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Cechy dobrego przyjaciela

Cechy dobrego przyjaciela

Needles to say, all people need someone to cheer them up, someone whom they can trust and tell all the secrets to. These are very important features of a real friend that all of us do need.

Imagine that you wrestle with the day-to-day problems, for example school, boyfriend or conflicts with your parents. You feel miserable as there is no one who you could talk about it to. But then comes your best friend to tell you that everything is going to be fine. He knows exactly what makes you happy and does his best does his best so that that you look through rose-coloured glasses. However, it takes a lot of time and trust to call someone your real friend. Such a person has to be characterized by loyalty and can never let you down. Otherwise, you would never trust him again.

The conclusion is that we are supposed to be sociably with others instead of being self-sufficient. That is why we need to care of relationship with others and we should be as best friends as possible for the people that we like or love.

Moje zainteresowania

I am one of those people who have many interests but cannot go for only one of them. Firstly, my favourite way of spending free time is learning foreign languages. What motivates me the most is the possibility of going abroad and speaking with foreigners. Besides, I am a travelling vulture, I have already been to Italy, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Austria and many other places. Knowing English helped me with communication both when I was abroad and when I wanted to talk with some foreigner online. In a word, I just want to be able to visit every place I want without the fear of not being able to understand the local population. I can also read English books and watch English movies.

If I decide to read a book, it is usually a book by Graham Masterton. I like his writing style but I have also met with negative opinions about him. Masterton describes every issue in detail, sometimes even too precisely. He writes about demons, hideous kinds of animals and sometimes mixes it with some sexual acts. Most people find his books disgusting but such descriptions absorb me. I have always liked shocking books, as they are really interesting and they stimulate my vivid imagination.

Apart from reading books, what happens only from time to time, I am into bowling. In my opinion it is the most fascinating sport but also a quite expensive one. That is why I cannot afford it as often as I would like to. However, bowling once in two months is more satisfactory because I have to wait for it for a long time and when I finally get there, I cherish this moment like a little girl when she gets a new doll. I was bowling for the first time about three years ago and I liked it instantly. I often take my friends with me because they also enjoy it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is hard to reconcile different interests because of the lack of time. When I think of reading a book I immediately recall that I should learn English a bit before doing so. Indeed, learning English is now my priority. I dream of passing FCE before finishing studies. Then I plan to go to England to practise and perhaps to pass CAE after coming back. I really envy others when it comes to having certificates.


List do przyjaceiela z anglii

Situation: An English friend of yours is planning to spend a week touring your country and has asked for your advice on what to see and do. Write a letter giving your friend practical information which you think will be helpful.

Dear Alex,

At first I want to thank you for your last letter and for the marvelous news that you're going to tour Poland. I'm very sorry for the delay in answering but I've had a hectic time preparing to some exams.

You asked me what is worth seeing in Poland. I'd enjoy the time spending with you and I'd show you the Old Town and the Castle in my city. We'd go play bowling or billiards and then go shopping. The next day we'd visit some towns like Gietrzwałd or Święta Lipka. I'd show you some interesting monuments and beautiful landscapes. If there is enough time, we'd also go to Toruń which is gorgeous. There is a big planetarium so we'd see the demonstration.

Well, that's all for now. Let me know in you next letter what you've decided.

Best wishes,



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