D&D 4th Edition - Player's Handbook 3.pdf

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M ike Mearls • Bruce R. Cordell . Robert J. Schwa lb
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Mike Mearls (lead), Bruce R. Cordell, Robert J. Schwalb
Art Director
Kate Irwin
Additi o nal Design
Rob Heinsoo,James Wyatt
Cover Illu s tration
Michael Komarck
Stephen Schubert (lead), Jeremy Crawford,
Peter Schaefer, Rodney Thompson
Graphic Designe r
Leon Cortel, Keven Smith, Eml Tanjl
Additio nal Developme nt
Andy Collins, Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Inte rio r Illus trations
Ralph Beisner, Eric Belisle, Kerem Beylt. Wayne
England, Jason A. Engle, Carl Frank, Randy Gallegos,
Adam Gillespie. Ralph Horsley, Roberto Marchesi,
Jake Masbruch,Jlm Nelson, William O'Connor, Hector
Ortiz. Shane Nltuche. Wayne Reynolds, Chris Seaman,
John Stanko, Matias Tapia, Beth Trott, Francis Tsal, Eva
Widermann, Sam Wood, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner
Jeremy Crawford (lead).
Michele (arter, Cal Moore
Additional Editing
Torah Cottrill, Miranda Horner
D&D Brand Team
liz Schuh, Jesse Decker, Kierln Chase, Laura Tommervlk.
Shelly Mal.lanoble, Martin Durham
Managing Editing
Kim Mohan
Director of 0&0 R&D ilnd Book Publishing
Bill Slilvicsek
Publishing Production Specialist
Chrlstopher Tardiff
Prepress Manager
Jefrerson Dunlap
0&0 Creative Manager
Christopher Perkins
Imaging Te chnici an
Travis Adams, Ashley Brock
0&0 Oesign Manage r
James WY'llt
ProduCllo n Manager
Cynda Callaway
0&0 Developme nt and Editing Manager
Andy Collins
0&0 Se nior Art Direc tor
Jon Schlndehette
Game rul es based on the original DUNG~oNS & DRAGO NS rules
created by E, Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. and the lat e r
editions by David ~Zeb~ Cook (2 nd Edltion); Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook. Skip Williams, Richard Baker. and Peter
Adkison (3 rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
James Wyatt (4th Editio n),
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INTRODUCTION.................. 4
Runeprlest ....................... 98
EpiC Destinies ............•...... 1S6
The Psionic Power Source
.... 4
Runeprlesl Class Features ........ 99
Diamond Soul .................156
Creating a Runepriest ..
. .. 99
Godmind ......................157
I: CHARACTER RACES ........... 6
Runepriest Powers ............. I 00
Invincible Mind ................ 1 58
Glth~erai. ......................... 8
The Runic Keyword ........... I 00
Master of
Minotaur......................... 10
Rune Magie .................. I 00
the Eternal HunL ............. l 59
Shardmind ....................... 12
Runeprlen Paragon Paths ....... 111
Rune Maker ..................., 60
Wilden .......................... 14
Hammer of Vengeance ........ I 12
War Master .................... I 61
Racial Paragon Paths .............. 16
Light Bringer .................113
Blooded Champion ............. 16
Master ofthe Forge ........... I 14
Nature's Avatar ................. 17
Rune Shield .................. 115
Skill Powers .....................164
Rrathmal ....................... 18
. ............ 116
Gaining and Using
Shard DisCiple
..... 19
Seeker Class Features........... I I 7
a Skill Power .................164
Creating a Seeker .............. 117
Acrobatics ..................... 164
Seeker Powers ................. I I 7
Arcana ........................165
Ardent .......................... 12
Seeker Paragon Paths...........130
........ , 65
Ardent Class Features ........... 13
Crimson Hunter ..............130
Bluff .......................... I 66
Creating an Ardent. ............. 13
Dealh Arrow ................. I 31
Diplomacy ....................167
Ardent Powers .................. 14
Seven Fates Archer............ I 32
Dungeoneerlng ................ I 68
Ardent Paragon Paths ........... 38
5wift Strider..................133
Endurance .....................168
Argent Soul.....
. ..... 38
Hybrid Characters ...............134
Psionic Binder ................. 39
Hybrids and Roles....
. .....134
Hlstory ........................170
Stygian Adept ................. 40
Group Building ................134
. ..... I 70
Talarlc Strategist ............... 41
Creating a Hybrid Character .... 135
Intimidate .....................171
Battlemind ....................... 41
How Does It Work? .......... 135
Nature ........................171
Battlemlnd Class Features ....... 43
Special Rules ..................136
Creating a Battlemind
... 43
Assigning Ability Scores ....... I 36
Religion .....
. .......... 174
Baulemlnd Powers .............. 44
Psionic Augmentation
. .175
Battlemlnd Paragon Paths ....... 58
and Hybrid Characters ........, 37
Streetwise .....................1 7S
Eternal Slade .................. 58
Hybrid YS. Multidass .........., 38
. ....... 176
Iron Guardian ................. 59
Hybrid Artificer ................ I 39
Feats ........................... I 77
5teel Ego.....
. ........ 60
Hybrid Ardent ................. I 39
Rune Feats... . . .
. ........ , 77
Zephyr Blade .................. 61
Hybrid Avenger. . .
. ...... I 40
Heroic Tier Feats ...............I 77
Monk ............................ 63
Hybrid Barbarian...............141
Paragon Tier Feats.............., 86
Monk Class Features............. 63
Hybrid Bard ................... I 4 1
Epic Tier Feats .................190
Implements .................... 63
Hybrid Battlemlnd ............. 142
Multldass Feats.. . .
. .... 193
Creating a Monk.
