Genesis - Exodus by Liapis Panagiotis (2010).pdf

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With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,
Onder, and of course to my colleagues
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis
With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,
Onder, and of course to my partners
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis
При большом количестве посвященный, любви мои родители
Греки, В Наталья, Οльга, и Ондер, к моим коллегам
По цене
LIAPIS Panagiotis
Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443
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Author LIAPIS Panagiotis
Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443
A few words from the author
My Friends in this textbook, take the
knowledge that until now store it in
dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton
in damp basements monasteries and
private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history
and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the
multidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery of
ether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineral
krystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secret
caves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,
MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legends
and myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,
Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of the
Living Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the
4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of
prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of the
Parthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads business
survival in difficult times. There are missing from my literary
work of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaic
technology in whose threshold of energy is free. Also
presented a series of investigations on a series of error events
for the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,
President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias
launched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a
new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of the
enormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chip
EMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking
system in relation to economic crashes of America The
SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and
PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection
with the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which
leads to control police forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weapons
ancient Greeks developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva.
The creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are
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sources on the web are presented in detail below in relation to biological warfare
aircraft from the US-spray from chemical and microbial air over cities. Trying to
minimize the harmful effects that using genetics Industry, extensive fires, building
new towns in the concentration camps of D Reich, apply geostrategic
implementation plan new war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the project
"Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem by the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun
new weapons bass Police with physical effects of radiation on the human organism
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis
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