DKiG - German Cross in Gold-Silver.pdf

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The invasion of Russia saw the massive engagement of German
troops, and certainly an important increase in acts of
bravery. The German Cross (Kriegsorden) was created on 28
September 1941 (1) by Adolf Hitler (F hrer und Oberster
Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) in order to publicly reward the
heroism of the German Legions dispatched to defeat
The award was created in two classes, Gold and Silver,
independent of one another. The type in Gold had as its
objective the recognition of repeated acts of bravery or
exceptional command not justifying the award of the Knight’s
Cross of the Iron Cross, but superior to requirements for award
of the Iron Cross 1st Class. The type in Silver was to reward
significant performance in military conduct of the war. Neither
were in any way part of the classes of the Iron Cross. Because
of this, recipients might first receive the Knight’s Cross of the
Iron Cross and afterwards the German Cross—or vice
versa. The detailed conditions for bestowal are shown in the
‘’Reichsgesetzblatt’’ of 2 October 1941 (Teil I, Nummer III).
The design of this decoration was executed by Professor R. Klein
of Munich and the first examples were made by the DESCHLER
firm of Munich. The first prototypes contained 10 rivets, with a
system of attachment typical of the Iron Cross of 1914. To
begin with, the DESCHLER firm used 6 rivets, then from from
about the middle of 1942 onward, only 4.
The German Cross was composed of 5 main pieces which were
assembled together, whatever the manufacturer (not counting
as pieces the pin, the hook, and the hinge). The base piece
consists of a silver star with eight rays, upon which is fixed
another star with eight rays, lighter and smaller, in a dark gray
A silvered disk bordered with two red bands is placed above.
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A swastika in black enamel bordered silver is fixed on the disk
by means of two or four prongs situated on the ends of the
arms. Between the two red bands is found a gilt or silvered
wreath. The year 1941 is embossed at the base of the
wreath. The wreath is fixed with four rivets. In some cases the
wreath rivets maintain the whole cross (ex Zimmermann), in
other case they just hold together the wreath , the circle and
the black star. The whole is held on by a number of rivets (4, 5,
6 or 10) depending on the manufacturer.
The hinge itself may be a bent piece of metal soldered in a
recess at the top of the star (types marked ‘’20’’, ‘’134’’,
DESCHLER), or more simply, soldered directly onto the star
(Juncker and Godet types). The pin is fixed to the hinge by a
cross-pin. The construction of this decoration is the most
complex of all the military decorations of the Third Reich.
The different parts of the German Cross (not enlargeable)
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Per the LDO, the metal used in manufacture was cupal (an alloy
of aluminum and copper), tombac, and nickel silver (Neusilber),
according to the different parts.
The dimensions may vary slightly between the manufacturers,
but should conform to those officially stipulated by the Orders
General Measurements
Silvered star:
Darkened star:
Silver disk O
Wreath O exterior
O interior
in square:
width between two
width of arms:
silver star:
darkened star:
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The types described below is that made by the firm of
ZIMMERMANN ( 20 ) and that of DESCHLER ( 1 ), but the
statements are valid for all the models.
A) Silver star
Material: cupal / tombac weight: 16gr (20) 34gr ( 1 )
The star is convex, pierced by four holes through which the
attachments for the wreath pass. The rays forming the points
of the star are polished and measure 52, 58 and 63mm. The
rest of the star is matte silver colored. The pin-back is
composed of a hinge and a hook soldered on the reverse. The
broad and flat pin is fixed to the hinge by means of a cross-
pin. The hinge and the hook may be soldered differently
depending on the maker and type.
B) Gray-black star
Material : tombac weight: 11gr ( 20 ) 12gr ( 1 )
The gray-black star is oxidized or lacquered, the matte color
may vary from dark gray to dark chestnut. This part is in
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hollow stamped metal, convex, and fitted perfectly to the shape
of the medallion into which it is fixed. It is pierced with four
holes for affixing the wreath, as well as two rectangular notches
for the swastika. These notches only exist on the DESCHLER
type. The points of the rays of this star have a rounded profile
and measure respectively 49, 54 and 59mm long.
C) Disk
Material: tombac/nickel silver weight: 12gr ( 20 ) 14gr ( 1 )
The obverse and the reverse of the disk are matte silver. It is
convex and pierced by holes to attach the swastika: 4 of 2.5mm
of O and 2 of 1mm of O for the ‘’20’’ type; 4 of 2.5mm and 4 of
1mm for the ‘’1’’ type. There are two grooves which permit to
receive the two circles in vermilion colored enamel.
D) Laurel leaves wreath
Material : tombac weight: 4gr ( 20 ) 3gr ( 1 )
The wreath is hollow stamped metal. The four rivets are
soldered on the interior. This permits the consolidation of the
first four parts of the decoration. The ribands represented on
the wreath as well as the plaque embossed ‘’1941’’ are polished.
E) Swastika
Material: tombac and enamel weight: 3gr ( 20 ) 3gr ( 1 )
The swastika is in hollow stamped metal, silvered, in convex
form. On the reverse are found 2 attachments ( 4 for the type
by DESCHLER ). The cross is black enamel bordered in silver.
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