Suzuki Violin Method - Vol 02.pdf

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SuzukiMethod International
Copyright O 1978 Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
Sole publisher for the entire world except Japan:
Summy-Birchard Inc.
exclusively distributed by
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.
15800 N.W.48thAvenue
Miami, Florida 330T4
All rights reserved
Printedin U.S.A.
ISBN 0-81487-146-8
The Suzuki name, logo and wheel device
are trademarks of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki used under
exclusive license by Summv-Birchard"Inc.
containedin thiscollectionrequiresthewrittenconsentof the Publisher.
No partof thisbookmaybe photocopied or reproduced
in anywaywithoutpermission.
Unauthorizedusesarean infringementof the U. S. CopyrightAct andare punishable by Law
222581482.006.png 222581482.007.png
FOR THE STUDENT: This material is part of the worldwide Suzuki Method of
teaching.Companion recordingsshould be usedwith these publications.In addi-
tion, there are piano accompaniment books that go along with this material.
FOR THE TEACHER.' In order to be an effective Suzuki teacher,a great deal of
ongoing education is required. Your national Suzuki association provides this for
its membership. Teachersare encouragedto becomemembers of their national
Suzuki associationsand maintain a teacher training scheduleo
FOR THE PARENT: Credentials are essentialfor any teacher that you choose.
We recommend you ask your teacher for his or her credentials,especially listing
those relating to training in the Suzuki Method. The Suzuki Method experience
should be a positive one,where there existsa wonderful, fostering relationship
betweenchild, parent and teacher.So choosing the right teacher is of the utmost
In order to obtain more information about the Suzuki Metho4 pleasecontactyour
country'sSuzukiAssociation, the InternationalSuzukiAssociationat 3-10-15 Fukashi,
MatsumotoCity 390, JWan,The SuzukiAssociationof theAmericas,1900Folsom
#101, BoulderColorado80302or Summy-Birchard
Licensedby WarnerBros.Publications
- Milono
All rightsreserued.No part of thisbookmaybe photocopied or reproduced
in anywaywithoutpermission.Unauthorizedusesare punishableby law.
in order to remain
current, via institutes, short and long term programs.You are also encouragedto
join the International Suzuki Association.
Inc.,c/oWarner Bros.
PublicationsInc.. 15800N.W.48th Avenue,Miami, Florida33014.
our catalogue
on line
2.. oo...oo....... o...o..... o...o..... ....4
EfflJ Chorus from ttJudas lVlaccabaeust',G. E Hgndel . . . . . . . . o. o. . . . . ......7
MusetteoJ. S. Bach oo.. r.... o..... oo..... o.oo.oooooor.... r. ......7
f_l_l HunterstChorus,C.M.vonWebgr.. ooo......,lo o.o................8
lrong,InngAgoo T.H. Bayly'..oo.. oo......... i... ooooooo.o. o.r.. ...9
f.!! Walt4J. Brahms .. o.o....... rr. ooo.... oo... o... ooo.oo...... o..10
l-{l BounderG.E Handel .ooo..oo....... oo..... oo............... o...ll
fZJ Thefiro Grenadiers,
R.Schumann.. o.....................
LqJ Themefrom 56Witchestl)ancet'rN.
Paganini ....... oo... o.... o......13
t2J Gavotte
fromttllignon"rA.Thomas .. oo.o..... ooo.o.. r. oo...... ...14
J.B.Lully... o.. oro.o.... o.oooo..o.... r. o.oo..o..... '..16
f --lr--
Minuetin G L.vgnBgethovgn of.o.... ooo.o.... o........ ?........lE
Minuet,L.Boccherini.o..oooo.o..o...... o..... o... oo.o...... o..lg
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Study Pointsfor Volume2
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Points d' Etude pour le Volume 2
Studium Hinweise fiir Bund 2
Puntosde Estudio para el Vol. 2
I . f-t'6t:. T t 6 r:tt&g v a - f' tlltlr'rf b : t
t: J'r < *'*6!lgt..t fiJ'-e -ti 6 " + ntrlb'lB+t:J
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,p*Et: rj r. A.h.ti htlirt t'>tttl.ll tL(tri b ti r\o
3. 4lfiatLt.t: J o (. [Lr.*f?. r].Lr'*t]. fi
L u. , ] a>l+16 t,1* b tL A"
1. The child should listen to the reference recordings
1. Das Kind sollte jeden Tag dic d.iesbeziigliche
every day at home to develop musical sensitivity. Rapid
Schallplutten-Aufnahme daheim anhdren, um seine
progress depends on this listening.
musikulische EmpJindsumkeit zu entwickeln Rascher
2.Tonalization, or the production of a beautiful tone,
Fortschritt hiingt von diesemZuhdren ab.
should be stressed in the lesson and at home.
2. Tbnftihrung oder das Heworbringen eines schdnen
3. Constant attention should be given to accurate
Tbnessollte im Unterricht und daheim besondersbetont
intonation, correct posture, and the proper bow hold.
3. Stiin dige Aufm erksamkeit sollte der genaa en
Intonierang, korrekter Haltung und richtiger
Bogenftihrung gezollt werden.
1. L'enfont devrait 1couter le disque de
1. El niffo debe escucharlos discos de referenciacada
rifdrence chaque jour d Ia maison, afin de d,ivelopper
dia en su casapara desarrollar sensibilidad musical. El
une sensibtlitd musicqle. Des progrds rapides
progreso r6pido dependede estaaudici6n.
ddpendentde cette audition.
2. Sonidizaci6n, o producci6n de un tono hermoso debe
2. La tonalisation, ou la production de beaux tons,
ser enfatizadaen la lecci6n y en casa.
devrait €tre travaillde pendant la legon et d la maison.
3. Una atenci6n constantedebe ser prestadaa una
3. Une attention constantedevrait €tre donnbeafin
afinaci6n exacta,postura correcta y la forma debida de
d'obtenir une intonation exacte,une posture correcte
sujetar el arco.
et une bonnetenuede I'archet.
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin