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14th Century Woman’s Clothing:
14 th Century Woman’s Clothing:
The Luttrell Psalter Period ©
Lady Merouda Tremayne, JdL
May 2006
14 th Century Clothing: The Luttrell Psalter
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This is, to me, the most f
period for historical clothing. Th
transition from rectangular
construction to fitted, fairly
modern, techniques was in its
infancy, very exciting times for a
costumer. To truly understand the
clothing of this period, its patterns and desi
it is recommended that one have an
understanding of rectangular construction and
how bias works. This is from personal
experience. I took a two year sabbatical away
from 14
several pattern types for stockings but I
prefer the socks that have no seam on the
bottom of the foot. In winter for extra
warmth, one could wear two pairs of
th century clothing to learn in depth
about rectangular construction and every
minute was worth it. I return to my first
clothing love with a renewed excitement to try
out some of my new ideas.
fig 1 & 2 Museum of London: Shoes and Pattens
One of the main things to remember when
making stockings out of woven fabric,
assuming you can spare the extra fabric, is
to cut the leg and top of the foot on the
bias. When you cut on the bias the fabric
stretches and flexes to the movement and
shape of your leg.
There is no way to cover the finer details of
this period in a four hour class. This is an
overview of the basic garments and accessories
with a look at patterns and construction
My favorite block of time in the 14 th century is,
bar none, the time of the Luttrell Psalter,
c.1338 - 1344. No one knows exactly what
year this work was done (it was not completed)
but it is agreed that it took several years to do
so and that it was most likely within the years
1338-1344. This is the time period I will
concentrate on. This is also the country I will
concentrate on. England with a dash of French
thrown in for fun and goodmeasure.
Bias is the cross grain of fabric and is at a
45 degree angle from the warp or the weft
of the weave. Cut a square of fabric, any
woven fabric, along the warp and weft
threads and, grasping opposite sides, pull.
There is a resistance and very little stretch.
Now take opposite corners of the square in
your hands and pull. The fabric stretches
and puckers across the center. Pretty cool.
Wool tends to be stretchier than linen and
linen stretchier than silk.
Stockings for women and men were sewn from
woven fabrics. While several techniques
existed such as naalbinding and knitting, the
socks found so far in graves and refuge dumps
for this time period and location were
constructed from woven fabric, wool, linen or
silk. The leg of the stocking was most often
cut on the bias to give the most stretch across
the breadth of the calf. There are extant
examples of straight grain cut too. There are
Stockings typically came up to or just over
the knee and were tied securely with a
garter in the little dip below the knee. It is
much more comfortable to have the garter
between the knee and the top of the calf
and it also rests more securely at this
narrow portion of the leg without the need
for subsequent adjustments.
Garters could be as simple as a strip of
wool tied in a knot. There is evidence for
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many other types of garters. Woven strips of
wool with integral fringe, card woven bands
either tied or buckled on, and leather strips
with buckles are all appropriate for garters.
The most important part is that they hold up
the stocking without cutting off circulation.
sides. The leather could be dyed or
painted, etched, cut-out, or embroidered.
Naturally special treatment of the shoes
was more practical to the upper classes.
fig 3. garter: Museum of London: Textiles and Clothing
fig 5 Museum of London: Shoes and Pattens
fig 4 garters?: Museum of London: Textiles and Clothing
The shoes were constructed in the turn-
shoe method. The shoe would be sewn
together inside out, either on a last or not,
and once completed, turned right side out.
Shoes were generally made of leather, top
and sole. This meant that you would feel
every rock in the road and your shoes
would be ruined in mud or wet. A thick
layer of felt inside might cushion to some
extent but not enough for complete
Shoes were typically made of leather although
there are some sumptuary laws from the 12-
13 th century that say that the peasants must
only wear leather shoes. There is a silk shoe
with gold embroidery and card weaving in the
Cluny from just before this period. Even the
sole is silk brocade.
To lengthen the life of the shoe and to
protect your feet an item called a patten
could be worn over the shoe out of doors,
especially in inclement weather. There are
several different ways to construct pattens.
Some were just a slab of wood with
notches cut out of the bottom to ease
walking. Some were cut to the shape of the
foot with hinges at the ball of the foot to
give even greater ease (fig 2).
Shoes varied in style depending on the year
worn and the class of the wearer. The later in
the century the more pointed the toe became.
