DSM-V Medication-Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication.txt

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DSM-V: Medication-Induced Movement Disorders and Other Adverse Effects of Medication

Medication-Induced movement disorders are included in Section II because of their frequent importance in 1) the management by medication of mental disorders or other medical conditions and 2) the differential diagnosis of mental disorders (e.g., anxiety disorder versus neuroleptic-induced akathisia; malignant catatonia versus neuroleptic malignant syndrome). Although these movement disorders are labeled "medication induced," it is often difficult to establish the causal relationship between medication exposure and the development of the movement disorder, especially because some of these movement disorders also occur in the absence of medication exposure. The conditions and problems listed in this chapter are not mental disorders. The term neuroleptic is becoming outdated because it highlights the propensity of antipsychotic medications to cause abnormal movements, and it is being replaced with the term antipsychotic in many contexts. Nevertheless, the term neuroleptic remains appropriate in this context. Although newer antipsychotic medications may be less likely to cause some medication-induced movement disorders, those disorders still occur. Neuroleptic medications include so-called conventional, "typical," or first-generation antipsychotic agents (e.g., chlorpromazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine); "atypical" or second-generation antipsychotic agents (e.g., clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine); certain dopamine receptor-blocking drugs used in the treatment of symptoms such as nausea and gastroparesis (e.g., prochlorperazine, promethazine, trimethobenzamide, thiethylperazine, metoclopramide); and amoxapine, which is marketed as an antidepressant.

Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism
Other Medication-Induced Parkinsonism
332.1 (G21.11 ) Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism
332.1 (G21.19) Other Medication-Induced Parkinsonism
Parkinsonian tremor, muscular rigidity, akinesia (i.e., loss of movement or difficulty initiating movement), or bradykinesia (i.e., slowing movement) developing within a few weeks of starting or raising the dosage of a medication (e.g., a neuroleptic) or after reducing the dosage of a medication used to treat extrapyramidal symptoms.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
333.92 (G21.0) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Although neuroleptic malignant syndrome is easily recognized in its classic full-blown form, it is often heterogeneous in onset, presentation, progression, and outcome. The clinical features described below are those considered most important in making the diagnosis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome based on consensus recommendations.

Diagnostic Features
Patients have generally been exposed to a dopamine antagonist within 72 hours prior to symptom development. Hyperthermia (>100.4?F or >38.0?C on at least two occasions, measured orally), associated with profuse diaphoresis, is a distinguishing feature of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, setting it apart from other neurological side effects of antipsychotic medications. Extreme elevations in temperature, reflecting a breakdown in central thermoregulation, are more likely to support the diagnosis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Generalized rigidity, described as "lead pipe" in its most severe form and usually unresponsive to antiparkinsonian agents, is a cardinal feature of the disorder and may be associated with other neurological symptoms (e.g., tremor, sialorrhea, akinesia, dystonia, trismus, myoclonus, dysarthria, dysphagia, rhabdomyolysis). Creatine kinase elevation of at least four times the upper limit of normal is commonly seen. Changes in mental status, characterized by delirium or altered consciousness ranging from stupor to coma, are often an early sign. Affected individuals may appear alert but dazed and unresponsive, consistent with catatonic stupor. Autonomic activation and instability?manifested by tachycardia (rate >25% above baseline), diaphoresis, blood pressure elevation (systolic or diastolic >25% above baseline) or fluctuation (>20 mmHg diastolic change or >25 mmHg systolic change within 24 hours), urinary incontinence, and pallor?may be seen at any time but provide an early clue to the diagnosis. Tachypnea (rate >50% above baseline) is common, and respiratory distress?resulting from metabolic acidosis, hypermetabolism, chest wall restriction, aspiration pneumonia, or pulmonary emboli?can occur and lead to sudden respiratory arrest. A workup, including laboratory investigation, to exclude other infectious, toxic, metabolic, and neuropsychiatric etiologies or complications is essential (see the section "Differential Diagnosis" later in this discussion). Although several laboratory abnormalities are associated with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, no single abnormality is specific to the diagnosis. Individuals with neuroleptic malignant syndrome may have leukocytosis, metabolic acidosis, hypoxia, decreased serum iron concentrations, and elevations in serum muscle enzymes and catecholamines. Findings from cerebrospinal fluid analysis and neuroimaging studies are generally normal, whereas electroencephalography shows generalized slowing. Autopsy findings in fatal cases have been nonspecific and variable, depending on complications.

