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;   Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software
;   This file can be altered at your own risk to change
;   the rules of the game.  Keep in mind that altering the
;   contents of this file may cause your game to malfunction,
;   particularly if you use values outside the specified
;   ranges.

;   Cosmic Principles
;   The following numbers control various key rules
;   of the game.  GREAT discretion is advised if you
;   opt to change these.  Values too far out of the
;   expected range can cause the game to behave strangely.
3       ; Road movement multiplier
2       ; 1 in x chance Trireme lost (mod. by Seafaring, Navigation)
2       ; # of food each citizen eats per turn
10      ; # of rows in food box (rows * city_size+1 = box)
10      ; # of rows in shield box
1       ; Settlers eat (govt <= Monarchy)
2       ; Settlers eat (govt >= Communism)
7       ; City size for first unhappiness at Chieftain level
14      ; Riot factor based on # cities (higher factor lessens the effect)
8       ; Aqueduct needed to exceed this size
12      ; Sewer System needed to exceed this size
10      ; Tech paradigm (higher # slows research)
20      ; Base time for engineers to transform terrain (x2)
3       ; Monarchy  pays support for all units past this
3       ; Communism pays support for all units past this
10      ; Fundamentalism pays support for all units past this
0       ; Communism is equivalent of this palace distance.
50      ; Fundamentalism loses this % of science
50      ; Percent shield penalty for production type change
10      ; Max paradrop range
75      ; Mass/Thrust paradigm (increasing slows spaceship time)
5       ; Max effective science rate in fundamentalism (x10, so 5 = 50%)

;   Civilization Advances
;   Ai Value, Civilized Modifier, Preq1, Preq2, Epoch, Category
;     Ai Value = Basic value at which computer players
;                view this advance (used in determining
;                which discovery to pursue, which to
;                acquire during exchanges, and value of
;                gift during diplomacy).
;     Modifier = Modifier to value based on the "civilized"
;                aspect of a leader's personality.  Positive
;                values increase value for civilized leaders,
;                decrease it for militaristic.  Negative
;                values vice versa.
;     preq1, preq2 = Prerequisites
;     Epoch = historical period
;             0 = Ancient
;             1 = Renaissance
;             2 = Industrial Revolution
;             3 = Modern
;     Category = Knowledge category
;             0 = Military
;             1 = Economic
;             2 = Social
;             3 = Academic
;             4 = Applied
Advanced Flight,    4,-2,  Rad, Too, 3, 4    ; AFl
Alphabet,           5, 1,  nil, nil, 0, 3    ; Alp
Amphibious Warfare, 3,-2,  Nav, Tac, 3, 0    ; Amp
Astronomy,          4, 1,  Mys, Mat, 1, 3    ; Ast
Atomic Theory,      4,-1,  ToG, Phy, 2, 3    ; Ato
Automobile,         6,-1,  Cmb, Stl, 3, 4    ; Aut
Banking,            4, 1,  Tra, Rep, 1, 1    ; Ban
Bridge Building,    4, 0,  Iro, Cst, 0, 4    ; Bri
Bronze Working,     6,-1,  nil, nil, 0, 4    ; Bro
Ceremonial Burial,  5, 0,  nil, nil, 0, 2    ; Cer
