following:  human psychology, dreams, occultism, religion, mysticism and science.  I hope, that after reading these notes,  you  will  get  some  idea  that  all  of  these  topics  are  related  to  OOBEs.  I  am  providing  an annotated bibliography of books that I feel provide useful study. And I really encourage everyone to look through this bibliography and to actually read some of the books listed there.  The more you know about OOBEs, the better. That's all there is to it!

C.              Different Views of Astral Projections.

So,  having  said  my  introductory  remarks,  let's  look  at  the  various  ways  people  define  astral projections/OOBEs/lucid  dreams.    Basically,  we  can  divide  up  the  various  viewpoints  as  follows:  1. occult views, and 2. scientific views. Within each of these broad views are a number of sub-viewpoints, and we will mention each of these at least briefly.

1.              Occult Views

Within  the  camp  of  occult  views,  we  can  divide  this  into  Western  and  Eastern  occult views.  However,  what  is  nice  here  is  that  Eastern  and  Western  occultism  are  very  similar.  One may find differences in small details, but the general viewpoints are very similar.

Now, the term "astral projection" comes from occult views of this experience. This term implies that what the experience is the projection of one's self to the astralplane.  Occultists teach that the universe is a series of planes of matter and that the physical world we perceive with our senses is but one of a series of, usually seven, planes.  This is one assumption of the occult view of the  world.  Here  is  a  list  of  the  important  ideas  in  the  occult  world-view  that  will  allow  us  to understand what the term "astral projection" means:

1.    Occultists teach that our consciousness transcends our physical body. 2.    Occultists teach that each of us is an immortal soul who has temporarily 3.    incarnated into the physical world. 4.    Occultists  teach  that  the  universe  is  a  series  of  planes.    Each  plane  is  a  world  unto itself.5.    Occultists  teach  that  each  of  us  has  facilities  for  interacting  with  at  least  4  of  these planes.  These facilities are called "vehicles" or "bodies" and we have four of them: a physical  body  for  interacting  with  the  physical  world  (or  plane),  an  astral  body  for  interacting  with  the  astral  world/plane,  a  mental  body  for  interacting  with  the  mental world/plane and a buddhic body for interacting with the buddhic world/plane.

Before we go into these ideas in more detail, let me say this. To an occultist, the act of astral projecting entails transferring one's consciousness to the astral body and exploring the astral plane.  And  also  let  me  say  that,  as  far  as  theory  goes,  this  is  the  theory  I  ascribe  to.  Generally speaking,  the  occult  ideas  are  the  most  practical  ideas  you  can  use  to  understand  what  is happening to you when you have an OOBE.  So, let's go into these ideas a little deeper and spell out their implications.  For further reading on these topics, see the books by Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant in the bibliography. First thing that needs to be said: the occult ideas fly in the face of everything we've been

taught about what it is to be a human being here in America in the late 20th century. According to our common social beliefs, we are either atheists/materialists who do not think there is any such thing  as  a  "soul",  or  we  were  raised  with  simple-minded  ideas  about  God,  Heaven  and  Hell. Occult ideas challenge both of these viewpoints, and the beauty of learning to astral project is that you  put  yourself  in  a  position  to  determine  who  is  right  and  wrong  on  these  issues.    So,  if  the following  ideas  are  unfamiliar  to  you,  please  be  prepared  to  have  your  concepts  about  reality greatly expanded!

The basis of occult teachings is this: the senses of our physical body; our ears, eyes, taste, feeling, senses of heat and balance, smell, these senses define for us the physical world.  That is to say, our physical senses,  by definition, only allow us to perceive the physical world. However, according to occult teachings, THERE ARE ENERGIES THAT EXIST THAT WE CANNOT PERCEIVE WITH OUR PHYSICAL SENSES.  In a nutshell, this idea underlies all of occultism, including   whatever   particular   school   of   thought   you   like   best   (i.e.,   Theosophy,   Hermitics, Paganism, Alchemy, etc., etc.).

Now, the idea that energies exist that we cannot perceive is no big news. Everyone knows about x-rays, about radioactivity, about ultra-violet radiation.  These energies we can detect with machines, but not with our physical senses.   However, where the occultist "goes over the edge", so  to  speak,  is  with  the  claim  that  WE  HUMANS  CAN  PERCEIVE  THESE  ENERGIES WITHOUT THE AID OF MACHINES.  However, to understand this we need to go into the ideas of the vehicles/bodies, ideas that fall under the heading of "occult anatomy".

Occult anatomy is the idea stated above, that we humans have more bodies than we can directly perceive: that we have, not only a physical body, but an astral body, a mental body and a buddhic body, as well.  Each of these bodies exists on its respective plane.  So, before we can go off about the bodies, we must discuss the idea of the planes. The occult planes of nature can be thought of as occult physics.  For the idea of the planes posits that there are whole worlds of energies beyond the ken of our perception, energies of which modern scientists are completely ignorant.Again, we are flying in the face of common knowledge. Sure, scientists grant that there are x-rays, radioactivity, ultraviolet radiation, and even infinitely minute worlds of subatomic particles and neutrinos. But to say that there are whole worlds, full of life and activity and strange creatures, that exist beyond the ken of our physical senses is a complete absurdity to the modern scientist. However, this is exactly what the planes are. Each plane is a world, a giant world full of all kinds of strange and exotic places and creatures with sights and sounds that dwarf anything we know of here in the physical world. I should point out too that there are other names you might hear of that refer to the planes. Such terms are: "dimensions", "aethyrs", "lokas". "realms".  Each of these terms essentially means "plane" or "world". Now, again, and to keep your interest at this point, let me remind you that once you learn to astral project for yourself, then you can determine whether or not this is all so much fantasy and bs. Keeping this in mind, let's define these planes a little better. In  the  most  commonly  accepted  schemes  of  the  planes,  it  is  taught  that  there  are  seven planes  and  that  we  humans  can  access  the  4  lowest  planes.  The  common  names  of  the  seven planes are:

1. Physical Plane (which includes the Etheric Plane) 2. Astral Plane

3. Mental Plane 4. Buddhic Plane

5. Atmic Plane

6. Anupadaka Plane 7. Adi Plane

Now, let's define each of these planes.

1. Physical Plane . This is the world you are sitting in right now.  The physical plane is the familiar world of our everyday life. In the occult scheme, there are aspects of the physical world that  are  invisible  to  our  senses,  and  these  invisible  aspects  of  the  physical  plane  are  called  the "Etheric  plane".    Above  I  mentioned  x-rays,  radioactivity,  ultraviolet  radiation  and  subatomic particles.  In  the  occult  world-view,  these  energies  are  "Etheric"  energies,  and  again,  this  simply means  these  are  energies  of  the  physical  plane  that  we  cannot  perceive  with  the  senses  of  our physical body.  As we will discuss below, and is actually quite important to the endeavor of astral projecting, occultists claim we have a body made of Etheric energies and they call this our "Etheric body".  It is very likely that many of you will actually have experiences in your Etheric body once you start attempting to project. Again, this will all be explained in due course.

2. The Astral Plane . The astral plane is described of as a world of emotion and desire. On  this  plane  our  emotions  and  desires  are  actually...

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