Development and Course
Evidence from database studies suggests incidence rates for neuroleptic malignant syndrome of 0.01%-0.02% among individuals treated with antipsycho tics. The temporal progression of signs and symptoms provides important clues to the diagnosis and prognosis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Alteration in mental status and other neurological signs typically precede systemic signs. The onset of symptoms varies from hours to days after drug initiation. Some cases develop within 24 hours after drug initiation, most within the first week, and virtually all cases within 30 days. Once the syndrome is diagnosed and oral antipsychotic drugs are discontinued, neuroleptic malignant syndrome is self-limited in most cases. The mean recovery time after drug discontinuation is 7-10 days, with most individuals recovering within 1 week and nearly all within 30 days. The duration may be prolonged when long-acting antipsychotics are implicated. There have been reports of individuals in whom residual neurological signs persisted for weeks after the acute hypermetabolic symptoms resolved. Total resolution of symptoms can be obtained in most cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome; however, fatality rates of 10%-20% have been reported when the disorder is not recognized. Although many individuals do not experience a recurrence of neuroleptic malignant syndrome when rechallenged with antipsychotic medication, some do, especially when antipsychotics are reinstituted soon after an episode.

Risk and Prognostic Factors
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a potential risk in any individual after antipsychotic drug administration. It is not specific to any neuropsychiatric diagnosis and may occur in individuals without a diagnosable mental disorder who receive dopamine antagonists. Clinical, systemic, and metabolic factors associated with a heightened risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome include agitation, exhaustion, dehydration, and iron deficiency. A prior episode associated with antipsychotics has been described in 15%-20% of index cases, suggesting underlying vulnerability in some patients; however, genetic findings based on neurotransmitter receptor polymorphisms have not been replicated consistently. Nearly all dopamine antagonists have been associated with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, although high-potency antipsychotics pose a greater risk compared with lowpotency agents and newer atypical antipsychotics. Partial or milder forms may be associated with newer antipsychotics, but neuroleptic malignant syndrome varies in severity even with older drugs. Dopamine antagonists used in medical settings (e.g., metoclopramide, prochlorperazine) have also been implicated. Parenteral administration routes, rapid titration rates, and higher total drug dosages have been associated with increased risk; however, neuroleptic malignant syndrome usually occurs within the therapeutic dosage range of antipsychotics.

Differential Diagnosis
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome must be distinguished from other serious neurological or medical conditions, including central nervous system infections, inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, status epilepticus, subcortical structural lesions, and systemic conditions (e.g., pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, tetanus, heat stroke). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome also must be distinguished from similar syndromes resulting from the use of other substances or medications, such as serotonin syndrome; parkinsonian hyperthermia syndrome following abrupt discontinuation of dopamine agonists; alcohol or sedative withdrawal; malignant hyperthermia occurring during anesthesia; hyperthermia associated with abuse of stimulants and hallucinogens; and atropine poisoning from anticholinergics. In rare instances, individuals with schizophrenia or a mood disorder may present with malignant catatonia, which may be indistinguishable from neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Some investigators consider neuroleptic malignant syndrome to be a drug-induced form of malignant catatonia.

Medication-Induced Acute Dystonia
333.72 (G24.02) Medication-Induced Acute Dystonia
Abnormal and prolonged contraction of the muscles of the eyes (oculogyric crisis), head, neck (torticollis or retrocollis), limbs, or trunk developing within a few days of starting or raising the dosage of a medication (such as a neuroleptic) or after reducing the dosage of a medication used to treat extrapyramidal symptoms.

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