. ...... 64
Hybrid Cleric .................. 143
Superior Implements.
. ...195
Monk Powers...... . ...... . . .. 64
Hybrid Druid .................. 143
Magic Items .....................197
Monks and Weapons ........... 64
Hybrid Fighter ................. 144
ArmOl'"............... . ....... 197
Full Discipline ................. 64
Hybrid Invoker................. 145
Weapons ......................200
Monk Paragon Paths............. 76
Hybrid Monk..........
. .. 145
KI Focuses ..................... 203
Ghostwalker .................. 76
Hybrid Paladin .................146
Initiate of the Dragon .......... 77
Hybrid Pslon ...................147
Slaffs. ......................... 209
Mountain Devotee ............. 78
Hybrid Ranger .................147
Radiant Fist ................... 79
Hybrid Rogue .................. I 48
Consumables ..................213
. ............... 80
Hybrid Runepriest.............. I 49
Psion Class Features ............. 81
Hybrid Seeker ................. I SO
Implements .................... 81
Hybrid Shaman ................150 READ1NG A PO.IIER............ 214
Creating a Pslon ................ 81
Psion Powers ................... 82
Hybrid Son:erer ................151
Hybrid 5wordmage ............. l 52
The Power Format ...............214
Entries in a Powe," ...............214
Pslon Paragon Paths ............. 94
Hybrid Warden ................1 52
Keywords .......................215
Cerulean Adept..
. ...... 94
Hybrid Warlock ................ l 53
Dreamwalker.................. 95
Hybrid Warlord ................154 GLOSSARY ...................... 220
Time Bender .................. 96
Hybrid Wlzard .................l 55
. ..... 97
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primal controller) and the runepriest (a divine leader)
round Ollt the new classe!>. New rules for hybrid char-
acters. who combine powers and features from two
dasse!>. also appear in Chapter 1. along with six new
epic destinies.
Chapter 3 includes a \'ariety ofnew optiolH for
characters ofe,'ery class, Hrst are skill powers. a new
category ofutility powers that characters ofany class
can gain to make beller usc ofthcir .. kills. New feats
prm'ide additional opportunities lor characters to
specialize in certain types ofweapons, maneuvers, or
powers. Finally. the chapter includes new equipmelU.
notably superior implements.
The book's appendix summarizes how to read a
power and includes updated definitions ofthe key·
words u.. ed in the book's powers. The best way to stay
on top ofupdates to the game's rules i.. by visiting t he
Wizards ofthe Coast website,
Playt'r's Handbook 3 concludes with a glossary of
game terms that are used in this book.
.- - -_. __ .-.-- --.-- - -- --.- - ----.-- - -_.- - -
"The Far Healm is a disease, and we are its cure."
Through many long ages the Living Gate rested
peacerully. E"en as the Dawn \\'ar sundered the
fabric ofthe Astra l Sea and its dominions. the gate's
guardian kept it shut. As the war raged 0 11. how·
e\'er. one ofthe three gods who had peered beyond
the gate broke the shared "0\\ they had all sworn.
returned to the gate. and killed the guardian. Prob·
ably it was the nameless god. for it is hard to imagine
Pelor or loun doing anything so roolish or malign.
Tn any cvent, the Lh'ing Gate awoke from its eons or
sleep ... and opened.
The alien creatures and defiling energy of the Far
Realm erupted into real it)', and its terrors emerged
acrms the Astral Sea and spJllcd into the \\'orld. l\lany
astral realms were consumed. forcing the go<1 ... to
turn their attention away from the Uawn \\'ar and
defend their homes. Finally, Joun and Pelor shanered
the 1.I"lng Gate, scaling the passage to the Far Healm
and protecting the rabric ofreality. although ilt the
cost ofPclor's H:,rdant dominion.
LOllg ago, berore the Dawn War between the gods
and the primordial~ changed the face ofthe unh'erse,
a gateway lay hidden in the depths ofthe Astral Sea,
a Living Gale that slept through the ages. A powerful
being, said to be neither god nor primordial but kin
to both. guarded the Living Gate so that none could
open it or peer into the madness beyond.
An often.forgotten legend describes how Ihrcc
gods came to the U\"ing Gate. Pelor. who shined
light into all shadow!>. first found the gate. though he
later wished he had not. Toun. whose mind hungered
to understand all things, awoke Ihe sleeping gate,
And a third. nameless god. who feared no danger
and doubted aU authority. distracted the guardian
so that all three gods could catch a glim pse through
the Living Gate. The three gods left. changed by the
knowledge they had gained and linked by a terrible
secret. and swore nc"er to scek the gafe again or
share \\hat they had <;een.
t/\ I "OJ)LCIIO~
THIS VOLUME. the third Players Handbook for
the current edition ofthe DIJI\GEONS & DRAGON')
game, offers a \\t'alth ofnew character options,
including new races and clas<;es, a new war to com·
bine classes, ne\\ skill powers, and a wide array of
new feats, It introduces the psionic po\\er source.
used by four ofthe classes in these pages, along \\ ith a
new approach to power acquisition and management
that allows certain psionic characters unprecedented
fleXibility with their power...
Chapter 1 introduce!> four additional races. 'I he
githzeral and the minotaur from the "'onsrer Mallual'
appear here in player·friendl) form with some addi-
tional and revised abilities. \\'ilden are a newborn
race ofplantlike fey arisen to combat the thn'at ofthe
Far Realm. Shardminds arc crystalline living con·
structs imbued with psioniC power.
Si.>.. new classes make up Illost of Chapter 1. The
users ofthe psionic power ~ollrce are the psion. the
battlemlnd. the monk. and the ardent. rhe seeker (a
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