Chemistry,          5,-1,  Uni, Med, 1, 3    ; Che
Chivalry,           4,-2,  Feu, Hor, 1, 0    ; Chi
Code of Laws,       4, 1,  Alp, nil, 0, 2    ; CoL
Combined Arms,      5,-1,  Mob, AFl, 3, 0    ; CA
Combustion,         5,-1,  Ref, Exp, 2, 4    ; Cmb
Communism,          5, 0,  Phi, Ind, 2, 2    ; Cmn
Computers,          4, 1,  Min, MP,  3, 4    ; Cmp
Conscription,       7,-1,  Dem, Met, 2, 0    ; Csc
Construction,       4, 0,  Mas, Cur, 0, 4    ; Cst
The Corporation,    4, 0,  Ind, Eco, 2, 1    ; Cor
Currency,           4, 1,  Bro, nil, 0, 1    ; Cur
Democracy,          5, 1,  Ban, Inv, 2, 2    ; Dem
Economics,          4, 1,  Uni, Ban, 2, 1    ; Eco
Electricity,        4, 0,  Met, Mag, 2, 4    ; E1
Electronics,        4, 1,  E1,  Cor, 3, 4    ; E2
Engineering,        4, 0,  Whe, Cst, 0, 4    ; Eng
Environmentalism,   3, 1,  Rec, SFl, 3, 2    ; Env
Espionage,          2,-1,  Cmn, Dem, 3, 0    ; Esp
Explosives,         5, 0,  Gun, Che, 2, 4    ; Exp
Feudalism,          4,-1,  War, Mon, 0, 0    ; Feu
Flight,             4,-1,  Cmb, ToG, 2, 4    ; Fli
Fundamentalism,     3,-2,  MT,  Csc, 2, 2    ; Fun
Fusion Power,       3, 0,  NP,  Sup, 3, 3    ; FP
Genetic Engineering,3, 2,  Med, Cor, 3, 3    ; Gen
Guerrilla Warfare,  4, 1,  Cmn, Tac, 3, 0    ; Gue
Gunpowder,          8,-2,  Inv, Iro, 1, 0    ; Gun
Horseback Riding,   4,-1,  nil, nil, 0, 0    ; Hor
Industrialization,  6, 0,  RR,  Ban, 2, 1    ; Ind
Invention,          6, 0,  Eng, Lit, 1, 4    ; Inv
Iron Working,       5,-1,  Bro, War, 0, 4    ; Iro
Labor Union,        4,-1,  MP,  Gue, 3, 2    ; Lab
The Laser,          4, 0,  NP,  MP,  3, 3    ; Las
Leadership,         5,-1,  Chi, Gun, 1, 0    ; Ldr
Literacy,           5, 2,  Wri, CoL, 0, 3    ; Lit
Machine Tools,      4,-2,  Stl, Tac, 2, 4    ; Too
Magnetism,          4,-1,  Phy, Iro, 1, 3    ; Mag
Map Making,         6,-1,  Alp, nil, 0, 1    ; Map
Masonry,            4, 1,  nil, nil, 0, 4    ; Mas
Mass Production,    5, 0,  Aut, Cor, 3, 4    ; MP
Mathematics,        4,-1,  Alp, Mas, 0, 3    ; Mat
Medicine,           4, 0,  Phi, Tra, 1, 1    ; Med
Metallurgy,         6,-2,  Gun, Uni, 1, 0    ; Met
Miniaturization,    4, 1,  Too, E2,  3, 4    ; Min
Mobile Warfare,     8,-1,  Aut, Tac, 3, 0    ; Mob
Monarchy,           5, 1,  Cer, CoL, 0, 2    ; Mon
Monotheism,         5, 1,  Phi, PT,  1, 2    ; MT
Mysticism,          4, 0,  Cer, nil, 0, 2    ; Mys
Navigation,         6,-1,  Sea, Ast, 1, 1    ; Nav
Nuclear Fission,    6,-2,  Ato, MP,  3, 3    ; NF
Nuclear Power,      3, 0,  NF,  E2,  3, 3    ; NP
Philosophy,         6, 1,  Mys, Lit, 1, 2    ; Phi
Physics,            4,-1,  Nav, Lit, 1, 3    ; Phy
Plastics,           4, 1,  Ref, SFl, 3, 4    ; Pla
Plumbing,           4, 0,  no,  no,  1, 4    ; Plu  (Cst & Pot)
Polytheism,         4, 0,  Cer, Hor, 0, 2    ; PT
Pottery,            4, 1,  nil, nil, 0, 1    ; Pot
Radio,              5,-1,  Fli, E1,  3, 4    ; Rad
Railroad,           6, 0,  SE, Bri,  2, 1    ; RR
Recycling,          2, 1,  MP, Dem,  3, 2    ; Rec
Refining,           4, 0,  Che, Cor, 2, 4    ; Ref
Refrigeration,      3, 1,  E1,  San, 3, 1    ; Rfg
The Republic,       5, 1,  CoL, Lit, 0, 2    ; Rep
Robotics,           5,-2,  Cmp, Mob, 3, 0    ; Rob
Rocketry,           6,-2,  AFl, E2,  3, 0    ; Roc
