Dark Heresy - Apostasy Gambit 3 - The Chaos Commandment.pdf

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Game Master’s Brieing ..........................................................4
Adventure Structure ................................................................5
Replacement Characters .........................................................7
Themes .....................................................................................8
Chapter III: The Longest Night
Tables Turned ....................................................................... 50
Explicator Hieronymous Voss .......................................... 52
Sabotage! ............................................................................... 53
The Hunters Hunted ............................................................ 53
Aranea – Herald of the Final Change ............................. 56
The Final Words of Molokor Kambyses ........................... 56
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 56
Chapter IV: Into the Breach
Grangold ............................................................................... 60
Cathedral of the Bloodied Saint ........................................ 60
The Plaza ............................................................................ 60
The Narthex ....................................................................... 61
The Nave ............................................................................. 61
Transepts and the Crossing .............................................. 62
The Apse ............................................................................. 63
The Chaos Gate ................................................................. 64
Grotto of the Manifold Thought ....................................... 65
The Shifting Path .............................................................. 67
The Passion of the Bloodied Saint .................................... 67
The False Saint ................................................................... 67
To Battle a Saint................................................................. 69
Stopping the Ritual ........................................................... 69
Escape .................................................................................... 70
Denouement ......................................................................... 70
Experience and Downtime ................................................. 70
Handout: Inquisitor's Orders .............................................. 71
Chapter I: Laying Siege
The Bunker Complex .......................................................... 13
Area 1: No-Man’s Land .................................................... 13
Area 2: Inner Compound .................................................. 19
Area 3: Impound Bunker .................................................. 20
Searching the Bunker .......................................................... 20
Impost Ofices .................................................................... 22
Command Bunker ................................................................ 23
Blaise Drajkon (The Oracle) ............................................. 25
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 26
Chapter II: The New Flesh
House Drajkon ..................................................................... 29
The Manor .......................................................................... 30
The Foyer ............................................................................ 30
The Parlour ......................................................................... 32
The Great Room ................................................................ 33
Living Quarters .................................................................. 33
Mechanicus Chapel .............................................................. 39
The Laboratory ..................................................................... 40
Level One .............................................................................. 40
Level Two .............................................................................. 42
Molokor Kambyses ............................................................ 45
Level Three ........................................................................... 46
The Bronze Malifect.......................................................... 47
Extraction and Mopping Up .............................................. 48
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 48
........................................................................... 46
.......................................................... 47
.............................................. 48
................................................................... 48
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“I have returned from my long rest. I weep for the decadence and
depravity into which this once proud sector has descended. I helped
forge the Calyx Expanse into the Calixis Sector in glory, and in its
debasement I will destroy it.”
with which to cleanse the sector of sinners and heretics. When
used as part of t he a postasy G ambit trilogy, the knowledge
of the resurrection of St. Drusus, and the terrible events that
have led to it, have been acquired by the Acolytes through the
events of the previous books.
t he C haos C ommandment , unlike t he b laCk s epulChre
and t he C hurCh of the d amned , is heavily weighted
towards combat. Speciically, it contains a fair amount of
psychic combat and battles of will, although good old-
fashioned gun ights are also to be had in ample supply.
While the adventure does favour combat-heavy Acolytes
like Guardsmen and Arbitrators, there is still plenty to do for
more academic or stealth-focused characters. This adventure
takes the Acolytes from a siege at the gates of Hive Tertiam
on Fenksworld to the secretive halls of a powerful Calixian
noble house. From there they move to a ship, commissioned
by their patron Inquisitor and used as a private interrogation
and investigation station, and then to the lonesome Cathedral
of St. Drusus, located on the dead world Grangold. Finally,
they enter the very Warp itself where they do battle with their
old nemesis the Dei-Phage in a desperate attempt to free the
spirit of St. Drusus from bondage and halt the vile plans of
The Maledictor’s Hand once and for all.
The opening section, set during the attack on Hive Tertiam
by loyalist Imperial Guard units against a bastion of Drusian
Cultists, is relatively linear. The Acolytes must lead their
Guardsmen over the walls of the cultists’ fortiications, break
their line, and iniltrate their heavily fortiied position. Once
the Acolytes have cracked the cultists’ defences, they must
follow up on rumours of powerful members of Drusus’ cult
both orchestrating the production of weapons and supplies
for their war effort and recruiting Imperial Guard units to the
banner of the Risen Saint.
From the shattered ruins of the gates of Hive Tertiam, the
Acolytes must use their own intuition and guile to iniltrate the
compound of House Drajkon, a powerful noble family with
aspirations of sector-wide power. This part of the adventure
is more free-form, with the Acolytes using whatever skills,
tactics, and measures necessary to extract a powerful psyker
and self-described Prophet of St. Drusus who is under the
protection of House Drajkon.
Once they have their man, they move to their Inquisitor’s
vessel, where they are set upon by a daemon sent by
the Ruinous Powers to stop their investigation into The
Maledictor’s Hand. This section is also relatively free-form,
with the Acolytes using their wits, along with previously-
gathered information and the materials at hand, to simply
survive a long night of being stalked by a daemonic assassin.
Finally, the Acolytes’ harrowing expedition through the
Cathedral of the Bloodied Saint on Grangold and subsequent
journey through the Chaos Gate into a pocket-realm of the
Warp are linear and straight-forward. Here the Acolytes forge
ahead, meet the manifold challenges that rise against them,
and inally put down the Dei-Phage in a inal apocalyptic
battle—or die trying.
–St. Drusus, upon his return from the dead
T he C haos C ommandment is the third and inal
instalment of t he a postasy G ambit , a trilogy of
d ark h eresy adventures pitting a cell of Inquisitorial
Acolytes against a deeply-rooted apocalyptic conspiracy
within the Imperial Church. This conspiracy, which exists at
all levels of the Calixian Church, calls itself the Maledictor’s
Hand. Their goal is to throw down the ruling nobility and
cleanse the Calixis Sector of these “sinners” by fomenting a
holy war to cleanse the debased black heart of the Sector
with sacred ire. t he C haos C ommandment is set at the eve
of this sector-spanning upheaval, with the Acolytes facing
their greatest challenge yet, the daemoniacally-possessed,
resurrected corpse of St. Drusus and the assembled armies
that have locked to his banner.
Like its predecessors, t he b laCk s epulChre and t he
C hurCh of the d amned , t he C haos C ommandment can be
played as a stand-alone adventure, part of a larger campaign,
or as part of t he a postasy G ambit trilogy . If played as a
stand-alone adventure, it is assumed that the Acolytes, and
in fact the majority of the Calixian Inquisitors, know that St.
Drusus has returned from the dead and is forming an army
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