Some shoes were cut very low with little straps
across the insteps. Some shoes were more like
little ankle boots laced or latcheted at the upper
instep (fig 1). There is an extant boot that
comes up to about mid-calf and laces up the
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fig 6 Museum of London: Shoes and Pattens
Shifts and shirts (chemise/French,
camisia/Italian), were worn by everyone, male
and female alike. The best reason for this,
besides having it providing a certain amount of
modesty, was the fact that linen, white linen,
could be boiled to clean out all body oils.
Wearing undergarments kept your outer
garments clean. There is also reference to the
garments being occassionaly made of silk.
fig 7 Kohler
fig 8 Pogue
I have found documentation for three types of
shifts. One is a sort of tank top. This shift is
from the Kohler book, History of Costume.
The garment did not survive World War II so
there is no way of inspecting the seams and the
cut. It may or may not have been cut on the
bias. The second has long sleeves. The shift
from Kohler (fig 7) has a torn hem but the
Pogue (fig 8) shift clearly lets us know that the
hem of the shift did not have to hang to the
ground. A lady getting dressed from the
Luttrell Psalter (fig 10) shows the hem to the
ground. Determine your hem by how much
fabric you have to use and by your activity or
class level. Although the middle picture is
from about 1430, I still find it useful. It is
pretty clear even in the 16 th century that shirts
and shifts were still constructed using
rectangular construction methods, nothing
much changed expert the neckline and the
fullness of the sleeves.
fig 9 Backhouse
As far as we can tell at this date women did
not wear underpants of any kind. Now, I
have to say that this is a big controversy.
There are some images that show women
wearing or putting men’s braies (one of the
period words for underpants). One of these
is said to reflect figuratively that the
woman wore the pants in the family. One
picture is a woman being dragged, naked
but for the braies, by her hair. Definitely
NOT showing that she is the man of the
house. The third, I have not read any
commentary on.
I myself am not particular what kind of
evidence or lack of evidence there is for
women wearing underpants. Wear what is
most comfortable for you. No one will
know unless you tell them. I can not go
without some kind of layer here due to
chafing. I find it hard to believe that some
women in period didn’t chafe too. So, if
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you would like to wear underpants here are
what some of the men’s underpants looked like
(fig 10). I prefer the pair on the left for
obvious reasons.
no known extant kirtles.
Kirtles could be worn lose on the body or
tight, the later the year, the tighter the
kirtle. Generally it is assumed that the
higher the social class, the more
fashionable, and therefore tighter, the
clothing. High Fashion in this time called
for tight, buttoned sleeves, and fitted
torsos. English grave effigies clearly show
the lacing in the front of the gown that
enabled the tight fit of the later kirtles. I
am tempted to assume that if the kirtle was
worn for work it didn’t need to be so tight.
Even the women of the upper classes had
chores to do so perhaps they had fancy
dress for formal occasions and more
serviceable garments for everyday.
fig 10 Historic Enterprises website
The kirtle or gown (kirtell, kertil/ English,
gonella/Italian, gunna/German, tunica/French)
is a fairly simple garment. Later in the
century, when it was worn by itself without an
overtunic or surcote, it is called a cotehardie by
many. In my opinion a kirtle is a kirtle. Mary
Stella Newton says that in all the wardrobe
accounts she has read there was only one
reference to a woman’s cotehardie and this
garment was worn exclusively for riding
horses. The cotehardie was generally a man’s
garment, initially an arming cote that became a
popular fashion statement. So, for the
purposes of our discussion I will not be calling
this garment anything but a kirtle.
There are extant tunics that are complete
from the East Denmark grave finds,
commonly referred to as the Herjolfsnes or
Greenland gowns. From the weave of the
fabric and the lack of embellishment it
seems clear that the people buried here
were not of the nobility. They were buried
in their best and their best is pretty plain.
Even so, the garments are a wealth of
information. The 10-gore gown is one of
these garments. The Danish
tunics/surcotes are made in an intriguing
combination of rectangular construction
and more fitted modern techniques (fig 11
& 12).
The kirtle was typically worn over a shift and
under a surcote or supertunica until around
1350 or later. Around 1385 the kirtle was
hidden underneath the Houppelande, a coat-
like garment that became popular around the
beginning of the Little Ice Age of medieval
Europe. Between those years, the kirtle was
typically worn alone. According to the clerical
writings this was very scandalous in its day
when the younger women started wearing this
boldly at tournaments, acting like men.
fig 11 Herjolfsnes 38: Norlund & Nockert
Fashions changed rapidly in the 14 th century.
The kirtle of 1310 resembled the kirtle of 1390
until you look closely at the details. There are
fig 12 Herjolfsnes 41: Norlund & Nockert
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