Collection of Horrors 00 - Introduction.pdf

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Collection of Horrors: Introduction
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A Storytelling Adventure System
anthology for Hunter: The Vigil
© 2009 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of
reviews, and one printed copy which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire and World of Darkness are registered trademarks
of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Promethean the Created, Changeling the Lost, Hunter
the Vigil, Storytelling System and Collection of Horrors are trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are
copyrighted by CCP hf. CCP North America Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CCP hf. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these
pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and
supernatural elements are iction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out White Wolf online at
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What Is This?
To talk about this, we first have to talk about something else. The
Horror Recognition Guide is a book for Hunter: The Vigil detailing
files of supernatural events that various hunters have uncovered and
compiled. It’s written much like our recent clanbooks for Vampire:
The Requiem: as an “in character” collection of sixteen cases that
various hunters have run across in the Vigil. The idea behind this
group of works, the Collection of Horrors , is to provide an anthol-
ogy of Storyteller tools inspired by the Horror Recognition Guide
that you can either use in conjunction with the Guide or as part of
your existing chronicle.
Each story in the Horror Recognition Guide has a correspond-
ing story kit in the Collection of Horrors , which you can buy
individually, as a bundle or as a subscription. Each kit contains
a variety of appropriate tools; usually an SAS scene, a character
with a character sheet, and props ranging from maps and reports
to print out and hand to your players, to short imbedded audio
files that you can play at your gaming table. These kits represent
a collection of evocative story tools that you can write a story
around, drop into an existing SAS or even string together as
characters are given the Guide in-chronicle and decide to look
into each of these events. They aren’t stories in their own right,
but rather pieces that you can snap together into whatever shape
you want. Using the Guide can add even more props and ideas to
this anthology, but it’s not required to use the various story kits
in the Collection of Horrors .
Welcome to the Collection
To give you a taste of what each kit contains, we’ve provided a short de-
scription of each, along with all of the SAS scene cards for easy reference.
1)tHe razorkids:
An underground band of
un-aging musicians starts
to fall apart with the
recent disappearance of
a nosy reporter.
2)Host of tHe Clutter:
A hunter does an autopsy
on a strange cat, and is
now under the control
of a colony of demonic
3)frankenstein’s Mobster:
A b o u t t h e S t o r y t e l l i n g A d v e n t u r e S y S t e m
If this is your irst Storytelling Adventure System (SAS) product,
you’ve chosen a ine place to start. To keep these story kits lean and
focused, though, we haven’t included a lot of the core premises and
Storyteller suggestions that are at the heart of the SAS. Whether
you’re a new Storyteller or an old hand, be sure to read the free
SAS Guide , found at the SAS website:
The ghost of a Russian
scientist tries to make
amends for his involvement
with an extremely tenacious
mobster named Oleg
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4)eMpty spaCe:
8)body of evidenCe:
Hunters stumble across
crime scenes all the time.
But at this scene, the
detective is acting very
A child traumatized by
the death of his parents
draws pictures with an
empty space in them. Why
do the other children all
defer to him?
5)tHe Man witH tHe Gray beard:
A mysterious hunter
legend with government pull
has the answer the hunters
need on their current case.
9)Caveat eMptor:
A mysterious market
buys and sells unusual
items that appear to be
worthless. Let the buyer
6)MeetinG tHe frostbite Girl:
10)no esCape:
Shakes, a young changeling,
wants to give over some iles
from her dead boyfriend, a
hunter. But something else
hunts her as well.
A dangerous changeling
has the ability to use
any door to escape to
a strange world. Do the
hunters dare follow?
7)GettinG Her baCk:
11)Good for tHe soul:
A small bar in
Philadelphia has a strange
bartender that never asks
for secrets but always
keeps them.
The notorious slasher Emily
Gillen has come back from
the grave to take something
precious from the cell.
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12)serpent’s tootH:
The cell inds a broker of
secrets who can give them
what they need in return
for an act of symbolic
16)Mr. tHélèMe:
An old Frenchman stands
in a stack of corpses, but
claims to be innocent. Can
the cell trust him?
13)tHe MotHer of all wronG turns:
Bad luck lands the cell in
a mysterious and dangerous
world where only a fanatical
employee of the Cheiron
Group goes willingly.
14)MotHer to Monsters:
A frantic 911 call leads
the cell to a pregnant woman
whose baby is part of a
secret Lucifuge project.
15)dead to Me:
The cell inds a corpse
that looks like one of the
hunters. Who made it, and
what are the strange relics
holding it together?
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