Sanitation,         4, 2,  Med, Eng, 2, 1    ; San
Seafaring,          4, 1,  Map, Pot, 0, 1    ; Sea
Space Flight,       4, 1,  Cmp, Roc, 3, 3    ; SFl
Stealth,            3,-2,  Sup, Rob, 3, 0    ; Sth
Steam Engine,       4,-1,  Phy, Inv, 2, 3    ; SE
Steel,              4,-1,  E1,  Ind, 2, 4    ; Stl
Superconductor,     4, 1,  Pla, Las, 3, 3    ; Sup
Tactics,            6,-1,  Csc, Ldr, 2, 0    ; Tac
Theology,           3, 2,  MT,  Feu, 1, 2    ; The
Theory of Gravity,  4, 0,  Ast, Uni, 1, 3    ; ToG
Trade,              4, 2,  Cur, CoL, 0, 1    ; Tra
University,         5, 1,  Mat, Phi, 1, 3    ; Uni
Warrior Code,       4,-1,  nil, nil, 0, 0    ; War
The Wheel,          4,-1,  Hor, nil, 0, 4    ; Whe
Writing,            4, 2,  Alp, nil, 0, 3    ; Wri
Future Technology,  1, 0,  FP,  Rec, 3, 3    ; ...
User Def Tech A,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; U1
User Def Tech B,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; U2
User Def Tech C,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; U3
Extra Advance 1,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X1
Extra Advance 2,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X2
Extra Advance 3,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X3
Extra Advance 4,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X4
Extra Advance 5,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X5
Extra Advance 6,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X6
Extra Advance 7,    3, 0,  no,  no,  0, 0    ; X7

; Above 11 tech slots (U1 to X8) allow you to define your own 
; civilization advances if desired.  Supply the name, the AI 
; value, and the prerequisites.
; Then use the "U1", "U2", etc. 
; identifier to incorporate it into the tech chain as a
; prerequisite for other techs, units, city improvements.

;  City Improvements
;   cost(x10), upkeep, preq
Nothing,                  1,  0,    nil,
Palace,                   10, 0,    Mas,
Barracks,                 4,  1,    nil,
Granary,                  6,  1,    Pot,
Temple,                   4,  1,    Cer,
MarketPlace,              8,  1,    Cur,
Library,                  8,  1,    Wri,
Courthouse,               8,  1,    CoL,
City Walls,               8,  0,    Mas,
Aqueduct,                 8,  2,    Cst,
Bank,                     12, 3,    Ban,
Cathedral,                12, 3,    MT,
University,               16, 3,    Uni,
Mass Transit,             16, 4,    MP,
Colosseum,                10, 4,    Cst,
Factory,                  20, 4,    Ind,
Manufacturing Plant,      32, 6,    Rob,
SDI Defense,              20, 4,    Las,
Recycling Center,         20, 2,    Rec,
Power Plant,              16, 4,    Ref,
Hydro Plant,              24, 4,    E2,
Nuclear Plant,            16, 2,    NP,
Stock Exchange,           16, 4,    Eco,
Sewer System,             12, 2,    San,
Supermarket,               8, 3,    Rfg,
Superhighways,            20, 5,    Aut,
Research Lab,             16, 3,    Cmp,
SAM Missile Battery,      10, 2,    Roc,
Coastal Fortress,          8, 1,    Met,
Solar Plant,              32, 4,    Env,
Harbor,                   6,  1,    Sea,
Offshore Platform,        16, 3,    Min,
Airport,                  16, 3,    Rad,
Police Station,           6, ...
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